My Nation is literally getting Darker. Yesterday, I witnessed the most blatant shop lifting id ever seen. The man walked out of the store and nobody went after him. The optimism is found in knowing more people are recognizing the patterns and are Waking up.
I also take into account Exam time. It's a constant regardless of season. I travel between 2 Cities. One is still classy and culturally vibrant. The other is Ottawa.
I used to enjoy taking the bus. Now it's all unfriendly foreign born people who talk out loud on their phones in their foreign languages. I live near a University. Now all the Students dress like bums in ugly sweat pants. The Cultural degradation is happening in real time.
There was a time within living memory where families dressed for dinner, they dressed to go shopping, men wore ties and fedoras to go to the ballgame. Now I see people in their pajamas at the grocery store in the middle of the day, men wearing shorts to go to the store when its 10F outside. The cultural slide, along with a chemical attack through food and modern medicine, has led to slovenly habits and slovenly thinking. Its a selfish narcissistic attitude and their politics reflects this.
And this was all planned, premeditated, to produce exactly this result.
We would have a good time over a drink sharing are views together. I can see older people losing their Spirit to look good but young people should be celebrating life by looking good for each other. Every Nation should ban cell phone use for one month. Force people to connect the way we did for the last 10,000 years.
What's wrong with shorts? Lol. I wear shorts all year round. I don't dress like a slob though. Who wants to wear monkey suit and tie and a fedora? The pajamas is gross though.
Ok Ill amend that to men and women wearing shorts to Church Service. My Dad does not like to see women in shorts, or really even pants for that matter, but when he sees someone in shorts at Church I have to physically hold him back. He was born in 1939. I have to agree with him for the most part, women in skirts look much more feminine and much more demure.
Our preacher wears shorts in the summer. He has dreads and a nose ring. Youde never meet a better teacher and christ follower than him. This threads getting pretty judgey.
Ah. Yes. For sure not in church. Jeans in church shouldn’t even happen.
Once I went to a seafood restaurant, dressed “decently” in shorts and a passable polo.
A black church boys youth group walked in, every single one in a perfectly ironed, wrinkleless suit, with a gleaming dress shirt, proper undershirts, matching ties, and sparkling dress shoes. Sharp to the T.
It hit me harder given how much worse they’ve been hit by cultural subversion as a whole - I almost cried out of joy - but everyone should be following their lead. An entire huge table of young men being reintroduced to the way forward! “This is how it should be!”
LBJ was a damned demon.
It also got me to notice how casual I was out in public, though. Haven’t fixed the issue yet, but it’s definitely something I try to be aware of more often.
on a lesser note, we have a guy who we felt bad for and gave a free pizza to.
Now, just like a stray animal - every single day they walk in and ask if we have any pizzas we can give out. It's a shame because if he wasn't making it a daily routine and trying to take advantage of our act of kindness we'd be more inclined to give him one. We end up with alot of "remakes" due to various errors during the, we dont mind someone who needs it coming and getting one. We donate many of those remakes anyway......but, he would walk in and interrupt paying customers to ask and got to be such a problem that my GM finally said yeah we're not giving him anything again.
I think it's a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.
I think it'd be retarded to reject the growing darkness in the world, where degeneracy has become more rampant, where people justify violent acts against people for being white, for supporting someone else, etc., where litter rates become so much higher.
In regards to things that were happening behind the scenes, sure.
But for every day occurrence? The rates at which things are happening? Things are absolutely growing darker. They are not mutually exclusive.
There is nothing new under the sun. Old Testament evil never went away. It just got really good at duping us while hiding in plain site. It’s camouflage is deteriorating before our eyes. Turn or burn maggots. Jesus is the ONLY way out of this.
Very optimistic way of looking at it :)
My Nation is literally getting Darker. Yesterday, I witnessed the most blatant shop lifting id ever seen. The man walked out of the store and nobody went after him. The optimism is found in knowing more people are recognizing the patterns and are Waking up.
To be fair, unless you're in the southern hemisphere, it's springtime and it's literally getting lighter every day.
