Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, turn yourself in. Get your affairs in order beforehand, you deplorable insurrectionist MAGA scumbag. /s 😂

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's a solid statistical truth, but like most statistical truths there are exceptions because people are individuals, with different strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and so on. SOME single mothers do a great job.

EDIT: Nature / God not only allows for individual differences but requires them for societies and species to function well and to adapt to change, to unusual events, and so on. As I pointed out in the essay, people are not social insects. Where malice is not involved, differences are usually positive tools kept in waiting for difficult times (how many mothers have been forced to raise children by themselves over the eons, and isn't it nice that SOME mothers have had whatever it takes to do a good job despite that difficult circumstance?).

by PepeSee
Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0


Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Federal Firearms Confiscation Center?"

It's about time! We need to confiscate a whole LOT of federal firearms; every single federal agency, including the many that have no reason WHATEVER to have armed agents, has a boatload of guns. Time to put an end to the weaponization of the entire federal government against the people.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why does this keep happening to human race? What is actually motivating them?

Emotions are the Cabal's most powerful weapon. In particular, the Cabal uses good people's COMPASSION against them, along with fear, disgust, tribalism, and other emotions and tendencies. The Cabal's use of emotional manipulation is always malicious and is aimed at creating the opposite of the stated goals -- and the end results are always negative rather than positive.

Because the Cabal's use of these emotions is dishonest, censorship must be deployed as widely as possible to prevent open discussion and clear thought on the issues being brought to bear.

Censorship is Team Evil's self-applied mark of guilt, because the GOOD guys are never the ones trying to prevent open discussion on important topics.

The same dynamic is used in all the most successful destructive social and political movements. For example:

  • Feminism
  • Marxism
  • Anti-racism
  • Environmental concerns
  • etc

The playbook includes the following (not always in the same order): Highlight an obvious and harmful problem, talk about it compassionately (the problem needs to be fixed for the good of the people, or perhaps "for the children"), offer a seemingly (and sometimes actually) compassionate solution, then gradually misapply it, corrupt the language used to talk about it, censor opposing views, frighten people about the (real or alleged) problem, show disgust with those being accused of causing or allowing the problem to happen, insist on FORCING the allegedly compassionate solution on everyone, and keep at it until you've not only made the original problem worse but wrecked the entire society.

There are other elements involved, but understanding this particular dynamic is important because an Awakening on the issue would largely immunize society against one of the Cabal's most powerful tools.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oooh -- downvoted for pointing out that the Nazis weren't the shining Good Guys that some want them to have been, just because they opposed Rothschild central banking and had a few other good ideas.

Hitler was a war-mongering tyrant and Goebbels, Himmler, and most of the the other Nazi big-wigs were every bit as evil as the worst of our own Bad Guys and Bad Guys everywhere, for that matter. Mean-spirited, self-righteous, mass-murdering psychopaths.

My father fought in WWII against the Germans and I grew up around lots of other people who had first-hand knowledge of what things were like in Nazi Germany and in the nations the Nazis occupied, including Jewish and other families who lost many of their own in the camps. Regardless of ANYTHING positive about the Nazi state and those who ran it, the overall tone and actions of the Nazi regime was one of oppression, murderous response to dissent, and a growing industry of rounding up anyone "different" or who voiced a longing for freedom, stealing everything they owned, corralling them in ghettos or packing them into cattle cars and hauling off to slave labor and extermination camps.

Sounds nice, doesn't it? And yes, America is becoming more like that every day.

The long-standing propaganda campaign to white-wash and rehabilitate the Nazis is as wrong and dishonest as the campaign to paint them as some one-off nightmare never seen before or since in history.

Mass murder and other horrifying tyranny by government is COMMON. Read the well-researched Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 by the late R. J. Rummel -- here's his website, showing the Nazis as THIRD among the DEKA-MEGAMURDERERS, behind the Soviets and the Communist Chinese.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Actually, America was AWESOME for a long time before it began "going to shit" and even after that it took a century or so to get to where we are now. That's not to say the country hasn't had problems, but compared to the rest of the world, America had real freedom for citizens (not so much for Indians and Blacks of the time, yes) with unprecedented rights not only enumerated in the Bill of Rights but often LIVED UP TO in the courts and in daily life.

