Ugh, yeah I bought one of her books back in the day. Thrown in the recycling bin.
My aunt was freaking out about 4 months before 2020 election, saying she was going to pack the family up and move to Canada. I was thinking “oh really? It’s that easy, huh?” Has anyone ever looked into this? Because I checked their website and it’s like on average, 18 months to process a citizenship app, but it varies. And there are a bunch of merit type stipulations (like having a jerb.) They better get going on it, is the point. And gtfo-we don’t want you anyway.
Sounds familiar, really. Take care, fren.
There’s that ballsack chin again and her neck looks like a vagina and now everything is making a lot of sense. Up is down, left is right and somewhere, someone is missing their holiday table runner.
Our family dog had liver issues and we fed him plain chicken, scrambled eggs, rice and plain cuts of cooked beef and sometimes some pumpkin or squash. Not all at once but those were his meals for the last couple years. It helped a lot.
Beautiful dog! I will pray and please keep us posted.
I’ll pray for her, for you as well. Having gone through a similar breakup this past summer, I’ve realized it is a path to learn a lot about yourself. A personal growth journey. If you see it like that right now, it helps take a lot of the pain away. Yeah, you grieve for the person and the good times and allow yourself that. But also, after the dust settles, you start to learn about yourself, what annoys you, what you may have done wrong (admitting that is hard but essential) and you can sort of pave a path forward. But it is devastating and especially holidays- sometimes even just shopping for food can be a big trigger. I found reading helps tremendously. Anything that interests you. It fills the voids.
It sort of sounds like you have not given up totally on the relationship. Maybe I’m reading too much into it or don’t know all the details but use this time to focus on fixing what could be wrong in your own life. I had a counselor tell me once that if you imagine drawing a circle around yourself-a circle around your feet and you’re standing in it- what is inside is what you can control. That’s it. It’s probably the most useful advice I’ve ever gotten from anyone. You can’t control her, what she does, how she manipulates you or her character flaws. You can only work on yourself and your reactions to those problems. It may never be a salvageable relationship but you can salvage your self esteem, your ability to love and care for others, learn new things, and so on. This is sort of a gift, the way I look at it.
You broke up and it took a lot of courage. It would have been easier to go to bed and just press on the next day repeating the same mistakes. So you did that and it wasn’t easy at all and you’re probably exhausted emotionally from the whole thing. Rest. Distract yourself. Pray and try to listen really hard to what God is trying to help you learn.
I call them “invaders.” I say it whenever it comes up in conversation. It always causes a wide eyed, wtf look but no disagreement.
A murder of crows. A conspiracy of ravens.
Why, is right. I’m Catholic.. no idea why he would do that. He actually did get a black eye in 2017 banging his head into the Pope Mobile in Columbia. So they say, anyway.
My dog has been through the wringer with complications from meds and vaccines, cancer and at this point I just don’t use anything for flea and tick except this stuff called Avon Skin so Soft Bug Guard Plus Picaridin Liquid Repellent with Pump Spray. You can get it at most stores and pharmacies or online. I started using it a couple years ago and no fleas or ticks. My mom recommended it-she used to use it on us for mosquito prevention in its original form (I guess Avon has made it for many years.) It smells pretty good.
I just don’t have a great answer though because I’m not sure how effective it is against heartworm but if the bugs aren’t biting, I suppose no heartworm. She gets checked annually and no problems. Heartgard prevention made her super sick. Everything seems to make her sick though now. Good luck, I should try some of the ideas mentioned here as well.
I didn’t know that. I’m just leaning about the guy. May he rest in peace..finally. Thanks for the comment. It seems comedians and actors have so much tragedy in their lives.
Here is an excellent explanation of what happened to Matthew Perry. From an anesthesiologist, talking about Ketamine.
I have almost zero respect for the medical community but really, there is nobody else except the tabloids who are talking about this.
They didn’t know how to trim the motors up or down.. yeah ok. Or they had left the keys on “run” in the ignitions, draining the batteries bone dry. Yeah ok. Or they could have waded in the wasn’t deep but their clothes would have gotten wet so.. yeah ok. Or they were told to take their time.
And a lot of them are written by bots.
That is good insight into it. People need to know that- Spies.
I’m not digging the weekly.
It’s called “lemon tek” and in addition to what Space_monkey has said, it can help avert the nausea associated with eating the very fibrous mushrooms. Plus, they taste like crap and that alone can cause an unpleasant experience. There are lots of ways to take them. A popular way is in chocolate. Just look up lemon tek for info.
Daly is considered a close friend of Pres Trump and supports him 100%. It’s worth watching.
I know that they shouldn’t be used with antidepressants, especially SSRIs. For more info
I just think it’s important to have a designated trip sitter or guide. I’ve seen inexperienced people have anxiety, some temp side effects like nausea or shakiness or get caught up in thought loops and you need someone to redirect or reassure. Again, never condoning illegal substance use.. and also, safety first.
For a good intro and eye opening, watch “ Fantastic Fungi.”
A lot of vets I know use magic mushrooms to help treat anxiety, ptsd, addiction, end of life issues, pain and depression. Those who’ve lost limbs and suffer from phantom pain report incredible improvement. Many are able to ditch RX meds for mental health issues and experience a lasting sense of well-being and reduced anxiety after even just one trip. The benefits are tremendous for those who use them appropriately and not just to get high. They’re not addictive and the health risks associated are about the same as using marijuana, maybe even less since they’re not smoked. Many, many people report having a spiritual awakening. Also, the brain builds up a tolerance and so they shouldn’t be used frequently. You need at least two weeks between trips for your brain to reset. I’m not advising, condoning or even encouraging illegal drug use but there are some US states and Canada where they’re legal and some research centers can help people if you’re looking for a legal way to use this alternative and what I consider a miraculous substance.
Anyone considering trying them should have a trusted friend, therapist or family member to be a trip sitter or guide.
You hear about some people having “ bad trips” but it all centers around “set and setting” and mindset. You never want to try them in a noisy, over stimulating or dangerous environment. For instance, a lot of young people are introduced to them while at a party or concert. This is the worst possible scenario and they shouldn’t be combined with alcohol or other substances or used in settings where someone could be injured or subjected to something unsafe. Experienced users combine them with meditation, nature and appropriate music. Also, every trip can be considered a learning experience. Anyway, there is a psychedelic renaissance at the moment and has been building over the past several years. Many books, videos and blogs talk about this subject and how miraculous mushrooms are. I’m currently reading The Immortality Key by Brian Muraresku. Just so fascinating.
My dog had cancer recently and my vet said there has been a significant uptick in canine cancers within their practice and “we don’t know why.” My dog’s cancer was a rare thyroid tumor. Possibly related to Apoquel (anti allergy) med. She also almost died from the kennel cough vax (Bordetella) a few years back and the emergency vet said her dog nearly died from it. I get the impression most vets just keep plodding along with their usual vax recommendations because.. money.
This video is well worth the time. It’s astounding.. please spread to your friends and family.