Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow. Pedes pushing the truth back in 1885 with a printed "post", no doubt posted somewhere in public.

And the fact of it just disappeared under the tsunami of Cabal propaganda, enemy-of-the-people media, bought and paid for professions, and so on.

The internet really HAS backfired on [them], hasn't it? The TRUTH shall set you free, and the internet finally lets us get the TRUTH out widely enough to spark a Great Awakening.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

I know a number of people who've had one or more jab and all but a few are without symptoms. Here's wishing you and your family well. And I can tell you from personal experience that intelligent, informed supplement use can help you beat the odds regarding health issues.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes. No fix yet for the jabbed. These three supplements plus (ideally) a BUNCH of others could make a real difference, though. Maybe. Long term studies of the jabbed, with and without supplements, have yet to be done.

Here's hoping there are still plenty of those who took the jabs around FOR long term studies.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another data point:


Oh no. Americans have a worse opinion of science now than they did before the covid-19 pandemic. It doesn’t come as a surprise after all the disinformation that’s been swirling around since then. Now we can see how much trust in science has eroded in the latest survey by the Pew Research Center. The number of participants who say science “has had a mostly positive impact on society” fell from 73 percent in 2019 to 57 percent today.

Related (and speaking of "disinformation" -- i.e., the truth) --


The Censorship State Is Fighting Back

But Its Nefarious Activity Continues To Be Exposed Anyway

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

She's a happy-face, female, "different than the others" Deep State shill. Between this and promising to Dox everyone on the Internet (and various other things), she's become the anti-Trump.

Narg 22 points ago +22 / -0

Article IV, Section 4

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.


Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes. The underlying motivation for many in the field is the desire and need to heal their own emotional problems -- but psychiatry and most forms of psychotherapy don't DO that, and "figuring out" one's emotional problems is NOT the same as resolving them.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe you're right.

Apple is also among the many high-tech companies working to create the Social Credit prison for us, and of course they're big on all the DEI (DIE, really), ESG, LBGT_etc, Climate Change, and other anti-life, anti-freedom initiatives.

Embedded link in paragraph above about Apple and the Social Credit industry isn't showing up in Preview mode, so here it is by itself:


Damn few big companies aren't working against the human race right now.

Narg 3 points ago +5 / -2

It is people who abuse and use any religion or system for their benefit. All of the worlds religions have experienced highjacking by the same fuckers who refuse to let us live in harmony.

That is TRUE as far as it goes -- the Spanish Inquisition comes to mind, among many other things -- but it does NOT go far enough. Other religions don't tell their people to subjugate and murder everyone else who isn't in the "correct" religion.

Islam does.

For example, Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists espouse Ahimsa, the respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others.

Christianity includes a single new Commandment given by Jesus to his flock:

13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 

13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

THAT is why you don't have Christians, Jains, Buddhists, or Hindus doing what radical Islamists so often do. The first four religions preach love and do NOT cancel that by also teaching jihad.

Islam has many positive teachings, but ALSO teaches (and requires) Jihad against everyone else.

Big difference.

Narg 9 points ago +11 / -2


Islam is a scheme for takeover of the Earth by infiltration and violence, disguised as a religion.

"Moderates are irrlevant" -- yes, because while THEY may be harmless and quite decent human beings, parts of the Koran insist on the subjugation and murder of "infidels", meaning of every person on Earth who isn't Muslim -- and as long as those parts of the Koran exist, genocidal Muslim extremists will also.

"Moderate Muslims" end up being killed during phase 3 along with Christians and everyone else who is not Muslim and in full agreement with the Jihad.

As OKJulie points out: that isn't opinion or slander or Islamophobia: it is historical fact.

by BQnita
Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

One of my very favorite Q drops.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wow. So sorry to hear that you and your family are being f*ked around with like that.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

OK. I don't think I've ever seen more than a few seconds of Dr. Ruth, other than that she was a sex therapist, I'm not familiar with her.

My comment was mostly in response to my constant surprise that ANYONE believes a MAN can BECOME a woman (or vice versa), by any means whatsoever. It's just too bizarre to contemplate.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Comment from https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/9/23954497/humane-ai-pin-wearable-news-announcements --

Jay Peters NOV 9


Maybe building a whole product off of generative AI might be a bad idea.As pointed out by more than one Verge commenter and on this post on Threads, Humane’s AI Pin demo features it confidently making an error about where you can watch April’s total solar eclipse. I’m getting flashbacks to when Google’s Bard made a factual error in its first demo. These sorts of high-profile flubs are why I have a hard time getting excited about many generative AI tools right now.

"Confidently providing incorrect information" is something AI has been repeatedly found doing. It's also something characteristic of the human Left brain hemisphere, which also becomes defensive when its misinformation is challenged. Left-hemisphere dominance has seeped into the culture, fortified by modern tech and, for that matter, by things as simple as the emphasis on reading (especially by reading left-right alphabetic languages).

A related characteristic of both AI and the human Left hemisphere is a way of attending to the world that virtualizes what is real, seeing things as mechanical, lifeless, and parts to be dealt with individually as opposed to seeing the whole as a connected organic unit. Empathy does not exist in either the Left hemisphere (only in the right), nor in a computer program, no matter how complex and sophisticated.

AI is an incredibly powerful and useful tool.

It is also an incredibly dangerous one.

You can say the same about fire, but at least we know what to EXPECT from fire, and how to deal with it.

AI is new, and -- despite being a tech nerd and excited about AI and this new product in particular -- I have always been concerned that we take its dangers too lightly.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy shite.




So many conflicting thoughts and feelings about this . . .

I'm a long-time SciFi fan, and this is . . . the most futuristic consumer device I've ever seen.

Every tool can be used for good and for evil; this one is powerful and subtle enough to offer whole new levels of both.

EDIT: This looks like very attractive cheese for a shiny new mousetrap.

But damn: I want one. Must . . . resist . . .

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

By the time it actually goes into service, that won't be a problem.

Trump's coming back, and Hell's coming with him.

SOON, according to the Man himself.

(I'm not in a blackpill mood today. That changes occasionally, but . . . not today).

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