I also take into account Exam time. It's a constant regardless of season. I travel between 2 Cities. One is still classy and culturally vibrant. The other is Ottawa.
I was going to say something like that, but you said it better.
I used to enjoy taking the bus. Now it's all unfriendly foreign born people who talk out loud on their phones in their foreign languages. I live near a University. Now all the Students dress like bums in ugly sweat pants. The Cultural degradation is happening in real time.
There was a time within living memory where families dressed for dinner, they dressed to go shopping, men wore ties and fedoras to go to the ballgame. Now I see people in their pajamas at the grocery store in the middle of the day, men wearing shorts to go to the store when its 10F outside. The cultural slide, along with a chemical attack through food and modern medicine, has led to slovenly habits and slovenly thinking. Its a selfish narcissistic attitude and their politics reflects this.
And this was all planned, premeditated, to produce exactly this result.
sounds like California.
We would have a good time over a drink sharing are views together. I can see older people losing their Spirit to look good but young people should be celebrating life by looking good for each other. Every Nation should ban cell phone use for one month. Force people to connect the way we did for the last 10,000 years.
#Liberty? Lol
What's wrong with shorts? Lol. I wear shorts all year round. I don't dress like a slob though. Who wants to wear monkey suit and tie and a fedora? The pajamas is gross though.
Hey now. Leave my 10f shorts out of this.
Let’s agree that suits are better and end it there! :-]
Ok Ill amend that to men and women wearing shorts to Church Service. My Dad does not like to see women in shorts, or really even pants for that matter, but when he sees someone in shorts at Church I have to physically hold him back. He was born in 1939. I have to agree with him for the most part, women in skirts look much more feminine and much more demure.
Our preacher wears shorts in the summer. He has dreads and a nose ring. Youde never meet a better teacher and christ follower than him. This threads getting pretty judgey.
Ah. Yes. For sure not in church. Jeans in church shouldn’t even happen.
Once I went to a seafood restaurant, dressed “decently” in shorts and a passable polo.
A black church boys youth group walked in, every single one in a perfectly ironed, wrinkleless suit, with a gleaming dress shirt, proper undershirts, matching ties, and sparkling dress shoes. Sharp to the T.
It hit me harder given how much worse they’ve been hit by cultural subversion as a whole - I almost cried out of joy - but everyone should be following their lead. An entire huge table of young men being reintroduced to the way forward! “This is how it should be!”
LBJ was a damned demon.
It also got me to notice how casual I was out in public, though. Haven’t fixed the issue yet, but it’s definitely something I try to be aware of more often.
Our daily reality in Northern CA. This goes on EVERYWHERE and no one is allowed to take any action because innocent people get killed in the process.
on a lesser note, we have a guy who we felt bad for and gave a free pizza to.
Now, just like a stray animal - every single day they walk in and ask if we have any pizzas we can give out. It's a shame because if he wasn't making it a daily routine and trying to take advantage of our act of kindness we'd be more inclined to give him one. We end up with alot of "remakes" due to various errors during the, we dont mind someone who needs it coming and getting one. We donate many of those remakes anyway......but, he would walk in and interrupt paying customers to ask and got to be such a problem that my GM finally said yeah we're not giving him anything again.
The veil is lifting, otherwise known as… The Great Awakening of public awareness.
I think it's a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.
I think it'd be retarded to reject the growing darkness in the world, where degeneracy has become more rampant, where people justify violent acts against people for being white, for supporting someone else, etc., where litter rates become so much higher.
In regards to things that were happening behind the scenes, sure.
But for every day occurrence? The rates at which things are happening? Things are absolutely growing darker. They are not mutually exclusive.
Or as Alex Jones once called it, the False Hologram
From dark to light.
I like the way i heard it from Charlie Kirk…the world isnt getting worse morally…were just as bad as bad as we ever were we can just do bad faster
There is nothing new under the sun. Old Testament evil never went away. It just got really good at duping us while hiding in plain site. It’s camouflage is deteriorating before our eyes. Turn or burn maggots. Jesus is the ONLY way out of this.