MyAquaEyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

She and Princess Anna are very well-known for reusing their clothes! Anne just wore a dress and coat from the 70s. Kate has very often worn the same dresses and gowns to more than one event and her casual clothing is often reworn again and again.

MyAquaEyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

I notice that if I eat a steak, I don't get heartburn but nearly everything else causes heartburn for me.

MyAquaEyes 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's just that she's without a stitch of makeup. Hairline, her differing eyebrows and her voice and speech are all the same. It's her. She's extremely pale without her makeup.

MyAquaEyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

These are words that will be written in history for the ages.

MyAquaEyes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep your enemies closer. Bannon playing his role.

MyAquaEyes 1 point ago +1 / -0

When Trump got out of his car to talk to the voters at a voting center in Iowa, his security was shoulder to shoulder surrounding him and his car as he got out and got in. Very clearly protected.

MyAquaEyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. I thought his and Trump's little conversation after V's remarks in Iowa were telling. Trump looked very stern, no smile. V was smiling soooo hard it was quite obviously a faked smile. His speech seemed too "extra", anyone else? I'm trying to keep an open mind and maybe he has been red-pilled but Trump's face after V's speech told me a lot.

MyAquaEyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe he has become aware of the corruption and has been red-pilled. There are going to be many who had bad pasts who change. I'm not saying this is what is happening but we have to keep an open mind and trust that Trump will pick the best person. He knows the details.

MyAquaEyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just spent two months with bronchitis and then pneumonia. Still have the cough and congresion but I don't feel horrible like I did. When I was sitting in the clinic waiting room (waiting for my 2nd antibiotic injection), the waiting room was full of people coughing, all ages. One lady was on the phone saying she had "tested positive for Covid." I still have no antibodies to Covid, so they think I had a cold that developed a secondary infection of bronchitis which worsened to pneumonia.

MyAquaEyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Luke 8:17 King James Version

17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

MyAquaEyes 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have noticed some prices coming down and I think that, just like always, those who look at stock futures always try to read the tea leaves and get a feel for what is on the horizon. Trump is so strong right now, I think it is changing the level of optimism just by that fact alone.

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