Yep, but they'll keep pointing the sleeple to every side show they can muster to avoid them finding the real hidden enemy.
I have nothing but disgust and animosity toward the British Royals and their puppet government, but the British people are in the same boat as we are, and at some point when we are free of this evil cabal we should help ensure they get free as well.
You see many people currently pinning JFK and RFK's death on the CIA.
What fail to connect and reconcile is that the rogue intelligence agencies across the whole western world all operate at the direction of Israel.
All across the United States police forces are also being trained by Israeli operatives. Pay attention to the little details that emerge and you will see it.
Who was there dancing and filming when the Twin Towers went down? People point to the Bushes and Cheney, but they were but puppets.
Do you remember who showed up to "help" when McAfee's condo imploded? The information he had told the world was in his deadman switch has never been publicly revealed. Why that one small disaster warranted MOSSAD jumping in to help when they don't help with any major disasters should have raised questions, but the sheeple didn't even notice.
There are fanatics all over the world willing to kill themselves for the cabal's agenda, but I just have my doubts there are many in the US military.
I really believe the military men that died were expendable, and they were either already dead, or had no control over the helicopter. It would be very convenient for them to not have comms if they were not in control of the craft.
The situation reminds me of the truck bomber in front of the Trump hotel in Las Vegas. I don't believe that guy was alive at the time either.
Red meat makes smarter stronger humans.
Chickens and eggs are a huge resource for all of humanity.
They couldn't get you with the shot. Now it is time to go after the food sources. They are hell bent on their population reduction goals. This won't be the first time the cabal has tried to starve their enemies to death.
All the underlings that have been pissed at the traitorous directives from their bosses, are likely blowing the whistle.
Trump and company only need to verify what is true with a few interviews of peers of the whistleblowers. Those peers will flush out the stories as fact or fiction to gain some other end.
Old Bernie did his best to lie away the facts for damage control, but RFK Jr kept pushing on with the the facts. Good for him.
Lots of folks think Trump is an asshole because he is willing to get in their faces, but this action is exactly what it takes to face them down, and get the truth out to the public.
They have been trying to point to every other possible alternative organization as being behind the JFK assassination. They know this will be the final nail in their coffin when the American people wake up to the treachery of their 'greatest ally' in the Middle East.
Israel's government is evil, and it has been since the evil war they started to get the land. Big Jew doesn't give a shit about anything but power and control. They'll even sacrifice little Jew to get what they want.
I think the plan is not for illegal Pedro that just came across to find work.
There is an element among the invaders that has infiltrated the US with a very evil intent. I believe those folks are headed to Gitmo for a very long stay.
There is no real reason to send every day border jumpers to a military prison.
The other kind should not even be given the opportunity to return to their own countries. Their lives are devoted to destroying western societies, and killing innocents if it advances their goals.
That is not uncommon among those that went through the hoops to be citizens, but none of the anchor babies went through the hoops, and their illegal parents are often still right there with them. Those parents never bothered to even try to make it legal, and many of them have been in the US for many decades.
The southwest is full of these people, and the country will never be rid of them. One day some politician will give every last one of them amnesty.
NAVARRO is very likely an anchor baby from an earlier wave of invaders.
I have met a lot of them, and every fucking one of them have wanted more of their kind in this country, and that includes those that have been born and raised in this country. It is a race thing for many of them.
I'm not even betting on the helicopter having anyone on board. It appeared to fly directly into the plane. A pilot should have seen the plane, and been able to avoid it.
What I really want to know is who was on the plane.
The blame for the shit going down in South Africa rests right on the heads of the corrupt cabal controlled American Congress, and on the Congressional Black Caucus in particular.
The cabal controlled Congress put the pressure on South Africa to end apartheid, and hand the country over to savages.
The savages have done exactly what savages have done for millennia destroy society with their greed and lack of foresight, which is exactly why Africa remained a shithole while the rest of the world advanced.