The accident is that they’re supposed to get rid of Trump before the insane attacks begin. Until then anyone anti-Trump is sacrosanct.
It’s a general rule. Even traitor McStain was a “bad guy” in the press for a while before dutifully teaching Palin, taking his designated loss to Zero, and returning to the Senate to plague the living as a “maverick” once more.
Not everyone has gotten the clue. When this first started I saw a couple checking out with their case of Natural Light -- it would've been at once too late, pointlessly confrontational, and useless to tell them they traded one Bud Light for another.
My only problem with this wave of boycotts is that I long since quit Target, cancelled Netflix, Google, Fakebook, Twatter, etc.
The timeline where RINOs and Dems have a lock on passage.
In these cases the ideologues are given permission to grandstand on fake principles so as to mollify the fervent left and the fervent right and drive blue and red fundraising on how the evil bad other team is evil and bad, and if you donate now we'll not pooch everyone next time, really.
And they say "that's nice, what are you going to do about it?" (I'm not disagreeing; but it's a lot like a murder victim complaining about being shot in a no-gun zone.)
Dems instructed to vote for (and why not, they get 95%+ plus get to bitch and fundraise off it). Them plus RINOs means MAGA is cut out. Shock!
Medicine’s not my field, but is it possible to do residency at a better location?
Even if it’s a longer grind, it’s got to be better than just bombing out. Plus you’d likely end up with a higher % of patients with normal problems vs vaxsheep.
Cotillion: French for ceili.
Clarification: "blood connection" as in relation like cousin or uncle. The other is obvious, or it was before your image post went splat.
See also the other notable Gardner although I’m not easily finding a blood connection.
It’s not surprising that a gnostic would write this. The “red gold” is the big deal in Rosicrucianism and Crowleyism too.
The question is, however, not whether it’s real. The question is how would people who believe it’s real behave? (Or, if you were hyper rich, had lived the sort of life most have to to become hyper rich, and thought pineal juice could preserve your life and save you from Judgement, what might you do?)
In a bygone age, my childhood introduction to economics in school explicitly called out people voting with their money for the product they wanted more of.
Lo, we don't want more butt-alphabet BS -- and since the actual product is fungible (there isn't much quality to separate light US beers -- if there's even any quality at all) the messaging pretty much is what's there to monetarily vote for or against.
Stupid Jack Russell dog with fake Irish name; ok. Stupid wierd dude with fake female name; no.
Potentially be careful. Crowley and others associated 333 with Choronzon, a sort of shape shifting demon. This is a good write up of Thelemites’ take without being a cheerleader for their view:
Point seems to have narrowly missed you…
People claim that certain energy discoveries were made and then buried. As a theory, fine, particularly in this age in which it’s so obvious that there are powerful people burying truth who are or are connected to dynasties of such people.
We’re fact-based people here. The “conspiracy theory” of vaxx injuries was borne out by fact, even as efforts continue to squelch that truth.
If the theories about Tesla had or have any basis in reality, the way to show it would be to follow the research and replicate the result, or try and maybe fail but pursue the scientific process, and see where it leads. The way is not to bend facts, rely on arcane suppositions, or concoct trails of alleged connections.
So … since in all these years nobody has done the obvious right thing, one can draw one’s own conclusions.
So ... a century later, nobody anywhere has even quietly replicated the work? Yes, NT's notes are gone, but de novo, nothing?
Little clump of blue on the east side of Lansing, MSU, parts of Kalamazoo, and Genesee/Wayne (racist) corruption. The rest is filled with "F Biden" and Trump flags.
Sure, "outside the Supreme Court." If you're out and about Friday or Saturday, do so in a state of readiness. Sunday too -- we know what the alphabet mob hates most.
You misspelled "Anglicans" but you've got the general idea (which was also wrong; there is no way to be "Puritan" by escaping the 'bad people' as we carry our sin nature around with us; but it was a nice try)
What's the wokist term? Marginalized. In this case, actually accurate.
"The currents that you think are going to save you, they're the ones that are going to destroy you." -- Vir Cotto, B5.
Nothing has changed since then. The goal of China (and then, USSR; but those commies became the Green movement) and the Western Deep State is to unify; for them to become inured to commerce, and we to be submerged in control; for everyone to become a global number.
No.6 said he's going to escape, come back, destroy The Village. It's a metaphor and an allegory; but not only that. Probably. BCNU.
Yes, and human history trends towards freedom. All government is therefore anti-progressive. Use that red pill when friends are close to nearly awakening.
Hard for it to spy if it doesn’t have a connection to the world. If you really want the IoT a separate router with no WAN uplink suffices without anything talking to the outside.
Oh no! The Alpaca lips! Now!
Sundance has been on this for a long time. Worth reading back into his other analyses.
“The vagina” misgendered reeeeeeeeeeeeee 🤣