The burning ember of coercive Power that the Constitution gave to our central government was fanned by every power-seeking group and by wealthy power-seeking individuals, gradually turning the ember into a roaring inferno of tyranny. We still have the word Liberty embossed on our coinage but we're morphing into a Communist tyranny, where the State is used to harass and imprison (and worse) political opponents of the State and of dissidents who want less tyranny.

After the post-Awakening Reset, I hope we'll douse that ember of consequence-free initiated coercion and embrace an actual civil society with strong safeguards against re-igniting it.

Nearly everyone, including on this board, thinks that's impossible. They're wrong.

The Market for Liberty is an excellent introduction to the idea of a highly workable society run by market forces rather than top-down coercion.

Narg 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yeah, well, they were doing a little bit more than THAT.

by sol7
Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's . . . General Zod, Non, and Ursa in the phantom zone, after Jor-El sentenced them to be imprisoned there, as reported in the 1978 documentary Superman. 😂 I always KNEW they were libtards.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Destructive on purpose is more like it. Everything that high-level Dems are doing is to wipe traditional, Constitutional, rational, benign, liberty-protecting America off the face of the Earth and replace it with a large third-world conglomeration of people with no unity, no common language, and no understanding of what America was founded FOR.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, that's the story, although the whole situation of Tony Scott's suicide seems very sketchy to me.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Between the outright stupidity, the narcissism, and the teeth-grittingly Woke worldview, Lemon is one of the most unpleasant people I've ever watched on television. And that was just the two minutes I could stand watching.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks for posting that fabulous Ridley Scott-directed Superbowl add preview of the first Macintosh.

Best freaking advertisement ever.

AND a stirring reminder of the libertarian spirit of the novel.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for reminding me that "Christian" is definitely on the List of people to Eliminate.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

Also missing: Heterosexual women.

To be either White or Hetero is to be a Nonperson in the New Society.

To be BOTH is to be despised, invisible, without rights, and targeted for genocide.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with much of Pede commentary to this post but I have to call out the propaganda-level dishonesty in the photo selection of Oli London's X post.

Here's a page full of photos of post-Elliot Ellen Page photos; not one of them shows her as unhappy-looking as the pic above.

I'm not saying she's actually happy about having mutilated herself but I am saying the sad pic above was carefully chosen to give a particular impression, and we aren't unquestioning cultists around here.


Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm hoping that once the 24/7 nonstop propaganda stops, and crime starts dropping and other nasty Woke-tainted situations begin healing, many of the Lost will wake up. We're seeing a lot of that right now, actually; people who were fully buying the Cabal's narrative but are now waking up to reality, either one issue at a time or even more quickly.

But as for the percentage who WON'T ever rejoin reality in their minds, I too suspect "4 to 6%" will prove to be at least slightly optimistic.

And that's in addition to those who are and will remain lost because they are actually evil or because their minds were purposefully broken and twisted in childhood by the "Education" and "Welfare" and MSM propaganda systems. No marketable skills, no experience of thinking for oneself, no understanding that the world doesn't owe one a living, no sense of the unity of mankind or feeling for connection with others beyond a shallow and toxic connection to fellow Woke cultists.

So yes: I believe the number of permanently lost will be higher than Q predicts. The good news is that I've been wrong before -- once or twice ;) -- and hope to be wrong again on this issue.

Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

The MSM would be more successful if they just went off the air.

Great observation, and a genuine LOL.

Narg 7 points ago +8 / -1

"Courtmarshalls"? If these people don't know how to spell court martial, I wonder about their credentials. To be fair, the TikTok looks to be just a screen recording by who-knows-who, not Ms. Holms or anyone she's working with.

On the other hand:

"Sent out to us on Twitter in secret"? Secret Twitter? How's that work?

I fear this whole thing might be something from Pede Fantasy Daily (the actual name is possibly different).

Like everyone here, I'd love to believe this is true, and it might be, but I'm a long way from believing it.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The good news (such as it is) is that Chinese brands are moving to all-electric product lines much faster than we are, and customers are NOT going to make the shift to electric as quickly as regulations, propaganda, and car companies would like. These Chinese brands may have a short shelf-life here in the US, especially if China's rep for making electrics that burn or explode continues.

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