Elections don't matter, only inaugurations. It doesn't matter whether Crippled Warmonger would properly have been recognized as the victor rather than Kenyan Commie. Kenyan Commie is the person who got to exercise the power.
That's assuming Elon's control is an upgrade from their current position. The Twitter purchase has been good for us, and for a select few people who had been kicked off and have now been brought back, but it's too soon to say whether we're benefitting in the long term from Elon's purchase.
Merging the bird and SubStack would likely benefit Twitter, but I still don't trust Elon yet. He remains a technoglobalist, just a rival to the WEF set of technoglobalists.
The crazy thing is, it's really a matter of the finder of fact being an issue, where most appeals rest on interpretation of the law. The judge just basically said, "Because you don't have someone confessing to their obvious malicious intent, it's not proven, so get fucked."
Since most appeals are used to accepting the decision of the finder of fact, it'll be hard to overturn. Maybe there's an appeal point on the judge finding fact rather than ordering a jury?
Formally speaking, the US government claims secession isn't allowed. Therefore, they'd continue to claim authority over the troops stationed in the seceding states.
What really matters is whether the rank and file living in seceding states recognize the validity of the secession. If the substantial majority do, and the dissenting minority of troops are offered the choice between joining the seceding state's New military, leaving the service and entering civilian life, or moving to a different state, it would likely go peacefully.
If most of the military found the secession illegitimate, then a new union among the seceding states, forming a new military, would be necessary as a deterrent against invasion.
The words on pieces of paper only matter to the extent that people are willing to back it up with force. This code or that code, this or that statute, executive order, or memo, doesn't particularly matter.
The fundamental question is, what will convince the military and the executive departments to go along with a direction?
The only thing that matters is whether the state apparatus will go along with a path. Seeing as they kept treating Obama as the real president all through the last 6 years, shuffling some paperwork won't do anything.
The closest thing there is to a viable plan is Trump winning in '24 beyond the margin of fortification, and then making the entire administrative state At-Will.
Do you know your US Supreme Court history? Wickard v Filburn, they held that anything that impacts the economy counts is interstate commerce. Similarly, the WEF is about anything that impacts the economy.
Fun fact: just as "climate" is a term that encompasses all natural processes in the solar system, so it can be used as an excuse for anything, "economy" is a term that encompasses all human activity, so it can be used as an excuse for anything.
Remember to remind every legislator who votes for this of their vote in a few years when there's actually a chance of passing both chambers and getting signed into law.