Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll say it again.


It used Proof of Authority for authentication, and the central authority that controls that Proof of Authority has ultimate control over you. Don't do what that central authority likes? They can simply remove you as a licensed authenticator.

XRP is the globalists scheme to hide their true intentions behind the veneer of decentralization.

Only Proof of Work tokens like Bitcoin are truly decentralized.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

For anyone who is military:

I thought that any appearance in uniform with a presidential candidate during an election cycle was strictly forbidden. So unless Trump was there in his capacity as CiC, wouldn't the request for him to attend have been denied? Who can elaborate on the details of the military policy on this?

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why does this make me think they may be intentionally holding back ships near the "homeland" for what is coming?

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is finding one of something doesn't convey any meaning.

If the intent was to provide absolute proof of intelligent design in the universe, then it would require a long series of systems that possessed some quality in an unnatural sequence, like prime numbers.

Not that this particular planetary system isn't interesting, but it isn't going to convince anyone who isn't already convinced.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agreed. Don't know what her real story is, but she does have 2 adopted children from Haiti. I wish we lived in a world where I could say that isn't incredibly suspicious.

Monomial 7 points ago +7 / -0

Can anyone find the original source for that 129?

It looks like it was photoshopped in with a non standard font. I can't find it anywhere on the actual il Donaldo Trumpo posts.

Monomial 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's funny, because I am a member of a crypto group that is composed primarily of relatively wealthy Democrats. I am the sole Trump supporter. And they are convinced that exactly the OPPOSITE is true. That the DNC convention has been a smashing success. So much better than the putrid RNC convention, and that America is now flocking to Harris and away from that orange Hitler.

They genuinely believe that this Democratic convention was the best in history, that it was so uplifting and unifying, and that finally the Trump era is over.

You can laugh all you want, but they are serious. You have to understand that the primary voting block for the Democrats, the wealthy liberals, are completely missing what we see.They quite simply will not accept it if Trump wins. Get prepared for a lot of people to go off the rails screaming about cheating in November.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was just watching this earlier. Seems like a recent coordinated effort to raise awareness about these "vaccines".


This Dr. claims the real purpose of the tetanus vaccine is to limit fertility.

Monomial 5 points ago +5 / -0

Of course assets of the Mossad can be fined. That was his purpose. And it was for exactly the same reason Fox paid a hefty fee to Dominion for "defamation".

It's a great way for them to discourage anyone else from doing it while controlling all the pieces.

But don't worry about them. The deep state has ways of making sure their controlled opposition agents are made whole again.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

And they are going to allow me personally to remove and inspect each and every bar? Or do I need to accept some banker/bureaucrat's word for it?

Proving you have gold requires trust. I don't trust them. Do you? Bitcoin requires no trust. It was designed that way.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

This only works if people comply. If they ever tried to remote shutdown my A/C I would simply bypass the electronics. The efficiency of my hack may suck, but a compressor and condenser fan are not hard to operate manually. I'd probably just find a happy medium for the thermal expansion valve and use it like a static capillary tube to start. Instructions on how to bypass the nonsense would quickly spread, and become ever more sophisticated as people just replaced the smart electronics with homegrown dumb electronics.

No, the only way they can control this is smart meters that shut off the power completely.

And then we get into bypassing the electric meter...which is done all the time in 3rd world countries, and I suspect would become commonplace in the US if they started to get draconian about it. After all, crimes don't matter any more. So really rolling blackouts are the only solution. And we've already got those today.

Monomial 2 points ago +3 / -1

Jesus appearing won't work. People will just think it's a trick. And true history won't have any meaning. People are so conditioned to their narratives they won't accept it.

A terror attack I doubt would wake people up. Instead, they would go cowering to the government for protection, giving up even more of their liberties in the process for safety. Unless you let the government completely fall and millions to die, and then many would probably just surrender and accept their fate as slaves and refugees. A few would become vigilantes and warlords. This is a dystopian future which wouldn't end well.

  1. Total financial collapse, and
  2. Genuine threat of all out nuclear catastrophe

I think those are the only possibilities. People have to believe they have lost everything in the current model, but that they still have choices. That is when they will actively start looking to the future rather than protecting what little they have left.

It's going to have to be pretty bad to shake America out of its stupor. It's not going to be pleasant for any of us. As Q says. Pain. It's not just for the pedophiles.

Monomial 4 points ago +4 / -0

Around 29 minutes into the interview:

"[Biden] had a low IQ 30 years ago, but now he might not even have an IQ at all. There is nothing on the board that even goes that low."

