NWGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not too long ago, I started reading "Ancient Mysteries of the Essenes" by Ken Johnson. The first book is about ancient calendars. It would seem that while we are not to know the "day or the hour" of Christ's return, the first calendar points to 2075 on our current calendar. Time is short.

NWGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could be the "10 days of darkness" before the truth shines bright.

NWGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sorry, but this sounds satanic in nature to me. New age deceit.

NWGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because most of them are owned by the Left - willingly or unwillingly.

NWGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

God's judgement WILL come. He is Justice, He is Mercy, but He is also Vengeance. Nobody gets away with ANYTHING in the end.

NWGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you are a true follower of Christ and have been born again, it will become natural to follow the ten commandments as we become more like Him. Anyone can make a mistake and sin - true Christians won't remain in it.

NWGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I actually tried them early last year. Unfortunately, as much as I loved the company the coverage was super spotty. I had to switch back to Verizon (not happy about that).

NWGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Further attempts to normalize satanic behaviors and actions? How horrible.

NWGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0


NWGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

We decided against fluoride "anything" for the kids and guess what? No cavities. Floss/brush after meals. There have been NO problems. Also, the water where we are is not fluoridated either. They always ask about the fluoride at every check up and we always say no. None of our children are vaccinated (again, no problems) but my eldest daughter from a previous marriage had all of her vaccines and became epileptic after her one time shot of the HPV vaccine. Nobody in our family has had the covid vax, and I no longer get flu shots. Covid came through our household in Nov 2020. I had a few aches/pains (like flu), no fever, but lost my sense of smell for a couple weeks. Nobody else had any significant symptoms - definitely nothing respiratory.

NWGirl 4 points ago +4 / -0

The set of The Chosen is NOT a church (judge not the world for it is already judged). It is not a forgone conclusion that anyone/everyone involved in the making of the show is a Christian. This is still "the world". I've read past stories of crew and cast members giving their lives to Christ during their time on the show.

From this article: Dallas Jenkins, the creator of "The Chosen," told the Daily Caller News Foundation that there is no “religious or political litmus test” for employees. “I love our cast and crew, especially because even though they all come from different backgrounds and beliefs, they work their butts off for the show and the viewers,” Jenkins said. “The show’s official stance on anything is to be found in the content of the show.”

A small pride flag was hanging from a camera and on the back of a crewmembers vest. Was it an act of defiance? A not so subtle finger at Christianity? None of us can say. Dallas isn't endorsing the flag and all it stands for. He's also not demanding it be taken down. He's allowing that person freedom to express their views. He's shown love and compassion and (hopefully) a light to someone who is lost. What would have been accomplished by demanding the flag be removed/hidden? Did Jesus make demands of "the world"? No. He called the religious leaders out and stood as a beacon of God to all humanity. Companies like Target are PUSHING the LGBTQ/trans agenda. There is no pushing here and this is not the same thing. I think Dallas handled this exactly as a true follower of Christ. Only the religious should be offended.

NWGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

The end will come when that very last person reaches out to God and Christ for salvation. God doesn't decide our fates for us but He does already know who is and will be following Him. The full compliment of the Bride of Christ has not yet been reached. Remember, it isn't about this world but the next one. This life is boot camp.

NWGirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reached? We've been there for quite a while now.

NWGirl 5 points ago +5 / -0

Did Q ever suggest that the 10 days of darkness were consecutive/without break?

NWGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am so sorry. God bless you and your family and give you peace and comfort.

NWGirl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe something, maybe nothing - anagram of "diniers" is 'insider"

NWGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

95.5 yes, 0.5 no - as of a few moments ago. Think the bots lost.

NWGirl 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's been this way for years. A decade ago we decided not to vaccinate our first child (nor subsequent ones later). I was forced to find a pediatrician outside of the network we had at the time because they ones in-network wouldn't see your child unless they were vaccinated.

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