NZ_Walter 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have a friend living in Taiwan. What we will find out about Taiwan is that they have been standing against China for decades. They are the thorn in the side of China and a constant embarrassment to China.

China is trying to take over the world by pouring money into broke countries and making their belt and road pathway. Taiwan continues to oppose them and they are right on Chinas doorstep

Taiwan is the goods guys here

NZ_Walter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see Putin as a president who puts Russia first in his policies. Sometimes Russia first is not America first...and that's ok. Putin would rather buy Russian goods, than made in America or made in China

NZ_Walter 3 points ago +3 / -0

For NZ the best MSM livestream is this one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhWgeVJODKE

I also follow Chantelle Bakers livestream. She is a reporter going amongst the people and talking with them. Right now her stream is only on Facebook, but you don't need to log in to watch. You can view here https://www.facebook.com/ChantelleBakerNZ

by BQnita
NZ_Walter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want to add Keanu Reeves. But he is more of a "I don't want to get involved in politics because I'm just an actor". But if you read up about his life. He leads a very simple life in an apartment, still takes the subway, loves having coffee at his local cafe, gives a lot of money away. Ultimately, he just wants to be left alone to lead his live in peace. I like the guy to be honest

NZ_Walter 1 point ago +1 / -0

New Zealand is not far behind you. The biggest issue we face is there is no one in government standing up against this crap. The truckers protest arrived in the capital city today for a protest in-front of parliament. Not one MP went out to meet them. It is always a tradition for at least 1 MP to meet and discuss the concerns of protestors. The opposition party (Our so called right wing conservatives party) reckons they would handle lockdowns and vaccine roll out better and that's their talking point

It's hard for us when you feel there is no one representing you. At least in Australia and the US the opposition parties are calling out the BS.

The media fear porn is bad here too. At least you guys have sky news AU

NZ_Walter 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live in NZ. I still haven't meet anyone who has had covid. The closest I got was a work mate neighbor caught it...she was over 90 and died from cancer, but because she caught covid in her final days she was classified as a covid case.

The town where my parents live haven't had a single case of Covid this entire time. Town with a population of about 10,000. The nearest case to them was over a 2 hour drive away.

Covid in New Zealand is a joke...yet the majority still comply...We are just sheep here

NZ_Walter 26 points ago +26 / -0

Agreed. A friend got his 2nd jab and that night woke up in the middle of the night with intense chest pains. He was rushed to hospital where he spent the next 3 days. When he was being examined the following day after his jab, he commented to the doctor that he had received the jab the prior day. His doctor came back and said that it was just a coincidence and his heart problems weren't related to the jab.

As mush as I have tried to convince him to report it to the NZ version of VAERS he refuses because of what his doctor told him

How many other cases are like this???

NZ_Walter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I go regularly to this area for summer holidays. The Motueka market use to be a big drawcard for the region. The footage shows only a few customers wandering the market. The times I have been it was packed with people that it can be difficult to move around. The stall holders who choose to stay will be hurting. Yet it is their own stupid decision.

And the icing on the cake for this in regards to peak stupidity. Motueka has not had one single Covid case at all. Somehow the tricky virus doesn't like the area. Think about that for a second. In over 2 years, not a single case of covid. So all this from the market is complete and utter grandstanding

NZ_Walter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe it is just a USA thing. Out of curiosity I checked all the various cinemas here in New Zealand. They all have movies showing right through to Wed 12th Jan. You can book tickets for a variety of movies up to that date

NZ_Walter 1 point ago +1 / -0

New Zealand is the same when it comes to Movie theaters. After a year of not being open. They open up just before Xmas and you must show your passport before entering and you must wear a mask at all times during the movie. Stupid

People at work complaining about it. Whereas it doesn't bother me as I haven't been to the movies in years. Overprice crap

NZ_Walter 1 point ago +2 / -1

Against popular opinion here but its a No from me. I enjoy gin and craft beers too much

NZ_Walter 1 point ago +3 / -2

While I would like to agree. There has been enough studies out there that show those who got the death jab, will never get natural immunity against Covid. They will literally keep catching it over and over again.

