Maybe a fake check to pose with a fake VP would work, if someone actually wanted to be seen with her.
At the moment, Truth Social is available for U.S. users only, but rest assured, we are working hard to make it available in your country. When Truth Social becomes available for you, we'll make an announcement. Stay tuned!
That site looks like a great source for good books. Thanks!
Will the Windows/Apple people understand your sed command?
My original comment was meant to bring a smile to one's face. If they secede they will need a border wall around the entire state. Trump's plan only covered the southern border, btw.
source? I know they have the material for the border with Mexico, but Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and that little bit of Arkansas?
That's going to be a very, very expensive border wall.
Likely Fauci's. He started poisoning people back in the early days of AIDS. In general Arkanside is only applied to a few individuals at a time.
I did hear Trump say that in the Root interview. I, like many others it appears, don't understand what you are talking about in this post's title though.
I took the comment to be related to the typo in the post's title.
The big difference here is that the police accessed real-time data without a warrant. The True the Vote data was marketing type data purchased after the fact. It does show that the available data is accurate enough to pinpoint the criminal's location though.
Funny that.
What's in the picture? doesn't work for me in the Philippines.
Thanks for bringing stuff over here from 8kun.
I know that, but was quite certain that he wouldn't mention the "control" features of their latest scam. I saw it listed as so I posted before trying to watch it. Figured I would get the "Content is too large" message.
Does he explain how introducing a CBDC is somehow different/better than the transactions already mostly carried out in the digital domain? Only a small fraction of the US currency actually exists in paper form from what I have read. Are there actually people dumb enough to believe his crap?
I would think in the current market selling calls would be the correct thing to do, but it is probably difficult to find anybody willing to pay much of a premium for them. With options I have found being the seller/writer is much more profitable than buying.
Does David Icke fit into this somewhere also? A lot of what he says rings very true to me, but there is also stuff that I really have difficulty accepting.
I'd be tempted to go buy a TV to watch that...
This video does a great job explaining the 2nd A:
They need to show the percentage of the population "unvaxed", "partially vaxed" and "fully vaxed" during the time frame included in each of their pictures. As it stands I am unable to find much useful information in their graphs. For example, if 90% are vaxed, then having 40% of deaths in that category looks very different from having 30% vaxed yielding 40% of deaths.
Need to look at death rates in each category, not just total numbers.
This indicates that the white hats are going on the offensive. An extra power piece really kicks up the available options.
If they have nothing and NCSWIC, then the plan is doomed to failure... I'm not a doomer, but probably had too many logic classes during my school years.
I didn't see it. Any suggestions for a search that might locate it?
I appreciate that. Thanks.