The Cocaine Turtle is one of the swampiest of swamp vermin.
What do these idiots think war is? It's simply politics taken to its logical conclusion.
What are the chances that the dam gets taken offline? During the hottest part of the year, when demand for electricity is at its highest?
Wait, that Olympic thing still happens?
Who knew?
I'll be happy to let you have all of the ones in my yard and at the lakes and rivers. I'm sick of getting eaten alive every time I mow my grass, do any yardwork, or go fishing.
I'm somewhat local (live in MT, working in Great Falls this week), haven't heard anything about this.
I don't know, I think they're pretty good during that period of free-fall just after being thrown out of a helicopter.
Because all anyone in the west cares about is acquiring currency and signalling their virtue.
Meanwhile, the Chinese are working to make all non-Chinese extinct.
And somehow, a large portion of the population never manages to make that connection.
This shit of creating tragedies to tug at heartstrings is so damn old.
Does anyone think for a second that Soros would ever drive? Especially a car that looks like it's in the same class as an Accord, Corolla, or the Ford or GM equivalent?
He's giving it posthumously to McCain.
McStain, the Manchurian Senator, should get a few dump trucks full of dog shit dumped on his grave. And not those standard size dump trucks that haul like 20 tons of gravel. Nah, the big dump trucks that the mining industry uses.
You make good points. And you're absolutely right. I guess I'm maybe a bit too certain that it's a false flag.
You're absolutely right. IMO, it's up to the legislative body in the other country to outlaw the actions, and the cops to bust offenders.
Agreed, but when has a pesky little thing like "constitutionality" ever stopped a legislature from writing laws, or cops/agents from enforcing them?
I suspect we'll find out before long.
Which state will be the first to criminalize going to another state to murder your baby? I've heard that there are federal laws that send people to prison for traveling to other countries to engage in sexual activity that's prohibited in the US, so the precedent has been set.
It'd be both hilarious and glorious to see females end up in prison for going to Klownifornia to murder their children.
Illegals flooding Germanistan, Francistan, Britanistan, Swedistan, and pretty much everywhere else in Europe.
No-Go zones for non-muzzies in European cities.
International socialism isn't even close to beaten in the US. We've slowed them a bit, we'll see if we can start pushing them back.
You're kidding, right? You forgot the /sarc?
Secure the area. Cordon it off. If was even pretending to investigate, they'd want every possible shred of evidence. The hero(es) might have left a scuff on the ground, a footprint, a cigarette butt. The explosives used leave chemical residue, and don't manufacturers put in chemical tags so investigators can determine where the compound came from?
I'd bet we're about to see the same kind of legislative fuckery that we saw after the OKC bombing and the WTC attack. Shit that won't even slow an actual terrorist, but can be used to prosecute Americans who engage in wrongthink.
Ok. I've only seen one. Is there any video available that starts minutes, or maybe even hours, before the explosion? Because everything I've found has been about 14 seconds long.
"Lost track". Right. That's code for "deposited into the pockets of democrats".
He is a piece of shit, he's always been a piece of shit, he'll die a piece of shit. I have zero sympathy for that commie faggotshitball. Fuck him, he deserves every bad thing that happens to him, ever.
All of them. As well as all the bureaucrats, agents, and various other parasites.
Let the bitch stay there. Hopefully the Russians still have a Siberian gulag or two running, and she can spend some quality time on the tundra.
That's a good question. Is there a website like "" or something?
False flag.
All camera footage I've seen was from one angle.
Only seconds before to seconds after the blast. Zero footage of whoever planted it. Zero description either.
The charge wasn't just something that some good ol'boys whipped up from hardware store chemicals, and it wasn't just placed on the ground next to the stone. It wasn't a true shaped charge, which would be less useful against stone than steel. It looks like it was tamped, because the force looks to be concentrated in one direction.
.Gov demolished the remains on the same day as the blast. Why so fast? That's not nearly enough time to do a proper investigation.
This will be used as an excuse to attack conservatives in particular, and anyone who isn't in 100% lockstep with the communists in general. Just like the bombing in Oklahoma City. A handy excuse to pass more anti-freedom laws. And just like the OKC bombing, they've already got a patsy who'll be arrested, given a show trial, and executed.
There are a LOT of simps in the world.