Divide and conquer, sounds like the old playbook, divide race, divide religion, divide the sexes, divide the children from the family, divide by class, divide political affiliation, divide men and women, divide the family unit. and on and on
Remember when Alex and Beck did this before, Beck is still good to go but I wouldn't put it past him to jump ship again, Alex you lost your ass before, now you are doing it again some people just don't learn from their mistakes.
I am just going to say this. We were made to wait for another month to find out what the 20 MEg-Boom is all about, only to have to jump through some more hoops this is some BS. if you got some info just release it F-the damn FBI and 3 letter agencies, and I don't even know if this is anything or not.
I have watched alot of videos of the Russian people and I was really impressed with the quality of materials being I am building a house here in Ohio all by myself, start to finish bought most of the materials before the lumber went totally batshit crazy from the Amish, Russia seems to be a lot like it used to be here. I know earlier this year Feb. gas over there was $1.78 a gal is it still around that?
I think the better way would be to clean up the states, and by that I mean like the FBI, CIA, DOJ. It's a deep swamp and lots of Scary Swamp creatures. I mean United We Stand, Divided We FALL.