"It's Done."
Anthony Blinken text message to UK PM Liz Truss minutes after the Nord Stream explosion.
Co2 = .054%
Another one of those pesky numbers.
Percentage of carbon dioxide in an atmosphere of many gasses.
How much of that could mankind produce?
Grain of sand on a world full of beaches.
"The Great Global Warming Swindle"
The whole thing is a fraud, and it's easy to show.
Daily injections under the fingernails.
"Fish stem cells."
I am pro choice and I choose to be born.
Only "South Park" is allowed to change stuff like this. ~{°¡°}~
I guess that means no more deliveries of "Bud Light." ~{°¡°}~
Done properly, it's an easy fix.
This is where it all begins.
"Q ~ The Plan To Save The World."
And this will help.
"This video will get Donald Trump elected."
Brought to you by...
Feeling down a bit?
Angry and useless?
Not getting what you expected?
Then try new "Dammittall."
Sure cure for yesterday's news.
Available Now at "Lefty's Pharmacy."
They couldn't have landed on the moon because it's flat and they would have slid right off... ~{°¡°}~
Thank you for posting this.
"Privacy in public places."
Direct contradiction. Derp.
From the article,
“We expect to be able to pretty dramatically increase the number of refugees we admit from the Western Hemisphere here through the regional processing centers,” a US official said. The US is already working with other Latin American countries to open more processing centers and is said to be streamlining the admission of migrants’ families.
That's a good looking burger. ~{°¡°}~
The look on his face says,
"I will be adding your skull to the collection of those that came before you."
That is one badass pig. ~{°¡°}~
"10 days for court stuff then the next step."
Attorney Todd Callender on SGT Report, April 15th.
Brought to you by...
Feeling down a bit?
Angry and useless?
Not getting what you expected?
Then try new "Dammittall."
Sure cure for yesterday's news.
Available Now at "Lefty's Pharmacy."
"It's Done."
Anthony Blinken to UK PM Liz Truss minutes after the Nord Stream explosion.
Make it heavy, hard to see and shin height. ~{°¡°}~
This was a joke ya know...
BOSTON ~ Star Spangled Banner ~ Put This In Your Head And Have A Great Day!
By Noozbumps (me)
Thanks for watching. ~{°¡°}~