Absolutely no surprise. You cannot expect a politician that is constantly part of the spending problem to do anything to end it. He sided with the Uniparty again. Can someone please explain why DJT and MTG pushed so hard for McCarthy to be Speaker? I wonder how much of that $4T increase will end up going to Ukraine (Zelinsky) and the pockets of Soros, the Dems, the Rinos and to support LBGTQ, illegals, more bioweapons. This isn't putting lipstick on a pig, it's putting more fat on a hog that's already too big to move.. And what did McCarthy get in return? Ready for it...."PROMISES". Yep. And We The People are supposed to watch our taxes go thru the roof and happily pay OUR fair share of this debacle, in other words, for all of it.
I gotta chill before I write something I might regret
McCarthy pushed forward into the limelight, and did not perform? Still unclear what the game is here with him. But he can be replaced if needed per House rules. Maybe time for Trump to become Speaker and demolish the DOJ/FBI, their diseased Hoover building, and then salt the earth where it stood?
McCarthy is a brilliant man, President Trump's hand picked leader for the House of Representatives.
The economy is teetering on the brink of devastation. Biden was trying to force the Republicans to fight so he could default on the US debt and blame the Republicans. This way he could start with a blank slate and make sure no Republican could get elected for the next 20 years. But instead, the McCarthy has pretended to cave. Biden now is sitting on an economic time bomb which is sure to cost the Democrats everything. I wouldn't be surprised to see McCarthy run for president one day with MTG still supporting him as vice president.
How short is the fuse in your opinion? Looks they keep buying more time, and we continue to get attacked and murdered.
The white hats know what they're doing. With enough data points and a correct algorithm, you can map out decay in a system and calculate the point of no return. My guess would be sometime in the next 2-40 months, though I don't have any special insider knowledge. Even if it doesn't happen until after the 2024 election, we know that the storm will remove all the corruption, even if that corruption has been elected.
Has to happen before Trump inauguration, otherwise he gets blamed. Just under 20 months out from that point, so we might make it with a bit more interest rate acceleration or Biden economic sabotage.
I wish President Trump will be the speaker, we have too many Rhinos
I just wrote that on a tweet comment.
My sense is McCarthy is playing a role on the side of Trump to highlight issues that need to be put in the limelight. McCarthy seems to be ok playing the bad guy at times, my spideysense says he is net good but I've still got my side eye on him. He came out with his big China report and then shortly after started working with Trump and then sided with Liz and started his games.
This is the way. Trump’s Continuation of Government E.O.. Think military. Marshal law. Tribunals. All done by 2025?
Never interfere with an enemy while they destroy themselves.
Let’s talk about investing.😬
Now Trump and the patriots.......
Martial is the state of law; marshal is a person, like the fire marshal, or the U.S Marshals
Or the guy that builds the guitar amps.
Those go to 11!
U.S. Marshals Service and Constitutional Sheriffs are supposed to be removing state and federal judges and politicians about now. If they are compromised, then the military under C-I-C actual or delegated authority is the only way. Even Constitutional Courts (9th/10th Amendment) have no teeth with compromised sheriffs. Time to remove compromised sheriffs and install MAGA sheriffs? Here's how to do it county-by-county: https://bondsforthewin.com/
Yep! Typo error. Thanks. DOD Law of War Manual clearly defines. Martial law coming.
lets sort this by 2022.... 2023... 2024....2025 .... 2030??? We'll be homeless at that point
Slow, methodical progress is being made, imo.
2020 - Steal allowed for Dem exposure and recording of evidence and conducting audits by Military Intel (audits already done in every state, with Arizona being the obvious public one).
2022 - Steal mostly allowed to expose RINO leadership; House barely won despite Red Tsunami that should have resulted in 100 seat MAGA flip; Senate clearly stolen, MAGA won 10 Senate seats; Purpose was to select true MAGA and separate from RINOs to support Trump's 2024 campaign and next administration (see Karoline Levitt from NH race now leading Trump campaign media team)
2024 - Primary with DeSantis being done to expose rest of RINOs by letting establishment get behind him; Also imploding remnants of Bush machine via public exposure
2024 - Primary with RFK Jr. being done to expose rest of Dem establishment and their ties to foreign governments such as CCP, Ukraine, et. al via Biden Crime Family public exposure
Likely outcomes for 2024 Dem Primary stolen from RFK Jr.; obvious, undeniable, and very public steal from Trump; military has to step in and conduct new elections OR Dem steal stopped in enough states to get Trump elected, THEN he lets military take action, so it can't be a coup if he is POTUS/C-I-C via convincing Electoral College win that is undisputable.
Taking down organized crime takes a very long time to do without getting lots of people killed.
I'm not working OT just to give it to these damn demons.🤬
Fly to Mexico... then smuggle yourself over the border. Then profit off the u.s. taxpayers for life.
Good twisted humor😎
Fake a Ukrainian accent.
They'll give ya the red carpet treatment.
Or Chinese.
They probably would give you the ok if you pulled the sides of your eyes back to make them slitty like little kids used to before their parents started taking them to dragshow story hour...
I’m flying to California and identifying as a POC and getting my reparations. Also, can anyone explain how a POC is not a colored person?
Do you have to be a negro to get scholarships from the United Negro College Fund?
Maybe this is how the central bank is destroyed. The US declares bankruptcy and the central bank is left with nothing but expenses.
BRICS quicken the pace for dumping the dollar after this.
The dollar has to collapse, the debt simply cannot be repaid.
So what are the ~ 20 stawart new GOP reps going to do about stopping this?
This shit is why McCarthy sent everyone home for the holiday- he struck his own deal in the dark.
This is that "hill to die on" moment.
MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Jordan, Biggs, Crane, Bishop, Luna, Rosendale, etc. - I am all for your impeachment leadership. Where are all of you on this?
It has to pass first, correct? They just have a deal....so now we must see how the Freedom Caucus votes on it?
That is correct. I would imagine the same 20 or so who held out of nominating McCarthy for Speaker back in January for certain conditions would vote 'no' on this budget bill.
If, for some reason, it does gets passed, then the Freedom Caucus could invoke the "Vacate the Chair" rule they negotiated back into the rules this session and demand a vote for a new speaker.
Dems instructed to vote for (and why not, they get 95%+ plus get to bitch and fundraise off it). Them plus RINOs means MAGA is cut out. Shock!
Truth. Didn’t they threaten to remove him if he betrayed them and us?! Do it then. Still unsure of MTG
Scroll down to a tweet by Rep Kieth Self. There's a letter with him and 34 other republicans not voting for it.
Great to see that but did I miss MTG's sig on that letter?
Nope, she's not on there. But hey, she recently paid $100,000 for McCarthy's chapstick. So there's that.
How do we get rid of him now? Where's Gaetz and the others?
IMHO none of this matters. Military is the only way. There's just too much corruption, people bribed and controlled, for anything other than a military intervention.
Ah yes the military. I know there is a there there. It's just seems like its a bad Hollywood production. Most people would think the cavalry is a no show, but we're smarter than that..... at least that's the thought anyway.
And the GOP will call it a win for conservatives. Rinse/ repeat.
They've been playing a commercial on a loop since the news came out. Win for conservatives, my butt.
What are you rendering to Caesar?
Income and property taxation are both unconstitutional in our republic so they are not owed to any "Caesar." In a monarchy, dictatorship and the like, they could tax as they pleased....not here. They do so because the people are woefully uninformed. 👍🇺🇸
See this part of this link down near bottom for info on how to properly classify your W-2 "labor capital" that has been intentionally misclassified as "income": https://greatawakening.win/p/16aADrV8r4/for-anons-needing-irs-assistance/
IRS has conceded to my request for full refund of all payroll taxes collected for 2 tax years, and I'm working my way backward. I may have to file a lawsuit against them to go back to 1987 to get the rest of the payroll taxes, so putting all assets into a Trust and preparing for battle.
Working on strategy to get my full property title and force county to sign a deed quit claim so they cannot legally collect property taxes once they no longer hold the full title.
Duplicating method being used by the elites of buying property with gold and silver (Constitutional money) and then demanding full property title from the city or country (whoever is holding it is who is collecting rent in the form of property taxes). The elites do this and then put the property into a Trust so it is untouchable by the city, county, state, and Feds. This is how they can afford to hold such expensive properties. They are not paying property taxes because they have the full title held in an untouchable Trust.
That's very interesting regarding the turds way of avoiding the illegal property taxation....it sure figures. The same thing COULD be done with a car because the effing state has all the titles; they give us CERTIFICATES of Title--pretty much meaningless.
I had a friend in Michigan who had been working on the land patent process. He got a hellacious amount of crap from his town. They had the last word though. During muh-covid, he ended up in the hospital and they killed this wonderful, very knowledgeable man.
Consider: if the very ignorant people ever woke up to this scam, all they'd have to do is, en masse, tell the turds HELL NO.....no more property taxes (income as well). THEN they'd be listening to the people. As it is now, they have a ready pot of gold to steal and spend as they please. Nothing short of a total cessation of those funds--a refusal to pay a penny more will do it. Our government is bloated beyond comprehension at all levels. THIS would send the filthy rats scurrying for cover.
Before the financial system can collapse, it is necessary to force max spending. Dont worry, every penny will be tracked.
Did we hit $33 Trillion yet? These satanists love their symbology. Number will likely be 33 very soon or projected out 66.6 Trillion, no doubt.
i mean, we know it has to look bad though. and we know that all these decisions are ultimately fraudulent... and i'm pretty sure that means they can be rendered meaningless at any time.
It's no surprise that Trump controls McCarthy. The outrage seems pretty fake.
Marbury v Madison (1803)
Hubbard et. al v Lowe (1915)
And they say "that's nice, what are you going to do about it?" (I'm not disagreeing; but it's a lot like a murder victim complaining about being shot in a no-gun zone.)
Well, short answer is "Everything I can legally do up to and including invocation of 9th/10th Amendment and establishment of Constitutional Court to issue court orders". But Constitutional Sheriffs have to be willing to enforce the orders. We are currently exhausting all legal options to stop the criminality and fraud. Once all of those options are exhausted, the military will have to take action or we end up in a Civil War as patriots start forcibly taking over county governments.
Local, peaceful, and legal action (Fed District Court-Article III) is all we can do individually until called upon to be deputized by a County Sheriff.
Motion to Vacate the Chair should be filed FIRST THING on TUESDAY.
Sorry to break it to you, politicians are there to protect Corporate America from the public and not the other way around.
I look forward to the bank crash and the fiat crash. ..Mebbe that will get this movie going
Fucking swampers.
The country is already bankrupt and this money is coming from the Fed that on the verge of failure. New system will have to come from all this.
So what happens to all of our money with a new system? Does every American become penny-less as our savings and retirement accounts become worthless?
In venezuela, ppl were selling their jewelry to make ends meet. Their money was less then nothing. I figure we will see something like that here.
Yes, unless you invested in commodities and have these commodities in your possession kept in a secret and secure place.
Your guess is as good as any!
Hopefully not their planned digital currency...
Guess everyone needs to jump off the band wagon with this news only to hop on later when there's good news, spare me the tears.
I don’t know why people are shocked when somebody does something within their character.
Especially when Trump always tells the story of the snake that the woman took in. That's why I find it hard to understand why he wanted McCarthy to be speaker. Why did he want a snake in that position? Couldn't be to out him because we all knew he would cave to the Dems each and every time.
Maybe we’ll find out that MTG is a snake in the grass as well. At this point it doesn’t matter to me. We’re living in a complete shit show. The only thing I’m looking forward to is Jesus coming. then, and only then will people be truly held accountable for their sins.
The love of money is the root of all evil.
Need another Jesus whipping the money lenders and overturning tables event
I think its the love of usury and all the tactics that go with this incredible sin that we have let all our finacial markets be run with.
I have many words about this as it relates to how being skeptical of McCarthy brought certain responses from certain people...
..But I'll also refrain, beyond "I told you so".
Anyone saying it doesn't matter as this country is milked dry can't see far enough in the future to see the consequences, when you only need to look at history to understand.
Okay, Doomer. You seem think that everything needs to be an explicit win?
Okay, Loser.
Not exactly losing, considering every single person in government is piling on the evidence to show just how corrupt they are for everyone. They’ll spend and spend and spend and we’ll continue to follow the money. Not that any of it matters anyways- do you think when all this is said and done that we’ll actually hold onto all of the debt that the WEF and China pushed us into? The US Petro-dollar will be worthless, and the US will push into the Gold Standard like everyone else in the world. So complaining about debt and debt ceilings when it isn’t going to matter just amazes me: we have them spending maliciously to enrich their fellows around the world. Purposefully spending us into oblivion despite being able to balance their own budgets just fine.
It’s all apart of the show, but expecting arrests to be made right ‘now’ because we’ve gotten so used to instant gratification like a bunch of children it’s really sad. You think if WWIII kicked off that you’d be just as demoralized and bitchy because “our troops weren’t marching into the streets of Moscow before Christmas.” This is a MARATHON not a sprint. Pull you head out of your 3rd point of contact and see the forest for the trees.
The way I see it is that too many conservative voters are complicit with the republican party perpetually losing, and making excuses for them. Call a spade a spade- McCarthy is an establishment republican party cuck, gleefully watching as our nation gets fucked by the radical left, and even helping it. I just want to punch a motherfucker (in minecraft) every time I hear the words "bi-partisan cooperation."
And do you NOT see us lambasting the cucks along with everyone else? We raise our voices and talk shit about RINOs and everything else. I still see that all of this weakness being displayed is part of the plan to force the idiots to reveal just how deep in the shit they are. It’s painful to see people I once trusted to the do the right thing bend the knee to the WEF and Deep State when they should be doing the right thing. It sucks. But the longer this goes on the better we can see who is actually behind Trump. Just the DeSantis fake run has shown us who in the Maga would jump ship at the first opportunity to ‘anyone but Trump’.
The people who don’t understand that TRUMP IS THE ONLY WAY are too blind to see that it is the truth. You will never see me kissing McCarthy’s ass, but I think that he is controlled.
Look, Trump understands that even right now, he won't be able to get anything done unless he's willing to work with the Snakes. That, and he understands that The People aren't awake yet. A lot of us are, but not the majority. We're not near the precipice yet, either. Close, and getting closer, but not there yet.
Remember, "the ending won't be for everyone" goes the same for us as it does for [them]. Not everyone will get everything they want out of this. It'll be what's good for the majority that will also save as many lives as possible with as minimal damage as possible.
In other news, Saudi Arabia is in talks to join the BRICS bank...
I don't understand how people are still so confused by what's going on.
Who in their right mind thinks politics is going to fix this at any level?
Or the courts?
What do these people think was gonna happen? We get some small thing and call it victory, ease the pain up enough to draw out the hurting longer?
The phase we're in is "look at this crap. How can this be going on right in front of our faces? Doesn't this piss you off, yet?"
And every day more people notice and answer, yes. Yes it does.
What do people think "the Great Awakening" is?
That everyone's gonna be able to recite the catechism we've invented for ourselves? Know all the buzz words? All the cool quotes we like best?
No. It's people waking up and noticing that everything's broken. that everything is just wrong.
Politics can't fix this. Courts can't fix this. There's only one way and we've known that from very early on.
Exactly. Thank you!! 👍
Time to remove him.
Please tell me if you are Trump what do you do about veterans, widows and the retired.
It is fake money, none of it is real, who cares? Trump knows the people matter more and for now, they need fake money
Trump funded the VA, and took care of the military. The problem is money that Biden is giving to Ukraine should be put into Medicare and Social Security which will be drained in a few years. We're wasting lots of money on illegals because Biden never finished the wall. Had that been done, we could have saved billions. In every department of Government there is so much waste, fraud and abuse that should be stopped. Instead of raising the debt ceiling $4Trillion, we should be reducing taxes on everyone.
Hello Gaetz?? I thought there were stipulations put in to elect him as SOTH? I guess Gaetz is just the Good Cop in this theatre preformance.
We already know that this economy is collapsing due to the efforts of our elected deep state officials. That was expected by Trump in his plan. He talked long ago about scrapping the FED and replacing it with a currency backed by gold/silver. Therefore, the debt we already accrued under the FED does not matter in the least. We expect to default. That has to happen...
If the cabal banks are being brought down, the dollars he promised are worthless anyways. Maybe McCarthy is exposing rinos people still trust....
Yawn. im over this movie
Gotta kill the dollar. Gotta show the establishment on both sides is the same beast - left wing, right wing, same undead bird. Gotta show the people they have the power to change this if they are willing to stand up and do so. None of that happens if they blindly trust any of the establishment.
"The film" we are watching is currently more of a TV series. Many sub plots, many actors coming and going. Season 1 to 4 (2016 to 2020) were interesting. Season 5 and 6 are painful at times to watch. Season 7 is tying everything together, albeit slowly to start with. I expect seasons 8 and 9 will be amazing for us.
By TV series you mean it’s more like a Soap opera with third rate actors and first class crooks. The problem is it’s on expensive pay per view and we’re being forced to watch it. It will be $4T more expensive soon.