Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes, I can envision a scenario where Biden "wins" again, but it's so miserable I can only stand to glance at it for a moment.

Narg 18 points ago +18 / -0

More and more people are waking up. When we are all informed, we make being informed look as if it's just normal to be informed. When a mysterious certain critical mass senses that shift, a new normality emerges. It triggers the sea change, and all the sheep rush to be patriots. Unfortunately that's what we've been waiting for for years, true. But, IMHO, that's the answer to your question.

Exactly so. Waking the people up is the tool we use to bring down the evil that oppresses mankind and build a better world. Thus, "The Great Awakening".

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's not pretending to be a medical expert here; he's acting as an investigative reporter, digging out facts and putting them in a timeline.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK, you don't like Dr. Martin. So what.

Are the INFORMATION and the info-graphics in the column wrong?


Then what's the problem?

Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

Not a bot, no.

I'm an older person who's been awake for decades, and have known few people like me IRW -- still, really -- but the internet and especially, in the past few years, THIS site has made me feel more part of a family in regards my "awake" view of the world than I'd experienced previously.

Also, GA and the clear increase in the number of normies who are waking up around the world makes me believe that a global sense of brotherhood is building -- and that's an important thing. In the background of all the obvious destruction and evil we see, the world is changing for the better.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I appreciate what she brings to the table in terms of being a calm to MY mental storm, since I've spent years "in the trenches of the info war" and it can certainly be overwhelming and taxing at times.

I definitely feel that loneliness sometimes, a year ago more so, but I'm mostly a solitary guy. Though she helps me reconnect with my humanity and human spirit rather than be lost in the fog of an info war... And thus paradoxically keeps me engaged in it since I feel I have something concrete and immediately tangible and human to fight for.

I'm happy for you that you have a good woman in your life, who is helpful in this regard (and in many others, I am sure). It really IS true that a a connection like this completes us, makes us in some ways into a single organism, and lightens the load for both partners. That's one reason it takes so much malicious propaganda to sell the idea of non-heterosexuality: nature's way (God's way, if you prefer) is what we are made for, and when we get it right it's a serious blessing.

Narg 17 points ago +17 / -0

I concur, Cap'n. Also, this site has helped to further wake up several people I know.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never saw Chicken Run and appreciate your detailed post, CaptainQirk. You've got an interesting and agile mind. Also, given Mel Gibson's other films, including The Passion of the Christ, The Patriot, Brave Heart, and Apocalypto, it's no stretch to think that Chicken Run contains more symbolic material related to freedom and good-vs-evil than immediately meets the eye. Q would certainly fit.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gertrude17: Thank you for the extensive line of ChatGPT (I assume) responses. Very interesting.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tolkien was right: Coercive Power over others is hellishly corrupting and addictive.

Almost no on can hold such Power and remain unaffected.

Trump is our Frodo.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm the odd duck here who doesn't BELIEVE in divine intervention -- not directly, anyway -- but Trump's 2016 win really DID feel like something supernatural had come to our aid. Trump and Team, including Military Intel and other White Hats, are who actually defeated the Steal, I believe, but . . . in the background, maybe something more.

Narg 25 points ago +25 / -0

Yes, feeling surprisingly calm.

What helps the most lately is the accelerating pace of actual AWAKENING. Tucker and Elon suddenly standing tall for freedom and sanity (to HUGE audiences), and things like CNN doing a "town hall" with Trump that turned into a massive MAGA campaign ad, combined with "regular folk" more and more talking about the formerly-hidden TRUTHS of the Cabal, of the toxic medical industry, of endless war for endless profit, of the purposeful destruction of America, of society's moral fiber, and on and on -- all of it tells me that real progress is being made on breaking our chains and bringing forth a very different world.

In the run-up to the 2016 election, I was a wreck. I just KNEW Hillary would get cheated IN; you couldn't help but see the ENTIRE establishment already lying their ass off for her, pushing her candidacy, doing everything they could to cancel Trump (even moreso than they did to Ron Paul). And I knew what a Hillary administration meant: the end of America and the end of Freedom, world-wide. Well, the end of any formal support and protection for freedom from any powerful nation, world-wide, which would soon mean the same thing: a global police state, almost impossible to overturn in the next several lifetimes.

Things are much better now that everything is falling apart. How strange to write a sentence like that and actually mean it.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the linked Karen Kingston substack article (bold added):

Pfizer’s mRNA nanoparticle injections never had the ability to provide any benefit and were always developed with the intentions of causing disease, disabilities, and death. This is now even more evident per Pfizer’s own June 2022 internal document.

This internal Pfizer document reveals that there were at least 3,814 deaths reported, 3,711 cancers and benign cysts, 4,056 pregnancy complications (1,859 spontaneous abortion complications), and 1,143 spontaneously occurring genetic disorders. On average, victims suffered 3 or more harmful clinical outcomes across multiple organ systems post mRNA injection.

The interval reporting period is December 19, 2021 through June 18, 2022 with 1,591,026 harmful clinical outcomes of 507,683 mRNA injected victims. The cumulative reporting period for this document is December of 2020 through June 18, 2022, recording 4,964,106 harmful outcomes of 1,487,027 mRNA injected victims.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even scarier, what if Trump isn't?

That thought wafts through my brain occasionally also -- and I'd imagine many on this board could say the same thing. There's little to suggest that Trump is an actor working for the Other Side, including Trump's actions re: COVID and the "vax", once you look carefully . . . and plenty of reasons to believe Trump is 100% for real. People here are smart and not easily fooled . . . they wouldn't be here otherwise. But that's like saying someone is not likely to die soon because they're only middle-aged and they're health-conscious and athletic -- but Jim Fixx, author of The Complete Book of Running, died of a heart attack after a run, age 52 (in 1984, decades before the COVID "vax").

Certainty in one's knowledge is always an illusion.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Assuming this clip isn't cobbled together and/or Deep Faked in some fashion, my first reaction is:

Project Blue Beam

We've been talking about Project Blue Beam for years: A Cabal plan to help solidify their One World Rule.


What Is Project Blue Beam?

According to Serge Monast, the four-step project designed by NASA and the United Nations would allow these organizations to accomplish what he believed to be their ultimate goal of creating a New Age Religion led by the Antichrist in order to start a New World Order dictatorship.

More: https://www.qwant.com/?client=brz-brave&q=operation+blue+beam&t=web

While watching this clip, I kept thinking "red flag." Tucker has become unassailable, he's really With Us, can't doubt it any more -- but now I'm wondering.

Same for Elon Musk.

I am SO pleased and impressed with the work Carlson and Musk have done to help get the truth out to people, and maybe that's exactly what they're doing here. Depending on where this goes, I may start to believe that's true.

But I'm cautious, and Blue Beam, or something LIKE Blue Beam, sounds exactly like something the Cabal would dream up, plan, carefully orchestrate over a period of decades -- as they did COVID, the "vax", various wars, the Fed and the Income Tax -- and then push the Start button when the time is right. There have certainly been enough postings and news items related to UFOs lately; the topic is trending, and IMO we're near SOME sort of tipping point. Now might be the time.

Is that's what's happening?

I wish I knew.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reee! Reee! An Abolitionist! Cancel him (or her)!

That government is best, which governs not at all

~ Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first article linked above has screen shots that include the names of specific COVID (and other) vaccines, but says:

Unfortunately, we cannot access the actual adverse event data as the URLs are not archived. But I do have a screenshot of the reported adverse events from a query on June 12, 2023. There were N = 69,103 reports for the Janssen products.

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