He also dissed Jay Z at a NBA game by refusing to acknowledge him on the side of the court. Denzel could be either at this point.
Remember also that there was a Big NATO summit last few days in Washington....the snakes plotting...
Glad my New Zealand is finally showing sense under our new government. Still, can't trust any of the political vermin.
As in the unvaxed were attacked by men that were mad! The ones that were pureblood and thinking straight, were made out to be the 'mad' ones. Will be many examples of how this quote is true
Winston met with the protest as he's gagging for any support and he was not in parliament then. He's a grade A traitor like the rest. Winston is false opposition. Says all the right things to get votes
Fun fact, jacinda before her first term was worth nothing. 8 years later she's worth over 25million. PMs salary is around 300,400k (I think). She has made great money pushing vaxes for phizer. She has looked spooked and frazzled alot the last few years. Good riddance. But we arnt finished with her and the other traitors yet..
There's still alot of us that resisted and stayed pure. Was tough, but we got through. The stats were fake to give the impression that the majority was vaxed.
Jacinda and by extension that freak Helen Clark. Clark was pulling the strings in the background. She was jacindas mentor
Alot of the farmers voted for her because the theory was, that farmers wanted to keep the Greens out so labour could go alone. The farmers normally vote the party national (conservative), but they were not in a position to win going by the polls. Thats why jacinda got so many votes. She and the media convinced the farmers etc via their narrative that voting jacinda, would keep the communist greens out. Result, jacinda won easily, and then went with the greens anyways. Plus helped by some vote rigging. Votes could still be collected up to a week later
Like the usa stood by and watched biden cheat?? She defo cheated, she was hated all over before last election. Majority then in nz had not yet awoken. Is definitely changing now. Hopefully this is start of the gradual take down of the weasels
Exactly, she was getting chased out of most towns she actually visited. Thats why she mostly only visited schools and universities. Ones she's bought off. February 7th is a interesting date to choose too
There was whispers the last 2 years that she would resign and not see her term out. Its been now proven true. The red witch is gone finally!
The way Rogan puts all the vax virtue signaling of the idiots into words, is devastating to their blinded narrative. This is a awesome red pill vid
Same happening in New Zealand. Supermarket shelves bare. Places shutting doors as they don't have the staff etc. Continued pressure on farmers from government (aka like the Netherlands farms) , Alot of us are preparing for the scarcity of food. Definitely the agenda at work. Our growers complained of masses of rotting fruit in peak harvest season as they had no workers. (During a time when scarcity of food was evident at shops and people struggling for money) I think with continued min wage and conditions rises forced on companies, its not viable for companies to employ staff. Its cheaper to shut the doors. All by design. They want the companies to fail
And you Hillary, are unfit to breathe earths oxygen you Satan loving worm
Would love too, but my New Zealand is very far away lol
If there is truth to this, it might explain why trump based himself mostly at mar a lago.
Sometimes it takes moments like these vax moments to reveal people for who they are. Yes fear controls.
Like everyone else, I was ridiculed, called out, gaslighted, and shut out from friends and some family.
The family, ive accepted it was fear and frustration and decided blood is everything and forgave. (Never forgotten though)
Friends who treated me awfully, they are dispatched. I've seen their true selves and what our friendships actually meant. Good riddance.
But also, I've found who really cares and who really loves me. And thats a gift I will cherish forever.
Without finding out the truth about people around me in these times, I still wouldve had unworthy people I saw as 'friends'.
Im proud I resisted all and stayed pure and true to myself.
Wasn't easy living in NZ during those times.
We proved what we are internally made of. If we can hold out on this, we can hold out against anything.
Used to laugh when Helen would campaign for PM in nz. They photoshopped/airbrushed the shit out of her picture. She was still ugly as sin. Another rat who's never held a normal job in her life.
They are just the same as cockroaches.
And our dipshit PM Jacinda happens to visit the Colbert show just after to commentate on how she handled the Christchurch FF. All scripted. She is as fake as they come. 4 months before the CC FF, jacinda herself relaxed the gun aquire laws, then tightened and took the guns off good people afterwards. She orchestrated it. Also remember jacindas idol is Hillary. Jacinda needs to hang. No body (apart from the retards), likes or trusts jacinda at all in NZ
Yes has elon been talking to us all this time?
Correct, hope you've been stockpiling
Sounds just like our former PM Jacinda Ardern lol