MordenGeist 6 points ago +6 / -0

This. Its called predictive programming.

Saturate. Overinflate.

The masses ignore the real threats when they appear.

by BQnita
MordenGeist 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yep, just like Putin is doing. Hence the Russia bad tropes.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Haha thats probably one of the best chance encounter stories I've heard in ages. Thanks!🀣

MordenGeist 14 points ago +14 / -0

That last bit truly exemplifies the deluded hysteria of it all. People would rather freeze and pay double than exercise a little critical thought and logic to things.

Reasons i truly hate crowds; i can feel a miasma of swirling stupid and it unnerves me worse than being back in the military in Iraq and Afghanistan.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Been singing this with a choir of others for many many years now. You can trace its beginning (of the end) to 1963 when the supreme clowns took prayer and God out of school. Just look at whats happened since to present day.

MordenGeist 8 points ago +9 / -1

What in the cinnamon toast crunch hell? ROFL, these MFers...i swear 🀣🀣

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

you might have to outrun 5-6 maskees at once...

And that right there is why you need a high capacity mag for every weapon you own.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

That reply tho. Damn, i felt the burn thru my phone. Priceless!haha!

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dammit, I've been out of state a few months for my job and just returned last week. So it's just Him and Beat-off?


MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. Hell no. Chad Prather and Allen West were a toss up best choice but looks like I missed the primaries. Just got back to town after being out of state since December.

FFS, looks like another term of Abbott....

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tri-Sodium Phosphate (TSP) and the dyes like Red 40 (Food Red No. 40), which is actually Allura Red AC which is actually naphthalenesulfonic acid. These mix in the stomach creating a semi-toxic environment. This causes the nausea and, for some, vomiting. The more you eat over time, the more it builds up, and the more pronounced the reactions.

...not to mention the glyphosates sprayed on the crops that make the "cereal" (grain) that get thru.

Easy searches for any of this can be done and will be listed as "Conspiracy Theory"...but we all know how that works out. BTW, TSP is in many cereals, as is glyphosates but in "safe levels" according to the FDA, which is the real Conspiracy.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +5 / -1

Abbott is consistently all hat and no cattle.

Which is why a lot of Texans are beyond fed-up with his BS and will be voting against him next round of Governorship. We want this jackass out.

MordenGeist 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Guerilla" is the word yer looking for....unless you meant literally Gorillas trained to warfare, which, I gotta say, sounds pretty awesome πŸ˜‚

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ugh, a "Do you agree" or "Repost and like if you agree" account. I used to block them outright before I was purged. You dont need to say that in a post; people will agree or disagree or repost if they feel like it. It's just a vapid ploy for clicks.

But as for the actual question: I trust nobody. Comes from a lifetime of getting burned.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, I get it: The whole #metoo feminazi BS can easily cascade into some deep doodoo for a Man, which in itself is a crime.

What I was rebuking was the general statement that "Making a girl mad..." is an overused trope that needs to be abolished. The whole "happy wife, happy life" BS exists because weak Men allow it to happen. What about the Man's happiness? Does it matter? Not to them it doesn't.

A real relationship is based on making each other happy, not just one or the other, else it isn't a relationship...that's ownership.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe a male would allow that to happen, but not a Man. No woman controls a Man in that manner and any "Man"(male) who allows that need to have their fake ID Man card revoked. A real Man would kick that bitch to the curb for even trying it.

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, he should probably put something in there for context saying it's a joke. When people put stuff like that in a post, even here at GAW, with no contextual basis, you have to take it for what it's worth.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no statute against Constitutional Violation: Treason, sedition, subversion are high level state crimes and they can nail your ass to the wall on your deathbed for it.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's all that and more: Enabling terrorist organizations to chat freely (Taliban, BLM, Anti-Fascist groups, etc), pornography, trafficking, etc. It's all there, yet ban someone for speaking up about it with twatter page proofs.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oook, well it seemed extremely vague...like...not even a subtle clue to that. It reads, straight up, like you were dooming GME, which made me do a doubletake like WTFLOL?

but aight then...πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

by IAmOne
MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

They died long before that, but election night was just them tipping their hand so far that everyone could see it.

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