The cabal runs all countries, and has run all countries since time immemorial. Certain groups/tribes/cultures/outposts resisted the cabal throughout history, but all eventually fell.
The Germanic peoples or central/northern Europe, often mislabeled in establishment false history books and Hollyweird films as "barbarians" or "uncivilized" (meaning, not under the thumb of the "civil/serf/legal" powers) were the last stronghold that fought off the Roman ("Civil nation") incursions for centuries.
The United States had a few brief windows of partial freedom (1776-1811), (1838-1859) but the "Civil War" (see that word again?) was the end of what the founders had intended.
Here's the good news OP; the cabal are losing and have technically lost, which is evidenced in the large numbers of people waking up to the same. As Q said, when the people wake up, their reign is over. When we stop BELIEVING what they're selling, it's game over.
We all lead in our small circles of family, friends, co-workers, etc. My 3 step process to speeding things up is: 1. Become aware 2. Spread awareness 3. Withdraw your participation and attention from the cabal's offerings.
Step one requires one to stop blindly believing in authorities/experts as they are largely wrong about most of what they think they know as well as examining some of your beliefs, established when you were a young child, and being willing to question whether they're true or not. Step two requires courage to not be afraid to speak up and break away from the herd mentality in order to "go along to get along". Once you're comfortable with the first two steps, the third step quickly becomes your natural behavior. My experience with others I've red-pilled over the yeas is that the hard part is breaking away from the herd.
As Gandhi said long ago, "Be the change you want to see in the world". This is the way forward. No "leader" is going to fix anything for us. We must do it individually first which will then influence the collective and eventually, the "100th monkey effect" will occur.
Stay strong and Godspeed OP!
Which makes the OPs point. What is D.C. but the ultimate example of this? Denver is just catching up....
The establishment is trying to prop Peterson up as a truth-teller but he'll never be anything more than a limited hangout as he's totally controlled with his new multi-million dollar contract with Daily Wire, handled by Shapiro.
Does this mean NoVax finally gets to play in the U.S. (aka "Banana Republic") Open this year? He'll literally be on a mission to destroy everyone if so, just to prove his point.
YW. Let me know if you have any questions. Been studying for over 2 years now.
Artificial culture on steroids.
Arise each morning thanking the creator for all you have, and then DEMAND with sincere desire to receive greater and greater wisdom, thanking the creator for bestowing this great gift upon you in advance.
In a short while, you will never be lost or confused about anything ever again.
I'm sorry for the loss of your husband, but you are right, this is indeed exactly what he would want you to do to stay strong, wise and composed in the face of unpredictable times.
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
So they say. But who can prove any of it?
Well, technically speaking, from my own personal experiences, I can only prove perhaps a dozen cases I've dealt with thus far where I had head CT scans.
But the guy who figured it all out proved literally every single dis-ease via this same method. Not only that he harmonized the brainCT with the organ/tissue changes along with the psyche/conflict theme. Utterly remarkable.
And if that wasn't enough, he figured out that there was actually a "biological purpose" for our dis-eases, rather than the insane dis-ease models that we've been indoctrinated into believing in. Beyond remarkable. He was truly a genius of remarkable ability.
And that's why you've almost certainly never heard of him of course.
But I'm referencing the one and ONLY health modality that actually CAN "prove it". Scientifically no less. Whereas every other popular health modality cannot prove a single one of their unsupported hypothesis as to dis-ease causation.
Why are you so completely convinced I can't prove it? Admittedly, this seems to be the most common reaction I hear from people, but I don't understand why that is?
Rather than telling me I can't prove it, why not instead ask me if I can prove it?
All dis-ease arises via unexpected conflicting life situations...but nobody wants to hear it. Good times!
Yeah, that sounds about right to me. It's so weird that so many of our alleged "leaders" can only get like 2 or 3 out of 10 things right. Haven't been able to figure it out to this day.
That's right. The FDR regime took the "Trading with the Enemy Act" of 1917, rewrote it to include all natural-born men and women on the land and soil known as USofA. Only "U.S. Citizens" are "not" the enemy, but rather their peons and serfs.
Good times!
There's like 150 hours of Lentz giving advice to a wide variety of callers on the "Craig Lynch" YouTube channel. I consider listening to it all the base education people need if they ever want to be free.
