Ntwess 3 points ago +3 / -0

You beat me to the punch. I just wanted to hear or say CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY!

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is a 30 million year old geological masterpiece that should be of concern. It seems things are shaking across the globe and the San Andreas is long over due.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was always an element of a backwards very inefficiently run state. Where background checks for rifles in North Carolina could be done in 15 minutes, handguns required weeks to go through the process of sheriff certification that the citizen was of good standing. The process of having to make multiple trips to the sheriff’s office to apply for and eventually pick up the pistol permit before a purchase was quite cumbersome. I doubt there was much more done than run the standard NICS query in regards to the background check. Now if all states would recognize the true concealed carry permit (the 2nd amendment) and ensure gun rights across state lines for carry, that would be significant. As backwards as South Carolina is from a gun perspective, it looks like they will pass Constitutional Carry before North Carolina even has discussions in the House/Senate. South Carolina may even pass this before Florida.

Ntwess 6 points ago +6 / -0

Every MLB baseball team fell to the woke ideology and have pride nights except the Texas Rangers. When they finally decided to have a pride night, it was to honor the late great country singer Charlie Pride. Thank you to the Rangers for showing some moral fiber. God bless Texas.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

The value of gold will not be the item being set, it will be the value of an associated form of currency. In 1934 when currency was valued at $35 per ounce of gold, that one ounce of gold would buy a high end, tailored suit of clothes. In 2022 with gold being around $1900 per ounce, that one ounce of gold will still buy a high end, tailored suit of clothes. The purchasing power of an ounce of gold should remain fairly stable, regardless of “currency” replacement value, especially since the old currency will become inferior to toilet paper.

Ntwess 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good comments. As financial and economic markets collapse, one would expect certain asset classes to experience surpluses. Real estate should be a prime example as foreclosures, bankruptcies, and individual sales should greatly increase as people try to keep from financially drowning. Certain asset market surpluses, as well as low levels of demand, will result in deals to be had. I guess it is immaterial whether you consider this an increase in the purchasing power of gold or a suppression of the price of real estate, deals will be there for the making. This may be a short lived phenomena as the market will eventually progress to a state of equilibrium. If the free market is allowed to establish itself, the purchasing power of gold as associated to asset value will reach market equilibrium. Also, and more importantly, great comments as to the need to keep our spiritual savior in our lives. In God, we are blessed with strength.

Ntwess 14 points ago +14 / -0

If we get to hyperinflation (>100% inflation per year), the rate of increase in the value of gold will be changing on a daily rate, possibly too fast to calculate. The problem is if you are assessing the value of gold to the U.S. dollar, the dollar will have zero to little value. One ounce could be worth $10,000 or substantially more, but it will be a meaningless figure. Gold should maintain its purchasing power. If an ounce of gold can buy 400 gallons of gas today, that one ounce should hold its purchasing power or value through a complete collapse of the US dollar.

Ntwess 2 points ago +3 / -1

Lincoln’s version of preserving the union was all about maintaining the flow of money to keep the federal government in a position of power. After all, the South provided the funding via tariffs for 80% of the Federal budget. Without the South, the Federal government would be insolvent. He did not run for office on the premise of freeing the slaves. He did say he wanted to insure any new territory that was accepted for statehood would not be a slave bearing state. This meant any slave owner could not move from a slave state to a free state and take his slaves with him. So slavery was a part of it, but the main driver was the South was tired of being held in bondage being the primary funder to a Federal government from which they received little to no benefit. The Emancipation Proclamation is a very well written, very short document that was not written until two years after the start of the War. Union losses up to that point were significant and Lincoln was on the road to failure and a likely failed re-election. He needed a rallying call to market himself and justify what had become an unpopular war. Slavery fit the bill.

Ntwess 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is what happens when you hire gang members to be cops. Even worse when one of the cop’s baby momma starts fooling around with some guy named Tyre.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

Started boycotting over 30 years ago. They’ve been doing a homo week at DisneyWorld since the early 1980’s. It’s been a satanic org for a long time.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gilmore makes it awful tough to listen to pink floyd. He’s just another turd in the wall of libs.

Ntwess 6 points ago +6 / -0

We shouldn’t be paying the government anything in any form of currency until they can prove they are working to serve us, not rule us!

