Narg 18 points ago +18 / -0

The shot will kill more than the made up covid #'s.

That's true.

But a decade-long lockdown, in America and throughout much of the world, would have killed probably billions by utterly destroying Western civilization, including industry, supply chains, food supplies, commerce generally, important human gatherings, proper schooling, and a whole lot more. THEN the vaccines -- now fully developed and highly targeted -- would have taken the rest, leaving those who the Cabal had marked for serfdom.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. I hadn't heard that take before; haven't seen the movie and might not, but this is good to know.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

No one with more than a room-temperature IQ believes this was a suicide.

“John was in the midst of a deposition in his whistleblower case, which finally was nearing the end,” Barnett’s lawyers said, according to The New York Post. “He was in very good spirits and really looking forward to putting this phase of his life behind him and moving on.”

Meanwhile, we're all waiting for one of the apparently endless quality control failures of Boeing aircraft to result in mass casualties.

And a significant amount of America's military "air superiority" involves Boeing:


Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

I don't see "suicide weekend" as a time when a whistleblower would be suicided (which is what I expect actually happened) shortly before he was scheduled to testify about horrific and potentially deadly defects at a major defense contractor and manufacturer of passenger planes.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

If there's a Federal agency that ISN'T used as a cover for the Cabal in some fashion, I'm unaware of it.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Upon release of the report, Chairman Loudermilk released the following statement:

"For nearly two years former Speaker Nancy Pelosi's January 6th Select Committee promoted hearsay and cherry-picked information to promote its political goal – to legislatively prosecute former President Donald Trump," said Chairman Loudermilk. "It was no surprise that the Select Committee’s final report focused primarily on former President Trump and his supporters, not the security failures and reforms needed to ensure the United States Capitol is safer today than in 2021.

"The American people deserve the entire truth about what caused the violent breach at the United States Capitol of January 6, 2021. It is unfortunate the Select Committee succumbed to their political inclinations and chased false narratives instead of providing the important work of a genuine investigation. In my committee’s investigation, it is my objective to uncover the facts about January 6, without political bias or spin. My report today is just the beginning."

Click here to view the initial findings report.

Click here to view the one pager.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

I was going to say something like that, but you said it better.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0


EDIT: I suspect this doesn't include forcing COVID vaccines on the kids. (I certainly hope not!). Still . . . forcing ANY vaccines on school children is horrifying to me. Choice, at the very least!

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

God Bless everyone who uses that weapon to be a voice for good

Yes, exactly. And not just music but every tool we have, from language to dance to guns (for defense or food) to whatever; it can all be used for good or for evil, and our intent and understanding make the difference.

Malice and stupidity or thoughtlessness are the real evil.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree with you that central banking was a factor, but I don't think it was the most important factor.

Western Civilization, including Science, free speech, freedom GENERALLY in the US especially, property rights, Christianity's push towards "love thy neighbor" as opposed to any alternative stance (hate thy neighbor? fear thy neighbor? fight thy neighbor? Steal from thy neighbor? etc) -- all of this combined with the already long-accelerating accretion of knowledge is even more important for the Big Leap we've seen since Colonial days. Rome and plenty of other places had economic bubbles and fiat currencies (albeit not as dramatic as the digital variety that became possible in the 20th century) without such dramatic improvements in technology.

Narg 3 points ago +4 / -1

What a fabulous post!

I appreciated the just-right level of detail on those several theories, and enjoyed your intelligent, open-minded-yet-skeptical, good-natured commentary. A great read, StormzAComing.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


Thanks for posting this.

There are SO many ways to conceptualize and names to use for what this video is describing: the core truth of life, God's will, healthy human psychology and society, LOVE, or (in more detail) LOVE and FREEDOM, etc etc.

Nothing is more important.

The words are almost perfect in this. A few of the images caught in my craw briefly -- Ellen DeGeneres? Ted Turner? -- but I got past that quickly, and for that matter even those who succumb to the Dark Side can have a spark of light and positive creativity in them occasionally.

The narrator (Garret John, I assume . . . ) points out that "we are all the same, you know, 'cause we're affected by the Way." (start at 8:20 to hear that).

That's deeply true, and important. We are all brothers and sisters, and not only with other people but with all life on this planet. Our sameness is why empathy and love are important, and why they are POSSIBLE for that matter.

But there's a yin to that yang, and it is this: We are all different. We are each unique. We each have our own thoughts and preferences and strengths and weaknesses and viewpoints, and that is why FREEDOM is important. Every bit of coercion helps to crush that.

Freedom is NECESSARY for love to thrive, just as LOVE is necessary for freedom to thrive.

We'll have both, or we'll have neither.

The video actually makes that point in many ways, but not in plain English, so I wanted to add it here.

