Nomoralcompass89 6 points ago +6 / -0

Happy birthday to all the devil dogs out there, from this Army vet.

Nomoralcompass89 1 point ago +1 / -0

DDHQ is quicker to call stuff than AP, DDHQ has GOP as 210 called races.

Nomoralcompass89 2 points ago +2 / -0

I took my five year old with me to the polls this morning to show him what this civic duty is and stress the importance of it. Im in rural Ohio so he did not get his own ballot like he would have in Philly or Detroit, but he still learned a geeat bunch today.

I used a table that was lower and set up for wheelchair bound voters so he could see what i was doing filling in bubbles. I explained the importance of voting for people who have similar beliefs so they will run the country the way i would if it was my job.

Nomoralcompass89 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ooooof. I need someone to share this hopium with, its a lot to keep to myself.

Yep by 5547
Nomoralcompass89 1 point ago +1 / -0

"God made some men tall and some men short. Sam Colt made all men equal."

Nomoralcompass89 5 points ago +5 / -0

It happens to all of us. Usually it happens with TGP. Its still a win for the day.

Nomoralcompass89 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is American Exceptionalism. Take care of your neighbor.

My neighbors barn burnt down a few weeks ago. Hes been getting the run around from insurance. I felt bad because i saw his zero turn became a pile of melted aluminum so ive gone and cut his grass twice now. The second time he tried to give me 60 bucks "to cover the gas" and i told him no thanks, i just want to be there for my neighbors.

Nomoralcompass89 2 points ago +2 / -0

A school district for a city i lived in oreviousky was by far the best at wastibg taxpayer dollars. Underperformed in all the categories that mattered, and spent money like it grew on trees. One situation that comes to mind was when they leased millions of dollars for apple Ipads due to having a grant for it. Theb the grabt fell through the following year and the school had to pay a hefty early termination fee on the leases.

Good on you for making it to a board meeting. Ive been meaning to make it to my towns Trustees meeting but working an off shift makes it hard.

Nomoralcompass89 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ive looked into joining the Cajun Navy, they are run incredibly well. They are proof that people only think we need a big federal government when we can handle taking care of our fellow Americans.

For anyone that may require assistance, double check how the Cajun Navy gets reports and dispatches just in case you need assistance after the storm, i think it usually is from Facebook posts.

Nomoralcompass89 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im saddened to hear about your loss fren. I pray God gives you strength as you and your family grieve.

Nomoralcompass89 2 points ago +2 / -0

You make a good point about perspective, i am not a Californian. I imagine it would be significantly easier to escape many of the societal issues by making a new state and a new state government.

Nomoralcompass89 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q also told us they want us divided. Carving out a new state from an old on sure sounds like dividing us. I want the fraud removed, after that, lets the cards fall as they may.

Nomoralcompass89 2 points ago +2 / -0

While it has no bearing on the integrity of Mr. Friend, in another article he was quoted as saying he did not vote for Trump. I am curious if this guy did vote for Biden in 2020 or if he figured theres no way to find out the real answer anyway.

Nomoralcompass89 2 points ago +2 / -0

Regardless of whom is in the roles, theres a policy i can get behind. Move the Executive office to Mar a Lago and nuke the swamp!

Nomoralcompass89 6 points ago +6 / -0

One thing i know i cannot do that a woman can, hold a child for extended times. I dont know if its a differences in the hip structure and being able to use the skeletal system to support the weight of a child verse as men we just deoend on our muscles and eventually fatigue. This is one thing ive noticed with my own eyes. Neither sex is better, we were just made by God to compliment each other. Another one that ive noticed the difference on, a sense of direction.

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