This is a page straight out of Edward Bernays‘ playbook. He made “alliances” to push every agenda he was paid to support. His best-known campaign was a 1929 effort to promote female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist "Torches of Freedom".
He described the masses as irrational and subject to herd instinct—and outlined how skilled practitioners could use crowd psychology and psychoanalysis to control them in desirable ways.
Until we recognize these tricks easily, they will keep using them on everyone.
I also work in supply chain. Things are definitely fucky. I’m simply using this to inform a few personal choices: bought a bread machine, keeping my family food supplies from going low. I expect the end result of all this to be amazing, beautiful, a new world. I’m simply preparing a bit to care fir those within my ability driving the birth pangs. No fear, just informed preparedness, and excited to serve others who did not see this coming. They will need a calm person around.
It’s a glorious trap. To get to all the indictments. This one will have liberals salivating to open indictments I love it. You know he’s squeaky clean, this doesn’t hurt him at all but it gets the ball rolling on those thousands of sealed indictments. So. Excited.
We did all the usuals, rice, flour, lard, canned goods. And yet I know I would be depressed on canned emergency foods only. Coffee is a big one for us. We have a years supply laid by.
We also acquired 2 hydroponic counter top gardens & bulk lettuce seeds so we can have a regular source of left greens, and bulk sprouting seeds (alfalfa & broccoli) for highly packed natural vitamin sources. Neighbor has chickens, they will gladly trade eggs for sprouts.
Beyond that we are dependent on local hunting. My family will be ok & we also feel prepared to help a dozen or so loved ones that are not awake yet & think we are crazy. We will welcome them with open arms. Please prepare yourselves to care for others as well.