dang , already deleted....wanted to see the other photos
I liked the Trump vs Bibi stuff
A nice compilation of Bibi vs Trump stuff
Like Uncle Junior visiting Tony after the failed hit? Like Michael Corleone meeting with Hymen Roth after the failed hit?
Oh? Tell me more about the part regarding the date being coded into that broken/glass/dollar bills photo
What does UNRwA have to do with Oct 7 ?
This reminds me of the time Uncle Junior went to visit Tony after the failed hit.
Space Force could be used to hinder certains aspects of the cheating, like the transferring of false data to the machines.
I like this one , very normie friendly , quick reads so he doesnt have to commit much time to deciding if he would like to hear more.
Many people cant see this one, I didnt see it at first at first but you have to look in the negative portion and when you see it , like the old meme goes , you will shit bricks.
I never thought it was THE TRUMP, just a clue from the WH that Trump was always going to be behind biden in some way....just like that reflection in the mirror post from Biden https://i.postimg.cc/TY9XqdWf/449662013-7747781422005159-1856850772417426424-n.jpg
The WH were tellling us early on, along with the umpteen other clues, that something more was going on.
Maybe maybe not,,,,but since when do THEY follow procedure?
this one is obvious to US,,,,but a normie will NEVER understand those connections.
fk Zuck.....but who knows maybe he got his strings cut?
He and Dana White seem chummy
It propbably wont work, try anyway, BUT there are videos on Rumble that have done much of the heavy lifting to save you time.....
go through this series and I think you will find stuff
She learned from all those people around Ashli Babbit on J6 when she got "shot".
None of them reacted in a manner than we would expect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8PQnFPbyXs
Gotta love the WH sense of humor
so its just a way to have less risk for more potential gain ?
how much are the warrants....do you have a link to where you can buy?
Just because many on the Left go with the fake narrative doesnt mean its necessarily wrong, its just that the intent (if faked) is different depending on perspective.
Left says WH fakes for popularity
Anon say its faked for other reasons ....One reason is awakening purposes , including waking up the left to the idea of psyops and false flags, which they ALWAYS deny.
Money well spent.
Had to look up IOF, learned something new today.