Must be a NY transplant! Kek
I don’t think he’s a black hat or any of the above. That being said, it’s because of this group that I started a garden, have cash, food for my family etc. So, I do think people in this group are prepared
I don’t think anyone in this group isn’t prepared for the worst. But we believe in the best!
I have a friend who fears the same. I’ve seen the new theory gaining traction which isn’t surprising now that he is tying himself to Q, creating the Streisand effect, in turn, waking up more and more. Here’s the one part I keep going back to, why awaken anyone at all? Why not just let Hillary win and continue on with the plan? The answer of “ to root out patriots” isn’t enough. I would say only 10-25% were awakened compared to now. Why create a stronger force? Wouldn’t the refusal of the vax have done just that and our country would’ve continued on with little attention to corruption in the govt, media, election fraud, three letter agencies, Wall Street, education, big pharma, etc. Why enact all the policies he did during his presidency? Why strengthen a country that had already begun to collapse? Simply to root out patriots isn’t logical. Just my opinion.
Have faith, I’m ride or dying too!
Look into t. Ghondi, not enough studies bc obviously no money to be made.
The protests began bc a 24 yo old woman was beaten to death by the “morality police” bc she was wearing her hijab incorrectly. They took a stand by removing their hijabs during the protests.
I don’t know… Louisiana AG has been killing it!
You have your own song! Bowing down fren!
Thank Q! Interesting takes: Started in 2014 Neo-Nazis Certain people in todays WH administration West has crossed a line “Im not bluffing”
Check out the Twitter link an hour or so after the speech posted by AndriyYermak
It’s all over MSM…
Been looking, caught last few minutes live. Trying to update as I find info.
Maybe you could use it as a way to open his eyes? Tell him you have read some information on how this has been happening to a lot of women but luckily, there seems to be some hope. If they decide to try again and would like the information, you’d be happy to share. Then compile a little book of repills along with the post vax vitamins.
“In Section 1 (f), Biden cited a goal of training a supporting a “diverse, skilled workforce” and a new generation of leaders from “diverse groups.”
What shall we do with the two million illegals that have come across our borders?
And now there are a lot of influencers, who used to ride the trump train, claiming we are being played on both sides. This is always the crux of my argument. If we were supposed to head into the reset, why would such an information war happen and why would they wake up the masses? Logic. I used the attorney tic toc video and the link an anon posted to Twitter to show a friend last night who no longer believes. It would make total sense, for influencers being paid to making people question. Especially before midterms.
I remember seeing FB posts from nurses and doctors in NY about the protocol in the very beginning. One doctor explained it describing the lungs like balloons, instead of steadily increasing oxygen (like you would for altitude) they were adding so much oxygen they were popping the lungs. I was reading and other countries had already figured it out. So infuriating!
Don’t have Twitter. Someone should post the videos, articles when they were being flown under the cover of night by the Biden admin.
I hope the B is the new SNL
I think you’re definitely onto something! I’ve had a few days to process the response to the motion. It’s a circular argument they couldn't win. They want to review “and use” the information to continue their investigation for reasons of “national security”. But one must ask, how is national security a risk, almost two years later, that is now back in the hands of the government?
Let’s remember, we (and maybe the investigative team looking to file charges for mishandling) don’t know it’s classification. Or do they?
Let’s say a president classified certain docs as “personal” yet NARA feels like they should be archived. What if the docs expose something sensational… collusion, treason, players of Russiagate, election fraud etc.
NARA may not agree with the “personal” classification. The president believes it is. Executive privilege gives a very wide reach in discernment to the president. It’s be a simple disagreement between a president and NARA. You know, sending letters, asking for documents, giving documents, asking to see the storage, asking for a lock to be placed, typical back and forth negotiation.
But it’s Trump. Nothing has been normal. Enter the 3 letter agencies. So they raid MAL and claim state secrets. National security. As you said, under the guise of the color of law. Transparency doesn’t work for those above the law. Having a judge who honestly believes in the rule of law is a threat. Just as Trump is. Just as we the people are.
The way I read the study was to either need to increase the frequency or keep them on longer? The drops aren’t forever like a heart transplant?
Was it their private text messages or FB messenger? It’s probably messenger which is why it wouldn’t allow people to send certain links or videos. If it was private text messages, that’s a different ballgame.
Left my heart tonight at a hotel, ships out tomorrow. Proud and broken. No one has to tell me the reasons it’s insane, be gentle. The need to right the wrongs is the making of a warrior.