Ohbrother 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure if you can paste a pic in the comments, but was able to screen shot from pausing the video. Not sure if the mods will allow, but, if so it is an Oklahoma plate not U.S. Government issue. JPP 958. Time to release the techno anons to find the "agents"!

Ohbrother 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need to keep our head on a swivel and not get too distracted by all the happenings. This is a back door attempt to circumvent our Sovereignty and Constitution.

Ohbrother 2 points ago +2 / -0

"The proposed amendment would allow same-day voter registration in Ohio, expand rights to early in-person voting, and set up no-excuse absentee voting. It would allow more than one ballot drop box per person and would allow the use of photo IDs issued by educational institutions including universities."

They seem to be stealthy trying to go around state legislation to make changes to Ohio election laws.

Ohbrother 1 point ago +1 / -0


"The proposed amendment would allow same-day voter registration in Ohio, expand rights to early in-person voting, and set up no-excuse absentee voting. It would allow more than one ballot drop box per person and would allow the use of photo IDs issued by educational institutions including universities."

They seem to be stealthy trying to go around state legislation to make changes to Ohio election laws.

Ohbrother 5 points ago +5 / -0

Checked several sources to see about 5G coverage. Huston. TX is almost if not all has 5G coverage. There has been comments about the use of 5G to control the population. This behavior, overrunning the security parameter, stampeding the stage, reports of someone randoming jabbing people with a drug that caused the stampede and/or people dropping from heart attacks. Think about the one scene in the movie "Kingsman: The Secret Service". We were told to look into past movies predicting future event!

Several links regarding 5G coverage in Huston, TX. The Verizon link shows the whole country. Need to play with it to find Huston. Also, AT&T and T-mobile have 5G coverage as well.



Ohbrother 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those appear to be burial vaults. Those go in the grave first and casket is placed inside and sealed. Some states, I don't know about all, require a burial vault. There are different types depending on price. Just like caskets.

Ohbrother 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ohio GOP is nothing but Democrat lite! To scared to do what is right for the citizens of Ohio. Failed to protect workers from employer mandatory jabs because of lobbying by Ohio manufactures association and few others. They want to keep the status quo as is!

Ohbrother 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wow! Just wow! A lot of thought went into this production. Very well done! Very strong message needing to be spread at any means necessary.

Ohbrother 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did a search on DDG and looked at the results. Not vouching this as 100% authentic. You decide.


Ohbrother 3 points ago +3 / -0

Try Tumeric as well. A friend of mine is with the public everyday, hikes in the Smokeys, bikes, jogs, and goes everywhere maskless. Non-Vax. He takes Turmeric, ginger with Apple cider everyday he told me. Has never caught the coof. His wife on the other hand is vaxxed and caught the coof bad enough she required the infusion. He went to get tested. He was negative.

Ohbrother 3 points ago +3 / -0

Retianing_H2O: When you say OSHA has no authority to regulate vaccinations of employees. What is your source to back that claim up? There has to be a rule, statute or law specifically for something against this ETA. Don't get me wrong! I hope there is something we can refer to when our scary cat employers freak out and push this false mandate. I can already see my company HR pressing this. Especially when the home office is in the bluest County of a blue state. They already demanded to send our Vax status last Friday! I had nothing to send!

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0