MuckeyDuck 15 points ago +17 / -2

I'm not arguing Trump lost, but in my opinion his debate performance sucked big time.

I also remember the debates with Hillary. The first debate was much like this one where the winner was questionable. The second debate was a slam dunk where Trump owned Hillary.

We know there will be another debate, and we know the debate that is closest to election will have biggest impact. Is Trump setting up Harris for next debate?

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would say most definitely they have one. In fact I thing Belgium is pretty much a lost country, is past the point where it can be saved from going Muslim majority.

MuckeyDuck 0 points ago +1 / -1

What is thegatewaypundit reporting on this today? Didn't this happen 8 months ago.

See exact same display mentioned by Glenn Greenwald @3:10

I suppose 8 months ago Rumble could have decided to pull out. And today it was Brazil that forced the action from there end.

MuckeyDuck 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think this site, (greatawakening.win) pretty much knew this a year or more ago.

If I remember correctly, DARPA is the faction of the military that developed the mRNA gene therapy product, and the commissioned Big Pharma companies to manufacture the product according to DARAP's specs.

Seems like DARPA was trying to duck any responsibility for damages by claiming that drug companies did not deliver the product according to specs.

MuckeyDuck 6 points ago +7 / -1

How dare the right try and prevent election fraud. How do they think we became a shinning shitty on a pill. Cheating on elections is the American way, and voters have never cared before.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't put my stock in these kind of studies. Alcohol is more harmful to society because more people drink alcohol. Just like claiming that most auto accident happen with a few miles of home. Well yea, people drive the majority of miles on trips a few miles from home.

Or like saying you more likely to die from being struck by lightning than from shark attack. They don't consider only counting the chances of people that swim in shark infested waters (the ocean).

Also you might as well be reading the Funny Papers to get your facts, as to get them from the Lancet.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember Shadownet (Stanley McCrystal and Gen. Jones) operation where peoples individual cell phones, or a group of cell phones, like at a particular event or location could be made to receive content tailored for maximum psyop effect?

I suspect this is happening with even more granularity now.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just thinking logically seem like the ping stats would need to be -avg ping time- across a rang of time. I mean any router could have a certain latency do to things other than the common carrier distance right?

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

I women end up being blonds eventually, is what my wife said.

My mother died at 93, and never had grey hair. She said she hated it because other accused he of dying her hair, but she did not. I'll be 70 next year and still no grey hair. At my last high school reunion, I got accused of dying my hair lol.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny my brother who entered the army reserves at the end of Vietnam war, after his initial training at Ft. Bragg, I don't think attended any additional duty periods.

He said ever time they called him, he would explain that he just started a new job, of has a certain commitment, and they would seemingly move on the the next person.

He told me that he got promoted from 2 Lt., to 1 Lt., to Captain because he was #1 in his class, he suspects, by mail notification without ever have performed any duty time, if that's what you call it

MuckeyDuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

And don't go telling other what to say on the Internet hightway.

There'll be lot of time for losing, we your stock is done.

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

It might help, not sure if you also point out that for each of the drops, that one can click on the number and go directly to 8kun research area for that drop.

For example: 8kun/qresearch: 17830326

MuckeyDuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Large Crowd Gathering for what. What kind of march? Friendlies or illegals?

Update: I see know that this was posted 11 days ago.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks much!

Anyone can make up a meme. I don't trust till I see the original.

MuckeyDuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm with you. When people add disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and not offering medial advise, I think, why not, your advise is probably better that what a doctor says about anything.

And I don't trust anything a so called scientist says these day either. I'd sooner listen to Captain Kangaroo than a scientist tell me anything.

MuckeyDuck 21 points ago +21 / -0

Hey, that is a great ad!

I like the way it basically says, if you want to continue to be a dumb ass sheep, good luck with that. But if you want to start thinking for yourself, we have something you might like.

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