The reason I'm always harping on unicorn-schmiruses not existing is for precisely garbage like this. They've already admitted they're going to deliver another scamdemic again (Gates, Fauci, etc.) and yet people are unwilling to research this topic of phake unicorns, choosing instead to BELIEVE and go along with the 150+ year cabal propaganda campaign known as germ theory.
He's a mixed bag, generally I don't trust him, nor Anna Von Reitz. Both share a whole bunch of useful information, but mixed in with that information is erroneous, unproven or outright incorrect information. Both David and Anna have studied this legal/lawful realm for more than 20 years. This enables them to be able to handle themselves in the face of most situations. Thus, their stories of success are a result of their knowledge and understanding. Suggesting you just need to submit some notices, documents, affidavits to Secy of State, County Recorders, etc. and then you're suddenly free of the legal system is so completely misleading as to be a joke. It takes way more than this.....wayyyyyy more.
At the end of the day, it's nearly impossible to operate in society without using your "strawman" when it benefits you. Submitting a few documents can help, but it's only a start.
My favorite guy is Karl Lentz. He totally figured the sham out on his own. He "gets it" like nobody else. His basic stance is that you have to EMBODY and BE your true self, the man/woman. If you don't do this, in action, thought and deed, you're never going to succeed. As he says, "it's a lifestyle".
But like David & Anna, Karl understands the legal system through and through and therefore understands how to handle himself when situations arise. This is how and why most of their followers always fail. They don't understand what's happening and need their hands held every step of the way in a legal situation, otherwise they get walked over.
Thus - continued learning, researching, understanding, and above all else, EMBODYING your true nature is the only "system" that will ever work IMHO.
Anybody got sauce on RFK Jr. talking about dems "rigging the primary"? Did he also say they rigged the election?
No doubt they snuffed out some significant titles in that window of time.
100% shill. The legal/lawful/patriot community is filled with big talkers that have produced little results. I think David Wynn Miller had some successes within the mortgage arena and figured some things out, but their quantum grammar stuff is really all a sham.
Gould can't deliver the goods. Here are a couple recent reviews that are long and wordy where Chris Rice talks about all the lawful gurus he's dealt with for the past 5 years, including Gould. Like many others I've heard speak of Gould, he has nothing but negative things to say. Chris Rice has interviewed at least 50 different people in this arena so his opinion holds weight. I'm in general agreement with his assessments.
Long (2hrs40min) - Legal Fiction Part 1
Pretty long (1hr50mins) - Legal Fiction part 2 -
The whole "status correction" push is filled with pot holes, problems and a great many unknowns. Having studied this now for a good 6 years I can tell you with certainty that if you're interested in this legal-lawful chicanery, your best defense is a great deal of education and research - not submitting a few notices, documents and affidavits. In many cases I believe doing such can get you labeled an "enemy of the state" in fact.
I'm of the opinion that "taking practical steps to detox" is a form of panic in and of itself. Fear motivates the effort. And I'm speaking exclusively about a jab detox, if such a thing is even possible BTW. I've seen no compelling evidence that any detox program will, should or could work as everybody is guessing about what the jab ingredients really are/were. Not to mention the fact that I believe the vast majority of the population likely only got saline shots. As such, I wouldn't recommend even attempting a detox program unless someone is suffering some nasty symptoms that can only really be attributed to the jab.
And to be clear, I'm not talking about a general liver/colon/kidney detox routine which is a healthy thing to do from time to time.
100% agreed. I'll see your "nefarious library administrators" and raise you this -> The prime directive of ALL of our mainstream institutions is to hide truth and promote falsehoods. It's their primary function. Doh!
It's a fun little rabbit holw journey to look into the people who are most prominent in the "rare/antique book" marketplace should you ever get curious. Their job is to purchase and shelve the many books from both our distant and recent past (pre 1900) that don't support the dominant narrative. They've got it all locked up, as with all our other large institutions.
I've come to the conclusion that any book written after 1930 is quite likely worthless. Sure, there are always exceptions, but this is my general rule of thumb. On top of that, the authors prior to this period were exponentially better and clearer writers IMHO.
Things that make you go hmmmmm?
Good dig OP. Here's a very recent interview of Mike Gill (3/23/23). He has a remarkable story to tell and he's clearly not lying: