MrsBitterButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

10M+ views on YT, over 15M on Spotify. Not to mention the 1000's and 1000's of views on other platforms. Incredible!

MrsBitterButter 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.

MrsBitterButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I passed the Tucker/Means interviews to normie friends. I found it a good way to start the eyes-open process with quite a few. They actually started digging in on some of the points they brought up and are now starting to question a lot of things.

MrsBitterButter 7 points ago +7 / -0

I grew up in the early 60's on the one street in my town that black people were allowed to live (based on earlier years' discrimination). We were the only white family on that street. All my friends were the kids on my street and our families did the cookouts together. My childs' best friend of 20+ years, who practically grew up in my house, is black and gay and my grandchildren are mixed race. Suffice to say, that there is not a racist bone in my body.

Fast forward 50+ years and I see postings from my former nieghborhood friends and the gay best friend and most are posting anti-white racists tropes. I have talked to some of them and a few of those have blocked me from their feeds. Damn shame what this world has come to.

MrsBitterButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, I'm a mess health-wise. Smoker, T2 diabetes (I know... my fault), and bad cholesterol. BUT... I donated a kidney years ago so my doctor put me on Lisinopril (ACE2 Inhibitor) as a prophylactic to protect my remaining kidney. I also take Metformin for the T2 and Atorvasatin (statin) for the cholesterol. All three drugs, along with my stupid nicotine issues, probably helped prevent me from catching COVID. There are all kinds of studies out there that show that all three of those drugs (and now nicotine) reduces the viral load. Not to mention my coffee addiction, which now, is being reportred as an unexpected protectant.

MrsBitterButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn't matter. Sheep will vote for her just because she fills in whatever DEI blank they want. I already see the "I'm voting for Kamala because we need a woman/black/young president" posts everywhere. I'm so disgusted with humanity sometimes.

MrsBitterButter 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Where is Biden?" is trending on X. KEK

MrsBitterButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was not for. Not even on page 1. Did you perform a 'clean' search as outlined in the article?

MrsBitterButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because he has requested protection since the beginning of his campaign and has been denied until today.

MrsBitterButter 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is a great book. Some of it is so heartbreaking when you keep in mind how young he was and how he had to keep his family together, and alive.

MrsBitterButter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, she's just missing the massive amount of eyeliner/mascara and lipstick. Got drunk and forgot to finish her makeup?

MrsBitterButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a pre-debate rehearsal picture. It clearly says 'getting ready'. The picture on stage is from the Trump and Biden 2020 debate. The guy in the gray jacket in the moderator position is a stand in. If you look at footage of the RFK 'debate', Stossel is at the moderators desk wearing a dark jacket. That is Stossel holding the cup overseeing the rehearsal.

MrsBitterButter 11 points ago +14 / -3

That's it. I'm officially broken. I was hoping against hope that the jury would be honest. Just glad I'm old so I won't have to live through much more of this bullshit. I know this will all be tossed in appeal but that will take months, if not years. We better figure out how to beat them at the ballot box.

MrsBitterButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

The left is getting exactly what they want. This has been an act just to give Joe something to campaign on since they have nothing in reality. Sadly, Trump will be found guilty (which, if course, will be reversed in appeal - after the election). AKA election interference.

With that said, I am staying positive and hope the folks on the jury are honest people and will acquit.

MrsBitterButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

The left is getting exactly what they want. This has been an act just to give Joe something to campaign on since they have nothing in reality. Sadly, Trump will be found guilty (which, if course, will be reversed in appeal - after the election). AKA election interference.

With that said, I am staying positive and hope the folks on the jury are honest people and will acquit.

MrsBitterButter 12 points ago +12 / -0

That last line though: "... there is nothing here except opportunities to hassle, harass, and huff and puff." This is the truth. That's all these congressional investigators do. To paraphrase Shakespeare: a poor player on stage, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

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