by gamepwn
MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

What sort of accountability process is there for the giving of an unlawful order?

What is SUPPOSED to happen is an investigation on the unlawful order and who gave it and why. Depending on severity of the order; i.e. did it cause or would it cause certain death, disability, or otherwise deplete the capability of forces under your command. This is outside a combat environment, mind you, as it gets a hell of a lot more complicated in a battlezone where a plethora of factors contribute to what constitutes an "unlawful order". Being commanded to fire upon civilians without cause, for instance, is an unlawful order.

I digress.

The simple fact of this is, for this context, the order would have and did kill, disable, and depleted morale and readiness force-wide. At the very least, whomever gave the order is mandatory removed from that position (fired), showing lack of ability to command, and the order remanded immediately. Troops having confidence in their command is a high priority. When that trust is breached by the very ones giving the unlawful order, the brave ones who know its bullshit will make a stand and refuse that order. This creates dysfunction in an organization that requires functionality 24/7. This is backed up by the Armed Forces own legal framework, known as the Uniformed Code of Military Justice or just "UCMJ".

Do you think the sheer scale will lead to any semblance of justice for those who have been wronged by the decision?

This hinges directly on those refusing ability to band together and see it through with the resolve they should have as being an American and American Military Member. They must see it thru legally and politically, never back down, and call any threat they get thrown at them. The means exists to win, if they seek it.

by gamepwn
MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

It takes forever.

First some context: I'm a 24yr (ret) USAF/AFSOC SMSgt

Speaking as removing 3 POS from the military myself, and been co-signatory on a few more, it all depends on the individuals history of behavior in the military. A good supervisor will document both good and bad accomplishments/behavior on each of his/her troops and keep it on file for yearly performance reports. These things matter, no matter how big or small the notation.

A troop with a lot of bad marks, and documented properly, will take no more than 2 weeks (or less) to be removed from service once the decision process has begun to remove him/her. Improper documentation allows a few to slip thru the cracks that shouldn't but then the supervisor takes the hit on their yearly for not doing their job.

Point: if it takes a long time to get someone out, it's because they have nothing to justify the process. This is why it's taking so long for these folks: Refusing the jab was, by the UCMJ, a legal decision on their part as it was an unlawful order. "The Machine" is having to fabricate justification for their removal to prevent the appearance of being at fault. In the military, the appearance of something often overrides the truth or facts of a given situation; i.e. they'll make shit up before they admit being at fault.

MordenGeist 8 points ago +8 / -0

... and then panic over the static discharge before turning the channel.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Know exactly what you're saying. Spent most of the mid to late 90s and 2k's either in Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Africa, or Afghanistan. Had a buddy that enjoyed playing with his salt gun...think it was around 2006-2007.

Always told him he was surrounded, and he threw the Bastogne retort from the Airborne at me. Cheeky bastard haha.

MordenGeist 11 points ago +11 / -0

Correct. A quick glance through History will easily confirm this.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +3 / -1

Just one more marker to denote it was a False Flag event for gun control. This happens in every event, without exception, and is a clear as day key marker of what it really is/was.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great excuse to get them far inland. Should have dropped them from the back of a C-17 over Mexico City, Mexico.

by BQnita
MordenGeist 8 points ago +8 / -0

Almost everyone does. Lifelong Dems are swearing to never vote Democrat again and are admitting they were wrong about Trump. They were caught up in the bullshit and see with Biden how wrong they were.

"They must be shown..." -Q

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was thinking more of the multi-colored parade fag with dildos stuck all over, but this works too.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Clever 80's reference there 😉

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Former Airforce (ret) here. We have that already at Thule Airbase, Greenland, now under USSF control. Thule AB has been there for quite some time with this mission.

So, now, here's something to really chew on: Airforce bases are typically named after someone or the town they're near; e.g. "Patrick AFB", Eglin AFB", "Travis AFB", "Spangdahlem AFB", etc. This is one of the only ones that is not but named after a Greek name for an ancient civilization of Hyperboreans far to the North. Why? There's your nugget if you enjoy ancient history (not myth as academia would want you to believe).

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Intended effects, not side effects.

The Vax was not and did not prevent any of its advertised target result.

Many of us laid all this out over 2 years ago and were called crazy. Everything, not a single miss, has all come to pass.

MordenGeist 7 points ago +7 / -0

One of the main reasons I stick around here is posts like this. Highly relevant and current, intelligently laid out, sauce links, and corroborating evidence to back up the main point(s).

Damn fine job!👍

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Odds are. My observations and conversations as well...every one so far.

MordenGeist 6 points ago +6 / -0

Most are pretty well easy to spot, TBH. Occasionally when one comes at me, I enjoy picking them, their pseudo-logic, and smooth brain attempts to make a point apart. It's entertaining for a bit but it gets boring fast. Like trying to explain algebra to a golden retriever (dumbest dog breed I know).

Tip: have fun with their BS, overload them with logic, and watch their own narratives implode on top of them.

...or just deport if not in the mood😉

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

The " ask your doctor" line is nothing to the informed. It's for sheep who must be told what do, how to live their lives. A means of propagating pharmaceutical poison and raking in cash. For example, If you see it on TV, it isn't good for anyone. The US is the ONLY country in the world that advertises pharma poison as if it were on the same level as toilet paper.

Anons were giving mega-tons of info on how to combat, prevent, or refuse extraneous " recommendations" when the whole covid BS kicked off, as early as December 2019. I know, I was one of them.

In short, we agree, just had to get that off my chest.

MordenGeist 8 points ago +8 / -0

You can't use classification to cover up crimes though.

JFK enters the chat

Yes, they can, and have been for a very very long time. Is it legal? No. Has that stopped them on anything? No. We arent dealing with those who follow law.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gotta keep things fresh. Most people, even some self proclaimed Anons, have attention spans of a goldfish

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Takei has taken too much bedroom wall blunt trauma to the forehead from getting slammed from behind.

Ignore this faggot, his brain is scrambled.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I simply preferred another label than the one you "proudly" wear and gave clear examples as to why . You attacked me for it. Thus now engaged, I corrected your lack of self awareness on the fallacy of being prideful over a derogatory term used by Government to quell those asking important questions. Perhaps read and analyze your own comments to see how we got here, if that's within your ability to deconstruct.

No science required.

Edit: Frankly this is boring. Trying to explain logic to you is like asking a Golden Retriever to solve for X. Impossible, hence the reference. Bark away, I'm done.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well stated, and very true. Updoots!

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