Mister_Winston 17 points ago +17 / -0

That was my first reaction too. Then I remembered thinking in 2020 that Iran's strings were cut when Soleimani was whacked. Maybe this is the next phase where Iran reconstitutes as a republic while proceeding to join BRICS. Then the new government reveals Iran's role in smuggling for Uranium One among other crimes by the DS.

Mister_Winston 4 points ago +4 / -0

This means you have all the leverage now. Find others who were let go and class action the school. Make them pay for trying to force you to inject an experimental drug in your body.

Mister_Winston 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're referring to interest owed on debt. I'm talking about the expansion of money supply through borrowing which is really just printing money based on bonds, or as Greenspan used to spin it, "quantitative easing." Expansion of the money supply devalues the dollar, and higher interest rates stave inflation by deterring this kind of borrowing.

Higher interest rates are generally a policy response to rising inflation.


Mister_Winston 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure yet that white hats took over Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street. There are plenty of white hat and BRICS external actions that will force them to crash without infiltration being necesessary.

Also @holonabove says white hats are inflating fiat currency by raising interest rates. It's the other way around. Lower rates enable inflation, higher rates reel it in. I get the poster's point though.

Mister_Winston 1 point ago +1 / -0

A tour and deep exploration are two different prospects.

"Find a more congenial government." That's the point -- you can't. All governments have colluded on a universal prohibition. Which adds to the oddity of this situation.

Any number of well funded organizations could safely explore the inner terrain of the continent yet they do not or cannot. This issue deserves our skepticism.

Mister_Winston 3 points ago +3 / -0

I recenlty discovered there's no detailed satellite-imaged topology of Antarctica. On Google Earth, people have discovered photoshoppery like clone stamps.

Mister_Winston 3 points ago +4 / -1

There's only no prohibition on private travel around the perimeter and a bit inland. But if you want to go deeper, your government makes it impossible to gain approval. It's a very strange position for a government to take when no government owns the land. I've heard interviews of people who've tried to work with the system and get stonewalled. Then you must wonder why there are no flyover videos or pictures of inner Antarctica. Not saying there's an ice wall and woo-woo going on, but there's something down there they don't want us to see.

Mister_Winston 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't see how anyone would give up now. The stolen election is what woke me up to Q.

Mister_Winston 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm thinking it could be Melania because Q had to be someone who was always proximate to Trump but wouldn't arouse suspicion.

Mister_Winston 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe white hats yanked his puppet strings.

Lesson learned is that six months ago we were condemning this guy. We shouldn't allow ourselves to be so manipulated by plot twists that were written for normies.

Mister_Winston 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you.

Ginning up culutral debt over this topic is assinine.

Mister_Winston 7 points ago +7 / -0

Depends on why he would have the association. For instance, what if James Comey's name is in there? Or Laura Silsby?

Mister_Winston 13 points ago +13 / -0

I don't always get chills from government propaganda, but when I do, it's when military intelligence overtly taunts a global satanist cabal with a music video showing how they're going to defeat them.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

For me it was when W called Trump supporters terrorists after January 6th. It was a betrayal toward those of us who defended W for over eight years while he never defended himself. He always put the burden on us, then he backstabbed us.

Mister_Winston 4 points ago +4 / -0

I want the election fraud.

I want to see copious, excessive, gratuitous, and embarrassingly exorbitant volumes of election fraud washing over the entire US landscape like a diluvian tsunami.

I want my liberal friends and family to sheepishly and ashamedly defend the election fraud out of misplaced loyalty. I want them to feel embarrassed and stupid while doing it.

Then I want them to get angry at their Democrat political heroes for setting them up to feel so stupid for defending obvious lies and treason. I want them to feel ten times the regret that conservatives had for defending George W Bush's WMD.

I want them utterly demoralized so their liberal programming crashes like a Windows OS in beta testing.

So yes, please pass more election fraud billls so we can burn down this temple of con artists and pedos. The only way out is straight through.

Mister_Winston 7 points ago +7 / -0

I love posts about the drops. Whether I agree with the interpretations or not, we need more of this.

Mister_Winston 8 points ago +8 / -0

There are times I want to immigrate to Russia. But then I would be at fault for the same criticism that I direct toward immigrants to the US, which is that they need to fix the problems in their own country instead of transplanting their culture into another land.

Mister_Winston 0 points ago +2 / -2

Don't apologize. If someone wants to focus on your word choice instead of the content of your statement, then that person does not intend on having intellectually honest debate.

Mister_Winston 1 point ago +3 / -2

Exactly. Thanks for posting.

I'm disappointed that criticism of Israel means refraining from condemnation of Hamas and Hezbollah. We should know by now to never align with the left on anything. Ever.

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