MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

The proper way to use the covid cash.

by Quelle
MordenGeist 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile, much like a Tomahawk we still use to destroy targets from Warships.

Source: Me. 24 yr War Vet, trained as an Aircraft Mishap Investigator (one MANY hats I wore), and 1st-hand up close (touching) knowledge of the aftermath of a cruise missile strike on buildings.

In Iraq, for one of many examples, there were 30-story business towers whose base floors were near half way blown out and the damn thing was still standing. Holes in other buildings were identical to the one in the Pentagon: Massive impact destruction, a little fire from leftover burnables, but NOTHING like an aircraft loaded with jet fuel. Had a an aircraft truly hit that, massive burning would have ensued all over...both in and outside that building impact site. Yet the grass was green, nothing was shown to have been warped by intense heat and the only fire was INSIDE where wood, paper, and other burnables were located.

Aside from this, coming from my AMIC background, lets state something obvious: The engines of an aircraft are the heaviest and most dense metals any aircraft has. Typically made of Alloy steels, Magnesium (some not all), Titanium, and other extremely tough alloys to withstand the rigors of jet propulsion.

With the above in mind, and the alleged aircraft punch through: Where's the luggage strewn about of a full plane? None. Bodies? None. Do you see any impact points of 2-4 (depending on aircraft) LARGE dense engines on the initial entry? None. If those engines impacted, you WOULD see 2-4 small impact points, as the hole is smaller than the wingspan. A commercial airliner doesnt fold its wings up like a kingfisher duck before it crashes, it goes full-on swan dive all the way. You WOULD see those engine hits, yet they arent there. OP's video shows this, as do initial photos before the collapse.

With that in mind, what you DO see is a perfectly punched hole that went thru all rings, the smallest hole ending in the interior courtyard. THAT is what a cruise missile with a penetrator warhead is designed to do. Basically a "bunker buster".

No plane hit that building.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Way ahead of the curve, General. Military taught me to be a leader and by God that is what I am doing.

Haven't complied since all this boondoggle began and have encouraged others to find the will to do the same. I've had much success, if I'm honest.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

but if not we spend an eternity here on earth

Hence reincarnation. Ancient cultures were very in tune with this aspect, that we are returned again and again until we get it right.

I suspect I'll be giving it another go at some point. Even though I believe in God and Jesus as the way to salvation, I have led a less than admirable go in this current meatsack that is my identity.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Went thru every comment and gave "Helpful" to those shunning this trash (1 stars), and "Report Abuse" to every positive comment.

...then left my own.

Absolutely disgusting.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Known this since the day it happened. Pointed out all the anomalies in everything to people and they were so tuned into what the TV was telling them, they turned off their ability to analyze and think.

The Shock and Awe wasn't for Hussein, it was for the American Public..

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Literally the stupidest shit I've heard so far. GTFOH

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

have you ever had a twitter or fakebook account? Have you ever seen a tik tok vid?

Yes, those people exist in far larger numbers than I'm comfortable with...

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bingo. This is asking for trouble.

Good intentions, but shit dont work that way.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perfectly captured/represented their retarded circular logic. Well done.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depends: 1) How much balls do theyhave as individuals, 2) How much balls do they have to organize and make it a team effort, 3) Will their balls stand up as one if the Stasi comes.

Allowing those Fascist cunts to single one person out in a crowd should not happen. Rush and woop those cops asses a time or ten and they'll calm the F down to begin respecting the citizenry again.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty sure that boats already sailed. Abbot fucked up in 2020 and no one i know is forgiving him for it.

We're looking to get that cucked S.O.B. out. Either Chad Prather or Allen West are most i know top two picks right now.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Told my employer this just today.

I grew up in the country on a farm and know how to play chicken.

I aint dodgin. Bring it on, bitches. I'll own the fuckin company by time its over.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just had to explain this to the wife. She was wiggin' out about it and told her to relax.

Once I explained all the legal to her, she calmed down.

In short, told her to tell anyone thats asks or demands her to get a shot without her express consent to go fuck themselves...and she has a LOT of legal firepower behind her when she does.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

But not the only one with aborted fetal cells as part of the makeup. Ergo, it falls within the parameter. Do your research.

We've been duped for years and years and years...but because of the WuFlu, a lot more people are now aware of it. That's the only difference.

MordenGeist 7 points ago +7 / -0

And so went every once-grand beautiful city: Democrat in charge, city goes to Hell.

Every. Single. Time.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like where your mind is at, pede. Very interesting indeed.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Easy. Sue their asses off for discrimination, assassination of character, and mental anguish. Tell the lawyer/lawfirm he/they can have more than typical fee on a win to make it hurt as much as possible.

If people start doing this en-masse, this shit would stop. It keeps happening because people wont step up.

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Propaganda and Fear porn.

Stay the course. Keep your wits. Stand strong.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where I work, there's absolutely zero question of who stands where on what issues.

...course we're all ex-mil DoD contractors, so there's that. haha

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Will have to take your word on it....I dont know any Amish to converse with to find out.

MordenGeist 7 points ago +7 / -0

Add this in the mix: You pay off everything, lived there all your life and you miss a property tax payment: same result.

Everyone thinks we have private property. We don't. Try not paying property taxes on a property you 100% own.

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