Mister_Winston 3 points ago +3 / -0

My favorite prank headline in that screenshot is "Heil Q."

Gotta love the chans.

Mister_Winston 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is strategic. Don't be surprised if the next pick is rejected too. The purpose is to reveal sleeper RINO's and spend the opposition's political capital.

Mister_Winston 11 points ago +11 / -0

J6 will be used for teaching normies how false flags work.

The outrage to come will assure the lesson will not be forgotten.

Mister_Winston 11 points ago +11 / -0

Interesting how the owner of Twitter now works for the owner of Truth Social. If only one of these owners controlled a media acquisitions company that could merge both platforms...

Mister_Winston 8 points ago +8 / -0

I really don't mind libs going full BlueAnon and broadcasting conspiracy theories. It's a healthier behavior than downloading all their thoughts from the MSM like robotic NPC's.

What I do mind is the hypocrisy of these same BlueAnons calling me a conspiracy theorist for vocalizing reasonable suspicions such as dead people on voter rolls.

Mister_Winston 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is correct. They know they're going down anyway, so they'd might as well fire off the entire stockpile of propaganda.

Mister_Winston 5 points ago +5 / -0

So it turns out feminists only care about female adults and not female children. Shocker.

Mister_Winston 8 points ago +8 / -0

I recently tried to show a normie the proof I had compiled of the normalization of pedophilia. She told me I'm dwelling on negative issues too much and I need to just live my life.

What this revealed is that most normies don't want to confront these issues until they're in their face and impacting them personally.

That's the reality of it.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

It makes some sense. Half of Jones' staff have a better sense of humor than Onion writers.

Mister_Winston 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm writing an essay on this Q post. It refers to the Mumlak model of modern slavery.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, they're saving that play for CNN.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the right question, but keep in mind that this video does zero to move the needle for libs and normies. Libs will scream that it must have been some MAGA-sympathizing security guard, end of story, and normies will believe them.

It's not until the MSM talking heads on the magic TV screens admit J6 was a false flag that normies will believe it. And libs will remain in denial for years if not forever.

Mister_Winston 3 points ago +3 / -0

No worries, it's still very useful data.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you have the raw data going back 12 years? I want to make a line graph comparing the Obama and Trump eras. This would prove the point to normies that massive corruption will be exposed.

I also want to make a similar line graph showing the number of children rescued from the trafficking networks over the years. People need to see and understand that there's no excuse for Bush and Obama not shutting them down like Trump did.

Both graphs would be strong evidence.

Mister_Winston 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is a white hat setup of his lawsuit against the CIA when it's declassified that Sandy Hook was a false flag. He'll be suing the CIA for over a billion in damages.

Remember, SCOTUS recently legalized suing the federal government. This will be one of the first claims against them.

Mister_Winston 1 point ago +1 / -0

This girl should be commended for swallowing her pride and admitting she was wrong. It's a rare ability, especially on the left.

Mister_Winston 45 points ago +45 / -0

Epic troll move by white hats. If Biden has been acting for five years, which I believe he was, libs are forced to dismiss it or else be considered crazy conspiracy theorists. Brilliant.

I think white hats will be pulling a lot of psyops on the left very soon that will cause them to adopt conspiracy theories, all of which will nudge them toward waking up.

Mister_Winston 4 points ago +4 / -0

Similar story to mine. I know no one in my real life I can talk with about Q. But I was also a normie and skeptic until the 2020 election steal, so I know how they think. I just don't know how to drag them into my world without sounding unhinged.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very good post. I hope you are right about the incremental redpilling.

Mister_Winston 11 points ago +11 / -0

They can't call it a comeback when he never lost.

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