Is he trolling?
Not joking - maybe try ivermectin, won’t hurt. Who knows what else it may help with. 🤷♂️
Let’s get another variant out there so we can mandate a 5th booster and a quadruple jab variant destroyer!
He’s been yelling lately - not like him. Say what you will about the show, I know it’s a lot of what is already covered here. That said, he does a great job recapping the activities.
Shows 6.67 billion, did someone change it to 6.66 or did BB change it post initial to 6.67?
I’ve watched it 5x and passed along to everyone I know, absolutely brilliant -
This is what is bugging me - what about the fake ballots? If there aren’t fake ballots, despite the remote access, duplicate ballots and deleting DBs....the number don’t support what I believe is a landslide. Something isn’t right with all this, we are missing a huge piece or it isn’t there....and if it isn’t there I’m pretty disappointed.
I’m waiting for the results - but here is my general issue with the early data. What happened to all the vote switching and adjudication switches? If those two were true then the standard vote count would have yielded different results....hopefully I’m missing something.
Ya that has my puzzled right now
I’m open to remote workers with those skill sets - I need Cisco Engineers and Azure/AWS/On-Prem Windows Engineers. Message me and I will send you the links.
Not my original thoughts - forwarded along, good perspective.
She lost me with the hair extensions...
Totally agree - unvaxxed and in the best shape I could be and no existing conditions. I don’t take anything other than ibuprofen for long bike rides, helps the ass. I joked with my family we should have a vid party like the old chicken pox days. Get it over with and have natural immunities sooner than later if this thing mutates that much. You know something isn’t right when nobody in “control” is talking about natural immunities, it’s jab or nothing. This is all so unbelievable -
I’m sure it’s been shared already but the real sinister plan is to create a variant so lethal that it eventually wipes out the non-vaxxers. Which is majority conservative.....makes sense, poison the world in hopes to eliminate the lions and sheep get jabbed the rest of their lives or die. Talk about full compliance....argh, this is depressing.
Wenatchee! Right next to my home town -
He screwed it up - 2x Michigan and missed Arizona. That’s something I would do....
The teachers need to organize and protest this - I feel for you though, uphill battles for sure.
That’s what I was thinking - time delays
two weeks to flatten the curve
Ya - this is not the same category but still a bit shady. Had she purchased Phizer or Moderna then I would be pissed.
Ps - my company is now offering $500 to jab myself, I’m holding out for $5m
Hair is a bit different color on the sides - but the crooked pinch on the forehead between the eyebrows is dead ringer.