Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds awful. But understandable, because the world is filled with seriously twisted people and children are WAY more perceptive than most adults think.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

We'll see. It's aimed at little kids, I'd guess, and The Little Mermaid is a Little Kid favorite, so it might come out of the gate strong, at least.

Narg 18 points ago +18 / -0

This is GREAT!

Children LOVE dinosaurs, and learning ABOUT dinosaurs never hurt a child.

Fabulous pivot from one to the other. Dinosaur month!

by BQnita
Narg 12 points ago +13 / -1

You're right about Trump. He does often highlight the good things he does (for red-pilling, among other things) but he's also a very humble, decent person and he does credit others -- and ultimately, God -- for the plan.

Side comment: I don't believe the human mind can or ever will fully understand the nature of God, anymore than a paramecium can understand Shakespeare. Certainly, the God-as-old-man-in-the-sky never made sense to me (even as a young child, that seemed more like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny than anything real. I was a pretty cynical kid) but in recent years, I've come to believe God is the Consciousness that all matter is built from (many big-name physicists believe the same: that matter comes from a universal consciousness -- not self awareness, but an ineffable conscousness -- rather than the other way around; Kastrup is a good introduction to the idea and McGilchrist discusses it, with quotes and references, in detail in his The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions and the Unmaking of the World).

So yes, that sense of Right and Wrong all healthy humans have -- other animals too; dogs for instance get angry at unfairness to themselves or even to others -- is God's Plan, working through our true nature, as created -- not mechanistically, of course, but over time and via evolution within the created prior fitness of the universe for carbon-based life -- by God, the Universe, or however you conceive it.

by BQnita
Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

Terrific summary, LongTimeListener.

And yes: if Trump hadn't intervened, we'd be living in Hell right now and with near-zero chance of getting back to a reasonably healthy "normal."

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Christ highlighted compassion, brotherhood with all, and was very clear that "offending" children was among the worst of sins.

He focused on the important things in human life, and by refusing to back down, to the point of sacrificing himself, got His message spread world-wide.

No wonder Christians have always been targets. Everything corrupt or evil hates the Christian message.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wow, that hit a nerve. And only because it's true.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree: The time is soon. Wish I knew exactly when and exactly how it'll go down and get resolved.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

The only sauce is my memory here, but I recall Trump saying that Mexico DID pay for the wall by bringing in the Mexican Army to prevent border-jumpers into the United States and to police the large number of waiting would-be immigrants, before and during the Remain in Mexico policy. Also, they used their Army to block immigrants from South of THEIR border from entering Mexico on their way to the US.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0


So you're in Steve Kirsch's situation, let's say. You're upset that people are being harmed by vaccines (or that election fraud is putting people who want to harm America and who haven't honestly won election into office, or some other such situation).

What do YOU do to bring the facts to light? Steve has already done a lot to publicize solid and often dramatic evidence. You say he shouldn't be funding a study because of his bias. What do you suggest?

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I overlooked something at the core of your comment: That Steve's assertion that "Vaccines CAUSE autism" and his plan to fund a study proving this show bias.

If there wasn't massive evidence already for the thesis that vaccines cause autism, I'd agree. If Steve were the kind of corrupt Bozo who would falsify a study in one way or another to prove a point or to favor a supporter (like, for instance, a significant number of published scientists in today's world), I'd agree.

But there is already a mountain of evidence for the theory that vaccines cause Autism, and it is rare that a large, expensive study is done without there being a thesis and expectation about the results. Big changes in science sometimes come BECAUSE of such expectations being proven wrong; HAVING expectations is NOT "unscientific."

Steve's wording makes sense given the existing evidence from the last several decades, and his actions and publications give me confidence that he's neither corrupt nor stupid enough to produce something misleading.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kirsch has been studying the topic and gathering data, highlighting existing studies and stunning data from insurance companies, government and other organizations, and other sources on the topic for some time.

It's not as if there's no data already. There's an avalanche of data spanning decades. The problem is that those in the medical and scientific communities who deign to even MENTION the data are punished.

If you read even the excerpts I provided in the post, you know that --

The most stunning thing James told me in our call today is that after he wrote the book, he was contacted by one of the most senior scientists in the autism field who told him straight up:

“We all know vaccines cause autism. We just aren’t allowed to talk about it.”

James told me if you got the top 100 autism scientists in a room and they took a poll that could not be traced back to them as to whether vaccines were the major driver of autism, the vote would either be 100% YES, or very close to that.

If Kirsch funds a study and the results do NOT show that vaccines cause autism, he'll report THAT. He's got exactly that sort of character; he's interested in the truth and screw anyone who tries to hide the truth.

The study will either show a clear connection between vaccines or it won't. That isn't "mostly" following the scientific process; assuming good design and honest inputs and analysis, it IS the scientific process. I have no idea why you think that's a problem.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The past 3 years and the ongoing revelations of evil and corruption everywhere have shaken my faith in humanity. I feel like the cabal's plan to stupefy humans has been successful and we are returning to being happy to be treated like farm animals to the elites.

I agree on all counts, SadNZer2, but Q points out (and I agree) that humanity is, on balance, still good and for that matter that many of the stupefied can and will be saved.

#4915 - 2020-10-21 18:56:57 (UTC+1)
A deep dark world is being exposed.
The truth won't be for everyone.
Have faith in Humanity.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

SO tired of The United States of America being the bad guy. Until Trump returns to the White House, the world has no reason to respect our government.

Plenty of American citizens still understand and exemplify the principles this country was founded on (and plenty don't, of course), but all three branches of the federal government are compromised beyond belief, causing harm everywhere they meddle.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

And just like that, you have left the realm of real, truth-seeking science. With any large-enough data set, it’s always possible to manipulate the numbers and/or the analysis (whether you do it consciously or not) to get any answer to the question you’re hoping to address.

So, no point to doing studies or research at all then. Interesting point of view.

Of course, "proof" in science is always provisional; all you have to do is browse science aggregation sites daily to see that "Oops, we were wrong (or possibly wrong) about X" stories show up several times a week. That's how science makes progress, gathering new data and adjusting theories according to what we find. (Well, Kuhn's paradigm theory highlights that things don't go as smoothly as they might). It's not a process that's ever going to stop, really.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for posting! It's a great read; typical for Badlands Media content.

And very upbeat in terms of what's coming.

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