Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd actually seen that before . . . and it makes a good point -- guerrilla war doesn't need high-tech, but it also isn't compatible with anything like normal American life. I wouldn't want to spend my whole remaining life, my children spend theirs, and THEIR children spend theirs, in a war-torn society with atrocities being committed on both sides and with traditional snitches and spying augmented by 24/7 high-tech surveillance (example: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/your-wifi-can-see-you) and nano-weapons (for instance, smart-dust weapons) added to the mix.

The vax, Bill Gates' weaponized mosquitos, mRNA and other nano-tech in the food supply . . . it's gotten almost BEYOND SciFi now.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was completely wrong in my prediction for 2020, and Trump keeps surprising me (surprising everyone, I believe) in many situations, so I've stopped predicting and started just hoping for the best.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Suarez is an interesting author -- a good storyteller and a clear thinker.

Democracy arose in ancient Greece for similar reasons, I think: the State did not have weapons beyond those the average man could obtain (or make) and deploy.

Today, we're fully in another situation like that of the middle ages, where the State (or almost any government body) typically has weapons that Mr. Average cannot afford, make, or obtain -- tanks and other armored vehicles, missiles, aircraft, and so on -- not to mention newer, high-tech nightmares. This is one reason today's America is in a very different situation than our Colonial ancestors were. Everyone had muskets and swords back then; cannon could be obtained by a group of citizens (or a single wealthy person, for that matter), so the British did not have a serious edge involving better weapons -- and the Brits were fighting on the colonist's home ground, a treacherous month or more by ship from their home base.

These laser weapons are just another in the high-tech arsenal that the State has and the citizenry do not. A dangerous situation, yes.

Narg 24 points ago +26 / -2

It's clear that large portions of the US military are working against American interests.

It is also clear that many patriots remain in the military.

The question that matters is: Which group will prevail?

Q theory (did I just make that up?) says that "nothing can stop what is coming" and we interpret that to mean that the good guys WILL win and have things arranged so that a loss cannot happen.

Most of the time, I see things exactly that way.

Sometimes, the situation seems so dark that I wonder. Every time I see Milley, or read about him, I have one of those feelings -- that America is SO corrupted we may not recover.

Trump coming out with statements like this, so direct and hard-hitting, restores my equilibrium. Thank you, Sir!

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gives "Military is the only way" a whole new meaning.

Grim, grim, grim.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with much that you say here; certainly the Cabal has been working to keep the price of PMs low and silver, in particular, is far below its historic value, which was about 15 oz silver to 1 oz gold.

The "suit" analogy wasn't meant suggest today's buying power is identical, just that it is roughly similar, and after 2,000 years that's amazing. Togas aren't three-piece suits, after all, and sandals aren't modern business footware.

Yes, modern tech not only removes vast amounts of silver (AND gold) from the market, mostly in zillions of tiny amounts that aren't very economical to recover, but when a use for gold or silver is found, there's rarely a less-expensive material that works as well, so we don't often see them replaced by something else.

Will the price of silver -- in terms of BUYING POWER, not dollar amounts -- rise dramatically? I suspect it will, but I don't think it will rise as much as you suggest. Believe me, though: I am nowhere near certain of that. We're in uncharted times in many ways.

"Stacking silver" is almost certainly a smart thing to do, whether it only preserves wealth or brings a huge windfall.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

The one-zillionth example of how coercive Power, even when used specifically with good intentions, creates evil outcomes. Hat Tip: J.R.R. Tolkien

EDIT: Not that the Cabal ever HAD good intentions in this situation, but plenty of regular people do and I believe even a number of politicians think they're "doing good" by forcing EVs on us all. The propaganda has been intense and of long duration.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the clip! And I must say, the salesman at the counter over-promised when he said "You can't miss" with a laser sight. Laser sights are very helpful -- critically so in some situations -- but I can testify that you CAN miss, if you aren't careful.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Eraser" wasn't my first cinematic thought -- that would be Star Wars -- but it's certain appropriate. Not the Woke Austrian's best film, but certainly not his worst.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Australia has large ocean-adjacent areas similar to Southern California in climate. The place SHOULD be a paradise. As ever, tyranny turns anything good into a nightmare.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope you're keeping track of all these and are planning a best-selling book, titled something like The Collected Dog Woo Quotes by AshlandDog.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was going to say that this is yet another positive example of Trump's first-term judicial appointments -- there are certainly many -- but Roger Benitez was appointed by "the Decider" himself, George W. Bush.

Nice to be reminded that Republicans occasionally got things right prior to Trump, if only because public pressure required it.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

One limitation on hand-held laser weapons is they will set things on fire, so if you miss your target you could easily cause a disaster. They'll never be legal for hunting, for instance, and even as home-defense weapons I don't think I'd be comfortable with one. Starting a forest fire or burning down your house wouldn't be optimal.

If we get particle-beam or other energy weapons that DON'T immediately set things on fire, that'd be something else entirely. I don't know if such are possible, though.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Catchy meme, because it FITS! I like it.

(Can an IMAGE be called "catchy?" There's probably a better word but I can't think of one).

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

You list good reasons for this seemingly useless exercise, and I agree with you. In particular, it provides another source of red-pill material, putting evidence and a JUDGEMENT by serious people on record. No jail time or other enforcement in this, of course, but that's not the point: this "citizen trial" creates another crack in the dyke of malicious gaslighting the Cabal is hiding behind.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Precious metals prices" depend largely on the value of the dollar (or whatever currency the metals are being priced in).

