NicoleDuhtrole 2 points ago +2 / -0

The actual cost of TVs did not fall by 90%. Back in 2000 most of us were buying tube TVs for $400 while the brand new HDTVs were $3000. And how about TV service?

EDIT: the four different ways to spend money by Milton Friedman

1) You can spend your own money on yourself.

If you spend your own money on yourself, you're very careful on what you spend it on. You make sure you get the most for your dollar.

2) You can spend your own money on someone else.

When you spend your own money on someone else, you're careful on not spending too much. You don't worry as much about the gifts you buy for other people as the things you buy for yourself.

3) You can spend somebody else's money on yourself.

You're careful to get good things for the money. But you're not very worried about getting the best bang for your buck. You're happier to spend more of somebody else's money within reason.

4) You can spend somebody else's money on somebody else.

You become a “distributor of welfare funds.” You're interested in making your own life as good as you can. But you're not going to be anywhere near as careful as spending this money on other people.


NicoleDuhtrole 1 point ago +1 / -0

15 minute cities are actually a great idea if done for the right reasons. There is a concept called Marchetti’s Constant where cities grow to about a 30 minute commute time. Whether walking, transit, or driving. It would be great to have an extra 30 minutes a day to work or relax, and cleaner air.

And about water. It can be made from thin air by an atmospheric water generator. It's an energy intensive process so the water could cost $.50 / gallon. But if electricity is free then water will be cheap.

NicoleDuhtrole 2 points ago +2 / -0

gaw doesn't need to do the dirty work. That is done by googleapis and googletagmanager, and maybe cloudflare and X. The googletagmanager one is weird. It shows up using Inspect but not with View Page Source.

At signup and maybe new users posting have to complete recaptcha (a google product).

NicoleDuhtrole 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fact check time. The Cima Payer is 10020 feet high. If you have ever been on a mountain you would know that there is NO WAY he fell 10000 feet. Not even if he was launched out of a cannon on top of the peak. His actual fall may have been 700 feet. And the fall may not have even started above 10000 feet. There are articles from a lot of places that are worded like this. Such bad journalism. Or comms.

NicoleDuhtrole 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are at least 2 FDA approved frequency therapy devices for cancer.

Optune Gio for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a type of brain cancer. https://www.optunegio.com/recently-diagnosed-gbm/how-optune-works
“TTFields are tuned to a frequency that specifically targets GBM cancer cells.”

TheraBionic P1 for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common form of liver cancer. https://www.therabionic.com/patients “When the spoon-shaped antenna is placed on the patient’s tongue, the radio frequency electromagnetic fields are delivered throughout the body.”

I’ve been digging into the Vitamin C + Lysine lately. I started the protocol less than a week ago and my neuropathy symptoms have disappeared. That has happened before so I’ll need some more time be be sure it’s gone. What else can be fixed with the right nutrition? Humans are one of the few animals that don’t make vitamin C. Except that pregnant women can make vitamin C. And here it is claimed that people on a carnivore diet produce vitamin C. https://greatawakening.win/p/17txoa5HaW/once-again-icymi--how-i-100-clea/ What is coded in your DNA?

What are the top killers of humanity? Heart disease and cancer. BOOM

NicoleDuhtrole 2 points ago +2 / -0

I made a spreadsheet to track several data points.

  • Calories per dollar * I excluded fiber from the calorie count
  • Calories per pound
  • Protein per dollar
  • How much water needed to cook it
  • How many pounds I have in inventory
  • Total calories in inventory.

Maybe there's an app to do that, but I don't trust phones.

Here are some things I found from my spreadsheet:

  • The cheapest (healthy?) calories are white rice.
  • Next, sugar, flour and high sugar foods like cookies.
  • Dried beans have less net calories per lb than rice due to their fiber and cost more per lb. They are still a good food to store.
  • Nuts and dairy give more calories per dollar than canned meat, but have reduced shelf life.
  • You will want some foods that are expensive per calorie like meat, fish, cod liver oil, yeast flakes, fruit etc. Spam was one of the cheaper meats when I did the calculations in 2020.

It's worth checking "dollar" stores, restaurant supply stores

We don't that much protein? http://www.fatfree.com/FAQ/protein-myths

Download an offline copy of Wikipedia and other sites with Kiwix. https://greatawakening.win/p/140cNWK90K/kiwix-download-gutenbergs-public/ You may also want a pdf package like that linked by Dreadnought. You may have an old phone or computer to dedicate to this. Store it in a Faraday cage. Just get a small metal garbage can with a tight fitting lid and line it with an insulating material, maybe cardboard. Label it so you or others know that it's worth charging up that device.

Make sure you have plenty of WATER. And you need to have fuel to cook all the food. A pressure cooker can save fuel. And maybe some paper plates to avoid using water to wash dishes.

NicoleDuhtrole 2 points ago +2 / -0

1893 Chicago World's Fair

2024 Chicago World's Circus

(131 year delta)

NicoleDuhtrole 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would say no to the arginine.

In a contrasting study, researchers tested whether nine grams of arginine per day would help people who had already had a heart attack. The premise that taking arginine could prevent another heart attack seemed to make sense because blood pressure is elevated during a heart attack, and supplemental arginine lowers blood pressure by dilating blood vessels.91 Uncontrolled high blood pressure also causes heart attacks. However, this study ended tragically because six people in the arginine group (and none in the placebo group) had another heart attack and died! 92 (The study closed enrollment after this finding.)


NicoleDuhtrole 4 points ago +4 / -0

We want to consume more lysine than arginine. https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/why-we-need-a-high-lysine-diet/ Dr. McDougall’s diet claims to reverse heart disease. It’s a low fat vegan diet. It would be nice to figure out why it works even though the observations below are in conflict.

The limiting amino acid for Oats and other cereal grains is lysine. These foods also have higher arginine than lysine.

The foods that are a good source of lysine are dairy and meats. i.e. the foods that need to be banned because climate change.

Given what we are finding out about lysine, the RDA for lysine is probably too low. Lysine is the most needed amino acid for children 10-12. http://www.fatfree.com/FAQ/protein-myths

NicoleDuhtrole 1 point ago +1 / -0

Couldn't they just pick up shit off the sidewalk to test? Win+Win!

NicoleDuhtrole 3 points ago +3 / -0

The gold bug strikes the sea and it parts. (about 2 min after this creature first appears) Biblical stories get recycled a lot, usually with a flip.

17:27 The climbers look like they are spelling IHS on the circle. Odd that he doesn't mention it in the video especially after showing the sun with IHS at 1:03 .

I watched it to look for symbolism. I missed so much.

NicoleDuhtrole 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good one! Just look out for the bucket of crabs.

NicoleDuhtrole 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Fibonacci sequence begins 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2548, 4181, …. How many of these days have significant events? 13 and 21 were significant this month. Last year or maybe 2022 it was crazy 8s.

Archived reddit post https://archive.ph/236pz

The economist cover does NOT have the spiral.

A different version was posted to .win about 2022-01-02 This version correlates better to the events of July 13th. https://media.patriots.win/post/KaI8iRkah32f.png (Note: all wins share the same media server. It could have been ga.w or any other scored site.) On other sites this version can be found as early as 2016.

NicoleDuhtrole 1 point ago +1 / -0

It could be worth getting the 401k match. There should be a money market option that will pay at least 4% now with very low risk to the principle. Then invest if there is a crash. If you change jobs, then you can roll it over into an IRA where you can buy whatever stocks you want.

I'm not a financial advisor.

NicoleDuhtrole 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one has said whether deltas are meant to be adjusted for leap years. 2024 is a leap year so the day number of the year (194th) is the same.

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