I think Trump just told everyone, yet again, that Biden is dead.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

The human brain is a funny thing. When it has been so programmed to look for darkness that it simply filters out light, light becomes an ineffective tool to expose the darkness.

Instead, you need to swamp it with darkness. You need to push so much darkness that it becomes overwhelmed.

Consider you are looking at a picture of nothing but noise, and you've trained your brain to look for patterns of green in that noise. You begin to filter everything that isn't green, until you can see all the subtle patterns of green. Shoving something red in front of you won't matter. But, if you make the entire screen green, if green becomes so ubiquitous that there simply is nothing else, then you can no longer see patterns of green. There's too much of it. In that case, your brain finally flips and realizes it is easier to search for "anti-green" It's only at that point you can introduce red in a meaningful way.

This is a bad metaphor for the precipice, or alternatively how you can only break bad habits when you have reached rock bottom. We need to push to the point that any more green just overwhelms them with too much signal, and they begin seeing the noise again. Because what they've been filtering as noise is actually the truth.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a stronger argument, but the RNC and the DNC have different bylaws. What works for the Democrats may not be possible for the Republicans.

Ultimately I'm not sure this is going to matter anyway. Both Trump and Scavino have hinted that the Joe is going to contest this in Chicago anyway, so we're all still speculating on how this is going to resolve itself.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

Doesn't matter what any of us think. By being ruled eligible to run on the Biden's ticket as VP, she has already been vetted as eligible to run for president. The requirements for VP and President are identical.

I wish everyone would stop hoping for things that have already been settled. YOU can disagree all you want, but THEY have decided she is eligible. And if you wanted to protest, you needed to do that 4 years ago. It's going to be an exceedingly hard argument to make at this point.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

A week ago I would be inclined to agree with you, until I saw Trump and Scavino pushing that Brandon might be crying foul during the DNC convention in Chicago.

"Trump" certainly can't bring on any arrests until most are awake. But an internal squabble within the Democrat Party? Maybe with Biden releasing damning documents and making compromising statements while they try and shut him up and 25th him out of office?

That could absolutely result in arrests without the public becoming awake and aware to what is really going on.

Monomial 3 points ago +3 / -0

As it was taught to me in school many moons ago:

A Republic is government by the people using a power sharing algorithm that attempts to balance power among competing factions. The factions are key here, as less populous factions may receive equal influence in government to more populous factions.

A Democracy is a government by the people using a strict 1 man/1 vote proportional rule.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't verified their timing yet, but if it's true that they minted 1717 tokens 58 days before the first Q drop, it's pretty convincing evidence that Q has always been secretly pro Bitcoin. I'll have to dig into this when I have more time and convince myself this guy isn't just blowing smoke.

Thanks for posting.

Monomial 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did anyone ever figure out what [C]oats meant? Seems fairly obvious that if August is hot, you wouldn't need a coat. So is this telling us that we have to get through more nonsense in August, then expect a cold period of indeterminable length, before we finally get to the declassification of anything?

Just curious how others interpret this.

Monomial 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bitcoin Cash was a blatant attempt by Jihan Wu and Micree Zhan (co founders of Bitmain) to split the fledgling bitcoin community and sell more mining equipment. They spent millions pushing Bitcoin Cash trying to make it a real competitor. With their mining equipment and low difficulty rate on the BCH chain, they held nearly all the BCH in the early days, and desperately needed to create a market place for it. No. BCH is most certainly NOT a white hat op, unless you believe the white hats needed the Chinese to make it work.

BSV is even worse. Craig Wright is the world's worst scam artist, laughably trying to convince people that he was Satoshi, when he can't even be remote placed with Nick Szabo. While nobody is 100% sure what person or group represents Satoshi Nakamoto, Bayesian Analysis of the writings in the early days shows that Nick is almost certainly one of the people who wrote the early emails under the pseudonym.

And what was the big controversy back then?

Whether or not to make larger blocks so more transactions could be included at a cheaper price (BCH), or whether they wanted to keep the existing block size and separate out some non essential components to allow more space inside the traditional 4MB size (BTC). There were technical reasons for both approaches. If keeping the 4MB block size and going to SEGWIT was a black hat operation, it was a damn good one, because there was very little psychology involved in the discussions during those days. They were purely technical discussions about the plusses and minuses of both sides. But the real reason I think BTC won out is precisely because Bitmain was so hated. As soon as they publicly sided with BCH, the deal was sealed.

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