Over thousands of years, the marketplace / buying power value of the two monetary precious metals has remained fairly constant despite inflation of the local currency, and THAT's what is important. It's a cliche (but true, as far as I can tell) that "In ancient Rome, a one-ounce gold coin would outfit a man with a good-quality set of clothing -- and it still does, here in the modern world." (Gold is currently at $1924.80 per the Kitco widget at 321gold.com).

Market efficiencies and modern tech -- unavailable at any price in ancient Rome -- make an overall apples-to-apples comparison impossible, but the buying power of metals remain largely immune to inflation because they cannot be created cheaply out of thin air.

The buying power of monetary metals varies up and down due to monetary policy in a fiat currency regime, but never for long and -- importantly -- it never goes to zero and anywhere near that. Holding metals is a way to protect existing wealth and to insure you have something to spend (or barter with, depending on your viewpoint). Speculating on the future dollar price and buying power of metals is a way to "make money" or to "LOSE money"

Speculation is, literally, gambling. Some make a fortune that way; some go broke. Buy-and-hold is the safe thing to do (limited downside, as metals never go bankrupt and have been highly valued for thousands of years, for good reasons); speculation is for those who believe they know enough about the details of the future to take the risk.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Patriots are in control" is, I believe, a bit of hyperbole -- recall that "disinformation is necessary" -- because it is clear that patriots are NOT in control in many places and situations.

Otherwise, we'd have to believe that patriots planned, set, and helped cover up the truth of the Lahaina fires, the toxic spill in Ohio, and many other things that involved mass casualties (deaths and/or severe injuries) and financial devastation. EDIT: Or that patriots knew about these horrors (and others, such as massive child trafficking) and allowed them to happen. Patriots are not yet in a position to be in COMPLETE control, obviously.

Patriots ARE in control in many areas / situations where the public is allowed to believe otherwise, I am certain. But not everywhere. HARDLY everywhere.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow -- high-effort comment; nice to see such a list of sane, decent people in Hollywood.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is an excellent and important column by Gary D. Barnett, and a strong red-pill that puts the many assaults we have suffered and are suffering into a framework anyone can understand.

Aside from Barnett's emphasis on the futility of voting -- which until the advent of Trump and the MAGA movement I fully agreed with -- the column is strongly in line with the ideas and values of Q and the Great Awakening, neither of which is mentioned. WAKING PEOPLE UP and getting them to STAND UP AGAINST THE TYRANTS is what Barnett advocates, and he makes a good case for the urgent necessity of that.

An excerpt (emphasis added):

What is being ignored is that this world has already been taken over and is being fully controlled by the very few, and the fighting of one against another is continuing to aid in this takeover plot. By concentrating on each and every tyrannical distraction, the people have left themselves open to dictatorial management, and in the process have lost all ability to stop the totalitarian usurpation of their lives and property at the hands of the financial cabal bent on world rule.

By treating each indiscretion as independent of the real agenda being sought, nothing is being done to stop the state in its efforts to fully control all people on earth. By participating in the political and ‘voting’ process; a process designed and implemented for the single purpose of control, by concentrating on the political side shows, by attempting to use corrupt government courts to gain redress from tyrannical maneuvers, by accepting the ruling system as legitimate, by allowing the Federal Reserve and all banks the ability to monitor and control assets through complete digitization, the lowly people are digging their own graves.

It may already be too late to continue this asinine exercise in futility, as the ruling class few are in control of the systems that will allow them to complete their takeover plot. The only answer to this evil attempt to destroy us in favor of the few most powerful, is to negate all government, to negate and abolish the federal reserve system, to disallow any and all control by the banking cartels, to stop any and all efforts to monopolize the economic and monetary system’s efforts to create and implement any central bank digital currencies, and to not accept any new feigned emergency concerning health, fake ‘climate change,’ war threats, unnatural events, or any other intentional criminal acts meant to cause undue fear among the seemingly helpless proletariat.

The people are not winning; they are losing, but this deadly assault on humanity can still be reversed if even a small majority stand up and take responsibility for their own lives and freedom. If the current trend continues, if the bulk of this population persists in hiding from the truth, if most expect others to save them, all will be lost, but if any true actionable awakening by large numbers becomes evident, the state will fold. This will never happen with any election, and no politician can change the course we are on, as depending on any master participating in this evil governing system, is the epitome of failure, and can only lead to eternal enslavement.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree that morality is based on inherent human nature, and not only "human" nature: dogs and other animals, particularly social animals, have a built-in morality (or set of social rules) that allow for healthy interaction with other individuals and for behavior relative to the group as a whole.

People are motivated largely by empathy, kindness, and a desire for non-coercive cooperation. This is true for other primates also – indeed, for mammals generally, which is why so many of us have dogs or cats as pets: These animals make loving family members and companions, despite their instincts for hunting and killing prey. Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, author of When Elephants Weep and Dogs Never Lie About Love: Reflections on the Emotional World of Dogs, calls love "the master emotion of dogs."

Primatologist Frans De Waal, author of The Age of Empathy: Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society, is among the best-known advocates of this view, now becoming mainstream in scientific circles, that human nature is fundamentally kind, cooperative, and empathic, with a strong sense of fairness and concern for others.

Widespread and severe emotional damage is the reason so much of the world seems to refute that, and yes, the Cabal and tyrants generally are a major reason (but not the only reason) FOR that emotional damage.

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