OldGoat1953 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rube e yo. He unintentionally struck a nerve. He tried to put a bandaid on it with his last question: “If bioweapons are deployed it’ll be Putin’s fault amirite?” The Nuland droid fell all over itself agreeing.

OldGoat1953 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact that Byeden is simultaneously using Russia to negotiate with Iran for us, and feeding Ukraine into the wood chipper is telling. Sounds like a desperate attempt to cover tracks.

I always picture the opening sequence of the movie “Downfall” with the futile document destruction.

OldGoat1953 29 points ago +31 / -2

I saw a u toob vid called “Putins Religious Mission”. It’s inadvertently truthful IYKWIM. Putin really went to Mount Athos. Imagine what Elder Paisios must have told him. NCSWIC.

If you never heard of Mount Athos, or Elder Paisios you’ve got a real treat in store.

If you’re prayerful type, maybe especially if you’re not ordinarily, (I certainly wasn’t,) try this one.

“Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have Mercy on me, a sinner”

Try to say it over and over, even silently all day every day. If you like to meditate try timing your breath to it. Breathe in: Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, Breathe out: have mercy on me a sinner. It’s what those monks do, even while they work, or whatever. It’s the key to the heart. Turn it to the right.

Or don’t, as you please. May God Bless you Ashlanddog.

I apologize for getting personal out in the open, but I like your input around here and humbly offer you (or anyone else) that gift. It isn’t really mine, but I can still give it freely. It’ll get you through anything. (Medical procedures, bad flights, domestic strife, temptation, loneliness, you name it. At least it’s worked well for me.)

OldGoat1953 8 points ago +8 / -0

We taxpayers have funded our own destruction for over a century.

OldGoat1953 52 points ago +54 / -2

For Vlad it’s Christianity vs Moloch. Really. I agree.

OldGoat1953 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or they were allegorical substitutes for a Mongol satrap who could not be named. Ancient memery.

OldGoat1953 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched a very interesting video entitled “Putin’s Religious Mission” by Gary Lachman. Never heard of him before, but he’s an academic apparently. Highly recommended, bearing in mind he’s biased western. Good background, and food for thought. I’m Orthodox and didn’t find his statements completely offensive. He’s no believer, but I think he somewhat comprehends the Russian Orthodox worldview, intellectually anyway. He knows Russian history. He knows Russian literature. I’d bet he’s lived there at some point.

OldGoat1953 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here’s a thought that may not have occurred to you; Russia (especially USSR, which appealed to the lefties) has for decades funded and promoted environmental activists who oppose drilling, fracking, pipelines (except their own) and nuclear power, and promote wind solar and “renewable” (wood pellets) energy, which they know is a joke. Remember “nuclear winter” and “acid rain”? These were the precursors of the Global Warming/Greta Thunberg phenomenon. It continues. See Rupert Darwall’s “Green Tyranny” for documentary evidence of all this beginning in 1970s. P. S. Hitler pioneered “wind energy”. It didn’t work for him either.

So, while Russia isn’t exactly an enemy of USA, they’re a shrewd and crafty competitor especially as regards our energy independence and ability to supply energy to the market. 2 short years ago the price of a barrel of oil was $0! There were tankers full sitting idle with no buyers. GEOTUS refilled our own strategic reserve at that point. What a great president.

OldGoat1953 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s almost parody at this point.

Not that I don’t take evil seriously. I’ve done thorough research on theodicy and found it reassuring. “Evil has no independent existence” — St Gregory of Nyssa. (Sunlight doesn’t stop shining because you close your eyes, is an apt analogy.)

OldGoat1953 2 points ago +2 / -0

He’s the greatest comedian ever, but the audience is afraid to laugh.

OldGoat1953 3 points ago +3 / -0

I read an essay from Theodore Dalrymple about his trip to No Ko. It’s bizarre. Brutal and bizarre.

He also went to Cuba, Albania, Romania, etc on a sort of world tour of soon to be defunct communist regimes. They all have traits in common. He was touring a shop in Albania for example. All the labels on all the leaking rusty lidded jelly jars were crooked. He posited it was impossible that none were even accidentally straight. That would never have happened in No Ko. He tried to buy a fountain pen in a foreigners only department store in Pyongyang. It was a Potemkin store with Potemkin merchandise and even Potemkin customers. All the Koreans were browsing but nobody bought anything. He watched as they’d leave the store, regroup and return to browsing duty. When he tried to purchase the bad replica of a fountain pen they didn’t know how to handle it. The whole place went silent and everyone stared at him. He politely thanked them and withdrew his offer to purchase, to the vast relief of the counter help. It was all kabuki. It’s a kooky kabuki kountry. No thanx.

OldGoat1953 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read 200 years together by Solzhenitsyn. It’s probably more accurate, though limited to Russia.

It’s a spiritual war. The battlefield is our own heart, If this sort of story, with it’s admitted probable inaccuracies, contains only 1% lies it’s still contaminated. If sweet cream has only 1% cyanide it’s still toxic.

Want truth? Read the Bible.

OldGoat1953 4 points ago +4 / -0

Want to understand Putin? Look up Russian Orthodox on YouTube while you still can.

I liked the Cypriot Bishop talking about the pandemic and their utterly incontrovertible refusal to comply with any mandate.

We were made expressly to image God. Masking the image of God would seem a good thing to whom, exactly? Closing churches and restricting traditional worship practices would serve whom, exactly? Not having it!

And the so called churches here, pfooie!

OldGoat1953 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lincoln. Just sayin….

19th century had no “gay” label. Share a bed (in a huge house with lots of beds) every night with a very close friend? Perfectly normal… totally not “gay”.

OldGoat1953 3 points ago +3 / -0

There’s a really hokey old newsreel of “Spanish American war” naval battle obviously filmed in a bathtub with model ships and cigar smoke. It probably was convincing to a significant percentage of Americans.

Myths are powerful. We internalize them and regard others questioning them as a personal affront. This is not the most useful human trait when confronted by professional grade crafters of narratives. Discernment is critical.

OldGoat1953 1 point ago +1 / -0

In Dec. 2016 I was counseled by my G O priest at “mens prayer breakfast” to seek psychiatric help, and take a vow of silence. I had to walk out on him. TDS is everywhere.

OldGoat1953 9 points ago +9 / -0

So true. All you need is GAW. This place is so much better than R/T_D which once was the worlds best source. Crowdsourcing Podesta’s emails for mass exposure was nuclear! But “side of beef” getting chucked into a van on 9/11/16 taking over google was the MOAB.

Funny, if you remember, how many journos/pundits apparently were lurkers. It was obvious they “knew” things before any other tv mouthpieces.

Now we have this place, and I’m very grateful.

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