Narg 33 points ago +33 / -0

This French scandal -- covered in the first 9 or 10 minutes of Candace's show in the post -- about the French First Lady actually being a man -- will be the crowbar (or ONE of the crowbars) that opens the Barry & Big Mike scandal to the world.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sounds like the Uniparty is actually getting dismantled!


Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just re-read our exchange thread and am reminded of how often I launch into long diatribes and was impressed at how smoothly and appropriately you responded to this one. That's rare -- I suspect most people respond to any longish comment with MEGO, ("my eyes glaze over"), and pedes like you are a big reason this board is such an inviting and important resource. Thanks for the interaction, fren.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

the idea of the millennial reign of Christ already happening. And we are simply in the short season in which Satan reigns. Just waiting on the full coming of Christ.

You're right, I didn't catch that on first reading, probably because throughout history, and certainly in modern times, I see, at best, mostly small and brief places and times where Christ's teachings were widely in evidence. To me, a thousand years of Christ's reign on Earth have not yet been in evidence. In individual people, and individual families, and in small villages, and perhaps in larger towns occasionally, and maybe even in larger regions sometimes, but that's all.

Individual PEOPLE and FAMLIES are healthy and loving, and sometimes larger gorups, but not the world as a whole.

Just my opinion.

Revelation says when Satan gets released he somehow tricks the world again. So if there was some previous reign, couldn't satan have already tricked the world into forgetting it.

And I miss-read that as well; I read the "previous reign" you mention there as a previous time when Satan had created a Hell on Earth and then made us forget it -- which is similar to what Rummel said happens with the many genocides; people, including those who STUDY such things, tend to do -- forget they happened.

My bad.

Your thoughts are interesting and like you (and most people, I think) I've always had mixed thoughts and feelings about Revelation. Even in Sunday School (a loooong time ago) I've always tended to see more of the Bible as allegory and metaphor than most people probably do, and Revelation is so OUT-THERE that it's been easy to dismiss. You won't be surprised that I'm seeing a lot more evidence today that the authors of that Chapter clearly had SOME knowledge or were able to foresee things based on human nature or whatever that are now coming to pass.

Don't say "God is the author" -- maybe, in a fashion, but Jim Jones and a million other malicious loonies say that God is speaking through them, so I am ever a skeptic on that idea.

"Sticking close to Christ" sounds like a good plan, no matter what.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

our real work will come with healing and fixing all that they destroyed.

Very true. And in particular, I don't even know whether (or to what extent) the emotionally damaged victims CAN be healed. I hope for the best, but expect that mankind will be dealing with the consequences of Evil for generations.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could Satan have ruled the world before, and then made humanity forget it?

Have you READ history?

Try Death by Government, by the late R. J. Rummel (and here's his website). The book was published in the 1980s and at that time Rummel had found 162 million government murders in the 20th century (that's IN ADDITION TO war); before his death a few years ago, his tally for 20th century government murder was 262 million or more. More than a quarter BILLION murders. From the book description at Amazon:

Rummel discusses genocide in China, Nazi Germany, Japan, Cambodia, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Poland, the Soviet Union, and Pakistan. He also writes about areas of suspected genocide: North Korea, Mexico, and feudal Russia. His results clearly and decisively show that democracies commit less democide than other regimes. The underlying principle is that the less freedom people have, the greater the violence; the more freedom, the less the violence. Thus, as Rummel says, "The problem is power. The solution is democracy. The course of action is to foster freedom."

Death by Government is a compelling look at the horrors that occur in modern societies. It depicts how democide has been very much a part of human history. Among other examples, the book includes the massacre of Europeans during the Thirty Years' War, the relatively unknown genocide of the French Revolution, and the slaughtering of American Indians by colonists in the New World. This riveting account is an essential tool for historians, political scientists, and scholars interested in the study of genocide.

Rummel makes the point that several governments in the 20th century turned their nations into a literal Hell on Earth. He is clearly correct that POWER is the problem -- the power to coerce with impunity can NEVER be used without ultimately creating evil -- but he is clearly wrong that "democracy" is the long-term answer, as America's Founders understood. We are seeing THAT truth more clearly every day now.

Also consider The Black Book of Communism: Crimes Terror, Repression., written by a group of European leftists (most were actual Marxists). As with Rummel's book, the descriptions of widespread evil -- often depraved beyond belief -- inflicted on innocents is enough to keep one awake at night for months after reading. And (in both books) there are photos to make the experience even harsher.

Today's incipient Global Hell on Earth would be merely the latest and widest version to be imposed on innocent men, women, and children. Thank God for Trump, Q, the White Hats, the people on this board, and every other person and group world-wide working to oppose evil and to create a healthy world. May we prevail, and soon.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's already beyond the "gonna" stage.

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