For those still unvax. Get Omicron and you will immune for life

NZ_Walter 6 points ago +6 / -0

A guy I work with 95year old mother died....from Cancer. Just she picked up Covid in her final last days. it was classified as a Covid death here in NZ. The family is furious that they did that.

NZ_Walter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I could be wrong about this, but from an article I read a few weeks back. There was a strong possibility that those that had gotten the jab will never receive natural immunity against Covid. Meaning, they will keep getting it over and over. Those that don't get jabbed, however, will get Covid once and than have lifetime immunity.

I wonder how Omicron factors into this?

NZ_Walter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Australia isn't completely closed off to the world. You cant close a country to citizens. People are still coming and going. Just you have to isolate for 2 weeks in quarantine upon arrival.

NZ_Walter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, I agree. My Grandfather died of cancer many years ago. The last 4 months of his life he was on morphine. Sadly the last memory I have of him is him sitting in a chair drooling completely spaced out. Not the vibrant loving man I knew growing up. It was hard for my mum who was his primary carer for those months and as cruel as it sounds such a relief when he finally passed.

In saying that, leftist are evil and give them an inch they will take a mile. They will tell you its only for extreme cases and next minute it will be anyone and everyone.

NZ_Walter 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I completely agree with this. There is one point that is incorrect. The Forbidden City in Beijing is open to the public. I myself have been though them back in 2014. Its a beautiful set of ruins filled with amazing history.

IIRC is that Trump and Xi had a formal dinner in the ruins, where they closed the entire area of to the public. Part of the reason for this is they were confident they could speak there in private as no one would think of bugging the ruins

As a side point of interest, the treasures of the forbidden city are held in the museum of Taiwan. This creates an interesting set of dynamics of the two countries

NZ_Walter 1 point ago +1 / -0

In New Zealand, they request that the WW2 veterans lead the parade. Followed by those who served in Korea, Vietnam and other conflicts than current and former members of the defense force. Sadly, as is the nature of life, there aren't many WW2 veterans left alive. However it is considered a great honor to be at the front of the parade

NZ_Walter 30 points ago +30 / -0

New Zealand is just as stuffed, if not more.

The courts today just ruled in favor for the Vax mandate against nurses, midwives and doctors who had submitted the lawsuit. Come Monday, all health practitioners will lose their jobs if they haven't received their first jab.


I wish we could help Australia. I really do. The ANZAC spirit between our countries is strong. Yet we also need help. Australia has at least some Members of Parliament speaking out against this madness. They have Sky news AUS media which is very based. NZ has nothing. 90%+ of our country marches to our dictator, Jacinda Arderns drum.

NZ_Walter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same rules in New Zealand. No surprises there

NZ_Walter 8 points ago +8 / -0

I have neighbors that are the same. I couldn't ask for better neighbors. They are quiet, hard working, look after their property and we help each other out where possible if required. From heavy lifting to feeding my pets when we go away for a few days.

Yet when it has come to the Jab, we are at complete different ends of the spectrum. The main difference is they are glued to the TV every day for the Covid update and announcement, where as we haven't watched TV news for a long time.

it is so strange

NZ_Walter 5 points ago +5 / -0

New Zealand is the same. Just a few months ago the PM was saying that she wasn't going to mandate vaccines and it was just tinfoil hat people who were saying that. Now Vaccines and passports are getting mandated. Her excuse is that Delta changed the game

NZ_Walter 4 points ago +4 / -0

A guy at my work, had his second jab. That night he woke up with intense chests pain and had to spend 3 days in hospital and was it was a close call that first night. He was off work for nearly 2 weeks.

He comes back and one of the first conversations I had with him he was encouraging me to get the Jab. Like WTF dude. No way.

NZ_Walter 3 points ago +3 / -0

What exactly has this guy done to help the MAGA movement. I can't think of one thing

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