NewAllOverAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes I do hope you saved and will make available to read, the dialogue that you and AI had, in it's entirety. Personally I want Elon to read the whole thing. Don't you? I was already creeped out from something I heard today sorta by accident, that pissed me off so bad. It was a shit interview with that Maxwell guy who got "abducted by greys" and is widely publicized. He was having a discussion with someone and had the audacity to claim to have been informed that Christianity is the largest most efficient criminal enterprise on Earth. He lumped all of it together with the Catholic church. I did not like that. Sad that he is listened to by so many. Plus he claims to have gotten promises of protection from a 33rd degree mason, blah bah blah. and of course the mason is who informed him about the criminality of Christianity.

NewAllOverAgain 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is a reasonable question, why is it offensive? Is it impossible to answer? It really bothers me that instead of answering it you attack with downdoots. Why is that?

NewAllOverAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Her husband is probably catholic and they have had the discussion about what faith their kids will be raised within. It bothers me when a religious group (Christians) attack someone's freedom of choice. It's a "what would Jesus do" moment. But anyone choosing the serpent church at this point is disconcerting.

NewAllOverAgain 4 points ago +4 / -0

Muslim protesters no doubt? Muslims do like to do this against individuals and groups.

NewAllOverAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

God bless you, fren, with a peaceful heart as you go to your interviews. Father God WILL place you in the right job. There are many factors but wisdom will prevail in this. Picture yourself in His Hands where you are protected from anything that could be against you in this material world.

NewAllOverAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've heard do not fear is said 432 times. But 70 times is also awesome.

NewAllOverAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is pretty old. Still in the land of the living?

NewAllOverAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bogus event. Bunch of posers. I remember not so long ago believing Switzerland was neutral. How naive that was.

NewAllOverAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh look it is one of the other fake Joes.And for that matter it looks like a fake Kamala too. Normally I don't think so but these two are just wrong.

NewAllOverAgain 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good grief. God help them and their families.

I wish Putin would just really seriously finish the phucking job in the Ukraine including capturing Zelenskyy and killing him for crimes against humanity.

NewAllOverAgain 7 points ago +7 / -0

Most updates not slanted to protect the royal family come from Tisa Tells on youtube.

There is talk now that it is William's goal is to destroy the royal family. So I wonder. I did think that his grief and bitternesss about the family having his mother killed and his promise to her to reinstate her position when he became king, would always prevail but he may have decided that total destruction of the RF system needs to happen. It is possible that Kate and the children are tucked away for a reason. But I suspect Kate will be announced as having passed away from her illness. Appearances including the AI fake video she made, point to nefarious plans. Dark business all of it. I am not really interested in the royals per se. I just loathe deceptions and gameplaying. Sort of turns out Harry had the right idea to get his wife the hell out of Dodge. Seriously.

NewAllOverAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some people believe that double murder was committed by others not OJ.

NewAllOverAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only ones who attack are those who feel threatened by her.

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