Ntwess 3 points ago +3 / -0

Had to stop watching this with the Abe comparison. OK, I did not make it too far, but we should not compare Trump to Abe. Abe was for sovereign rule of the federal government across the population. States and their people are to be ruled just as counties are, they are all subservient to the Federal government. Abe suspended habeas corpus. You could be imprisoned for no other justification than simply speaking out against his policies. Sounds alot like let’s march to the Capitol to make our voices peacefully and patriotically heard. Joe Bidung is more like old Abe, imprison those that speak out, just call them domestic terrorists. Joe took a page out of Abe’s playbook. Abe put the first income tax into effect. Abe’s version of keeping the Union together was trying to keep the Federal government intact to keep money flowing for political use, and keep power over the people. We should not be comparing Trump to Abe. We are better than this.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

614 to 890 MHz? Can 5G data throughput speed be achieved in these frequencies or is calling this frequency 5G implementation more marketing speak? I thought the throughput desired for 5G would require using the higher frequencies (US 28GHz and up)? Maybe they are using alot of bandwidth by combining channels at 800 MHz, but this seems inefficient?

Ntwess 1 point ago +1 / -0

WiFi routers (transmitter) transmit at 1 watt or less max power. Microwave ovens typically output 1,000 or more Watts. No wonder one can boil water and the other doesn’t. I also am concerned with WiFi as well though. European thresholds for max power are less than North American. There are European countries/cities that have outlawed WiFi use in schools, while we gleefully implement/expose our children in North America. The concerns for lower transmit powers (or elimination) are valid.

Evidence is suggesting the shorter wave length (mm) transmissions maybe more detrimental to health than typical cell phone pre 5G frequencies (800/900 MHz, 1.8/1.9 GHz). Even though the signal strength exposure of satellite transmissions received on earth is low (mW/cm2), I am concerned with the 18GHz Starlink 5G transmissions that are pretty much pervasive everywhere we go outside the house. It has been suggested the 18GHz frequency may be used to trigger activation of disease that has been latently placed into the Covid vaccines. Maybe a crazy thought, but there are things I thought were crazy 20 years ago, that are now possible. (VoIP was one).

While most people seem more concerned about base station transmitters, we should not forget about the mobile device (phone). It is only .6 Watt max power, but we wear these on our bodies for hours and hours every day. RF exposure concern is very much a function of time (hours exposed), not purely a function of frequency or signal strength. The mobile while not in call, transmits information for mobility management, location updates, and idle mode handovers to the network. Most everyone has a 5G transmitter on their person that is continually trying to find and register on a 5G network.

Ntwess 2 points ago +2 / -0

With the abundant evidence showing the damage and death the covid jabs have caused and will continue to cause for years to come, there are still many doctors who continue to promote and give the jabs. Most refuse to speak the truth about their actions for fear of losing their medical license. How low can people be that will commit acts of destruction of the human race, damage and murder, all to keep their jobs - license to kill. I find this disgusting. It’s only natural they will also support assisted suicide, they have been complicit to conducting acts resulting in murder for the past two years (maybe longer).

by lethak
Ntwess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree. General Milley, who it appears was involved in setting up the Jan 6 frame-up, yeah he and our woke military is going to come to the rescue.

Ntwess 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh, and one more thing, do not forget the fine liberal universities in the old North state. It was Ralph Baric who pioneered the gain of function development for Covid 19 while working at UNC-Chapel Hill. He perfected the spike protein breaking the blood/brain barrier making the bio weapon a neurological agent in addition to a respiratory one. The bat lady scientist of Wuhan fame worked by his side. Duke Univ supposedly was involved via one of its European campus affiliates. Maybe we should be looking at these NC universities in the same way we look at the Wuhan lab. They all had involvement.

Ntwess 4 points ago +4 / -0

Winston-Salem - Forsyth county resides in the same area of stench. It was one of the first counties in the nation to force critical race theory teachings upon our children. The State I once loved has turned into a Satanic hellhole.

Ntwess 4 points ago +5 / -1

The Southern States funded more than 80% of the federal government’s budget through the payment of federal tariffs on goods. They received virtually nothing in return for this contribution. 95% of the funds were used to support Investment in northern industrialization (steel mills, metals fabrication, beginning of intercontinental railroad). The South was held in bondage (slavery) to a tyrannical federal government. After years of threatening secession, and realizing the system was not going to change, the South broke the chains of bondage and seceded. Upon South Carolina leaving, Lincoln’s first response was, “Where am I going to get my tariff money from now”. His first concern was the federal government’s ability to get money from its citizens, not I must preserve the union, or free slaves. It took two years for Lincoln to finally issue the Emancipation Proclamation, so freeing slaves was not his first thought. He was more preoccupied with putting the first income tax in place, and getting a national banking system (precursor to the Fed) going. Things haven’t changed much, except we are all slaves now.

Here’s an enlightening video for history buffs.


Ntwess 7 points ago +7 / -0

No income tax, no IRS. as our founders intended before Lincoln implemented the first income tax.

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