That woman is very angry. She must be PMSing.
Jesus is Lord
I welcome him. He is my love, my Lord, my life.
Also Allah and Jesus (Tash and Aslan) are the same god. But really, there is no god.
Aslan, come back to us. Help us.
This was a very low yield explosion, and there were fireworks....something is very fishy here.
Why not just raise gas prices in memory?
Get ze Flammenwerfer, Hans!
Tinfoil Match
The Rabbit Hole
Enter the Daterix
They installed a goat anus as the flight control. Now the flight pattern makes sense.
My dudes. Chill. Its theater. Watch, wait, and see. The game at the top level is played differently. They have optics and media manipulation to contend with. Things are never what they appear.
Personally I am hoping the 'clamp' is turned off and we finally have psychic internet.
Who knew Malorie and Roseanne would become our heroes?
Dead internet is real.
Portland was originally a target.
"I'll do the movie, but only if there's a 20 minute fight scene in an alley that kills the pacing stone dead." - Roddy Piper
This process of awakening is not about saving some human institution. Its about saving souls from damnation. That isn't something yet to arrive. That is here and now, and his name is Jesus. Saving America is the symptom, not the cure. The cure is Christ crucified, and our repentance. That, more than anything is what they fear. That is why they distract us, entertain us, terrorize us, and imprison us. TO TAKE OUR EYES OFF CHRIST.
I have been watching this drama play out over 20 years. This is the first time in those 20 years that I have ever seen the deep state fractured and broken like this. About 8 years ago some kind of massive shift took place and it is gathering speed. Don't know how it ends, but I love watching it go.
Two more weeks
The gays and the straights and the whites and the spades!
God I love this man