OkieBowhunter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump also said, "Those new eyes of his," in reference to Joe Biden at a rally.

That's some weird shit.

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

After COVID infection? Well, uhh okay, now do the same study on Myocarditis on the vaccinated - whether they got the COVID or not.

Of course it may not show anything since Isreal was mostly placebo (me speculating).

OkieBowhunter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, when I say that... I really trust my advisor... She's on the up and up for sure, so I trust the company she works for... However, there could be shenanigans afoot that I'm unaware of. I've just known her for 15 years and she's excellent.

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I've got a large amount in an IRA that I'm somewhat concerned about but the broker I'm with is a close friend and works for a proven company... I couldn't feel better about those shares even though they're not DRS'd but still, they're not DRS'd and it's 2022 and everything is clowny.

Good luck fellow Ape!

OkieBowhunter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, for sure! Just started following you!

OkieBowhunter 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL I'm in! I'm in the Tulsa area. Noticed a few Okies on here.

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

And the top people have already been compromised. They're simply playing their part to round up the lower losers.

Stay calm, stay positive!

OkieBowhunter 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's collapsing in on itself. No dismantling necessary. The keystone has been pulled. DOWn comes the rest.

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a good question... But who's in control now? I know what I believe. Hell, it doesn't even look like Hillary is in control of her own Twitter now. Personally, I think it's gonna happen.

OkieBowhunter 5 points ago +5 / -0

It should also be noted that hedge funds short into oblivion because if the company bankrupts and ceases to exist, the shares they shorted never have to be covered. So, they have unlimited power to drive the price down, kill a company and never be held responsible for the synthetics they created... Until Game Stop. They shorted Gamestop, had media preaching against brick and mortar but something happned... Roaring Kitty happened. Q plan or not, here we are... Gamestop arose from the ashes like a phoenix and HEDGIES R FUK!!!

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

XXX HODLer here! You guys get on board! Q spoke about a transfer of wealth. How the heck do you think that's going to happen? Who owns the hedge funds? The elites! Vanguard and Blackrock. Look who owns them! They own Citadel! Citadel owned Melvin. Melvin shuttered its doors. This is going all the way up the chain. YOU BETTER HOLD FOR FUCK YOU MONEY! YOU BETTER DO THAT! all you have to do is HODL!!! This is going to be biblical! Hell, there's enough money in the markets and elsewhere for the price to go go 8 digits PER SHARE! ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS HODL!!!!

OkieBowhunter 2 points ago +2 / -0

This has got to be a part of "the plan." Stock market crash incoming! Major transfer of wealth from the elite to normies the world over!

OkieBowhunter 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's gonna be another Mandela Effect!

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