I suspect we'll not see the MSM pick up on this story. That man should be in military custody getting the water boarding treatment as a lie detector / truth inducer for as long as it takes to find his sponsors.
Only a damned fools wouldn't question these fires. There is no way in hell for this many at once to be just coincidence, and I don't believe for a second this is not a coordinated attack. I am only surprised it is confined to California.
Well they are about to be removed. They could be building their nest eggs down in Mexico at the expense of Americans. They have been sucking the life's blood out of this country slowly for a very very long time. Now they need to hurry.
I saw a video of a guy that was attacking the Las Vegas email his bud supposedly received from the Trump Tower bomber.
The guy had stated the email was full of spell check markings, and that those markings would not have been present had the email been actually sent. They don't show up in a received email. He stated he made a video showing the markings on the original email, and it was immediately taken down. I haven't seen his expose' again online. I think maybe that second video where he was trying to get the word out was also taken down.
In my mind that makes Ryan very much suspect.
Pence's bitch showed the world who they are at Carter's funeral.
In a prairie fire the burrowing and denning animals go underground. When the fire passes they emerge like nothing happened if there is moisture new growth starts immediately. It is a cycle that has been repeated for thousands of years.
I watched it again even closer. There wasn't a damned soul there asking questions. She was watching out the window on the door, and waiting on a signal from outside which she got and left. That was a hallway. Fake is Fake.
I think it took collaboration between the big three Trump, Putin, and Xi to pull of the plan.
It can't appear to be the case just yet, but I think we are getting there. If it had been shown early the MSM would turn it in to 'see Trump is a traitor / puppet of Putin and Xi. They were/are already trying to make that stick with Putin.
I don't believe there was even a reporter in front of the lady.
I don't like what the woman has done, and I don't like that she was placed in office.
I also don't like fake gotcha journalism being posted to make her look worse than she already is. The facts will stand for themselves without some shithead trying to put a feather in his cap after the fact.
If I am wrong show me the press. Show me where the press could even have been placed in that setting. She was looking out the window at something, and it wasn't the press in my opinion.
The firefighters that lost their jobs are not the nutcases that are setting the fires.
The failure to contain the fires maybe due to their leaving, but the blame for the fires rests on the backs of the cabal puppets running California into the dirt.
The rich will just leave and start another wealthy enclave, and the poor will be left to suffer.
The consequences will be for those where the stupid wealthy decide to relocate. Their throwing money around and paying the big bucks will drive the locals in the new location out, which is just what these POS snobs will want to happen.
The short answer to the why now question is The Plan.
Timing is everything. The drip, drip is in the rearview mirror. We are witnessing the flood. We are fast approaching the, 'they won't be able to walk down the streets' phase.
The whole cabal is dropping lit matches.