Keyphrase is "incredibly embarrassing at first". Not too much of those who understand where "cleavage sites" are. But if enough of those who understand can explain, translate to normies, what they see, that'll be real smoking gun: who had the real code and has continued to pipe in their agenda.
In black and white history, everyone who fought communist occupation, was nazi.
In real history, both Soviets and Germans drafted everyone they could catch, and Germany's side was the one where you could fight Soviet atrocities. Think Holodomor, think mass deportation, think Gulag, ... So often brothers were on different sides and mothers shot by Soviets for "traitor family member".
It's kinda same idea US dems are calling everyone else nazi: for fighting communists!
Wanna know for real? No banking, no tickets, no warehousing, etc. All the info now is thin clients, data in servers, web transactions.
No water, prolly no electricity, too, because those are controlled over web systems.
Media blackout is just a tiny byproduct of cancelled net.
This week, was scrolling through LinkedIn feed and found out that ALL the startups I've wanted in to (delivery robots, online identification, international transfer services etc.) in last 3 years, have gone so woke I'd be absolutely unhappy there. So God just kept me from those disasters!
Name's Thaler. the Frankspeech interview the longer interview with other aspects.
Blackpilled much?
I'm pretty convinced, some of those 7659 sealed indictments in Arizona are paging Hobbs. When will all 341.413 sealed ones be unsealed? This total has been building for long enough, I guess a big bunch of them opens at once and soon.
Looks like a pattern, maybe incentivized. 5 female members of current Finnish government are YGL.
Holodomor was more than 20 years before the end of WW2. Thus…
But Stalin atrocities, including GULAG, continued through all his years in power. That meant lots of people killed with forced labor, starvation, cold, and ritually mass-murdered, over territories Soviets occupied. So they sure had lots of starved dead bodies to choose from.
That was the Soviet Union, cabal's previous grand project. Planned development. KGB (approximately combination of CIA and DHS) planned and distributed to universities, what themes need to be written through (probably to have some talking points prepared and envision next plans, plus check how controllable/compomisable (?) we are), and communist party commitees of universities distributed them between students and postgraduates. Lots of planning levels, all centralized, all the same playbook they are using now in US.
JRR Tolkien
Hello, fellow extremist! Remember, reading great/classic literature is nowadays a sure-fire sign of right-wing extremism, white supremacy and domestic terrorism :D
Meanwhile, listened to X22report. What you hear/see = what pushes your thought—depends on what you are mulling from a previous train of thought. So today, the 'loudest' thing was how DS tries to centralize everything and competing environment at some moment straightens out every harmful deviation. My master thesis theme was assigned as «Functions of the law of planned development [that is a crap in Marxist political economy, one of 5 fundamental principles] in the conditions of developed socialism» and first iteration was totally rejected, because I came to the conclusion that every single aspect was better fulfilled by market forces than central planning. Full round! :D
Yes. It needs very fast frying to remain juicy and tasty. Prefer beef liver 1) just with salt and pepper; 2) in heavy cream with a dash of brandy; 3) with side of sour apples and onion; 4) oven-dried; 5) in carnivore (organ meat) pie. Chicken liver in its own.
On the lighter note tho...
One fantastic management book I read as a kid, was Peter's Principle. Kinda George Carlin thing—sleepy humans can swallow truth only in humorous form. Book postulated everyone strives to reach his/her level of incompetency and will be stuck there forever, as a punishment to whole humanity. Examples? Einstein was unable to reach known incompetency as a physicist, so he took up the violinist hobby, where he reached that level quickly. [Yes, Einstein thing is a separate rabbit hole.] Or a good kindergarten teacher--good because of his/her ways with kids--will inevitably be promoted to supervisor, where those ways are totally non-working, repulsive. And will be stuck there for the rest of the days.
Well, one of the conclusions was that actually, the most valuable thing we can get is «false lighthouse»: an entity SO incompetent it ALWAYS makes wrong choice/decision. So we can safely exclude those versions and just give it a new choice, until we have excluded enough wrong choices to decide, what to implement.
Guess what? We've reached near absolute total of false lighthouses: think of MSM, or CDC/FDA/FBI/…, or Obiden and his minions. The only remaining problem is, they have regulatory power.
Maybe there was KPI “lines of code submitted” in salary system :D