OkieBowhunter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think of it like Rally car racing... Q is the passenger telling us about the course and what turns are ahead... We're the drivers this goes as fast as we collectively push that accelerator and we're absolutely speeding up. Change is coming and I believe your optimism in those things is well-placed.

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Roaring Kitty and his rise to stardom from essentially nothing. His "Game over" shirt. The fact that this entire Gamestop debacle has exposed corruption all the way up the financial ladder. Gary Gensler was just found to have a shell company, he's the fucking head of the SEC. Knowing that every established system from healthcare to government to finance is going to collapse. Gamestop will bring it all down. No way this is coincidence.

No way any of this could be clearly spelled out in Q drops. It would have enabled counter moves by the Deep State.

For me, the timing of it all is the proof I need this is also a part of the plan. Q talked about a transfer of wealth. How does that happen exactly? Well, when bad people make bad bets like they've made for decades without consequence and they do it again, thinking the same... But this time, it doens't work... Yeah, Gamestop is going to vacuum the money from Blackrock, Vanguard and many others into the hands of those who own shares of Gamestop... Potentially millions of dollars per share. The math has been done and it can absolutely happen. The movement has become less about making crazy money and more about fucking over these corrupt assholes that have illegally stolen from retail and ruined lives by attacking solvent companies for profit thereby driving them into bankruptcy and non-existence. Pure evil. Make them pay.

OkieBowhunter 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's up to us. Q isn't a tyrant. The Great Awakening is whatever we make it.

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

She's on YouTube and she has a book out (small read but super entertaining) that even mentions Q. Highly recommend!

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Last sentence seems to indicate that they're betting on it increasing so it would be a purchase.

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't this essentially endorsing everything Scott McKay has been saying as well?

OkieBowhunter 9 points ago +9 / -0

He's a shill for the hedge fuks masquerading as a financial advisor for the people.

OkieBowhunter 45 points ago +45 / -0

Losses? I dropped around 20k on GME back when it was $45. LOL!!!!!

Still HODLing!!!

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because they're loaning your shares out to hedge fucks to short it.

Think about these fucking brokers like a bank. Your money is in the bank, they loan it out and earn profit on your money. If all the people using the bank went to pull their money out, many would be fucked.

This is what brokers are doing and it's not legal. But that's never stopped the establishment before.

When MOASS happens, expect shenanigans by the hedge fuks at the expense of the little guy.

OkieBowhunter 3 points ago +3 / -0

The money already exists and is in circulation. GME is the vacuum that will suck it right out of the hands of the elite and into the hands of us.

Biggest transfer of wealth in history. Q speaks about a transfer of wealth. I bet this is it. What else would it be?

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