It's 025/23 not 05/23, and it's a thing.
Th only sport I've ever heard of it happening in is hockey, when non goalies take a slap shot to the center of the chest. It's all because of that rubber puck flying at ~100 mph, and the last time I can remember it happening was about twenty years ago. Baseball could theoretically have it happen on a pitch, but even a bunter isn't facing directly at the pitcher.
It's also worth mentioning that since it messes with the electrical impulses, it's like a light switch. Meaning you almost instantly hit the ground, instead of talking shit for a couple seconds before walking away, standing up and then going out.
Tariffs are also a normal means of protecting a nation's industry, and thus labor force as well.
His name was Vile Rat.
Well, the batmobile did lose a wheel...
Reminder, the saying about the frog not jumping out if you slowly boil the water comes from a study on brain damage. Those frogs were all lobotomized, the control groups all still jumped out.
Roth IRAs and savings accounts are controlled by the same entities that control normal brokerage accounts and 401Ks, so when the forced liquidations start they disappear too. So if you're going to do anything with stonks, make sure you have them direct registered.
Now do the same with New York, Illinois, Oregon and Washington...
Plebbit, the insult version of Reddit, and the avatar has the iron collar around the neck, on a chain, in the window on the right, where you also have Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitch in pet cages.
The joke is that it seems appropriate, given how the various versions of Leftist degeneracy are pushed so hard on there.
Plebbit with the chained dog collar...seems appropriate...
"I look at them and it's almost like they got used to me not being around."
She has gotten to see what happens when she dies, except she has the chance to make them so very happy if only she can pull her head out of her backside.
IIRC, there's usually a sixty day supply in the system, which is why it started spreading.
I picked up some meats for storage a couple weeks ago, chicken was half the price it had been recently and beef was down a third. I filled the freezer with as much as I could afford.
Early 2020 I could get a dozen eggs for about a buck, now it's about three, and certain "brands" / sizes are nearly five. That's over tripling in price over just a couple years, which is a MASSIVE increase.
Exactly, now if they'd gone with ELQN instead, they'd have something to build on.
Odd, I never realized "AMERICAN" was a race...
PITs primarily, which is where they were in the first place. Nothing for actual logistical support due to the extended time it takes to charge the damn things.
Yeah...instant grounds for termination with cause under insubordination isn't really comparable here...
They are largely interchangeable, more people understand the concept of freedom than liberty, GEOTUS has a tendency to choose his words to get the point across as easily as possible.
To be fair to that case, there's a town in Alaska that routinely elected a cat for it's mayor, and I want to say this isn't the first time I've heard of a recent corpse winning an election.
I need to start keeping track of what happens when certain joints hurt a certain way. Since it at least appears there is a difference based upon what old injury is hurting.
Two thirds off, so a trinity for the price of one?
From ten feet away. During a burglary. Where there were no signs of forced entry. And nothing was stolen.
I gained a bit of respect for him a few years back, because he actually said on his broadcast that his entire job is to be a troll, and he is very good at it.
Based upon the audit, I'd say a good chunk of them were real ballots, but the rest were PEDOtus fakes to help push him over the edge.