You are probably right. That's the real Joe Biden and we aren't watching a movie.. 🤫
Separating the wheat from the chaf
Wasn't she already?
Except for the ear structure was differe t and he is now left handed.../s
Sad part is my lib neighbor actually looks like that..
Arr you part of a party now? Is there a clean party? Are there any good people you know of in positions of power?
This also works for IBS, and colitis I believe.
desperate times call for desparate measures.
Is 'the likes if which you have never seen' animal hybrid children?
and you as well!
Join me brothers in shameless Pepe shilling!
I always knew he was real but got confirmation recently and believe it or not GAW was part of the confirmation.
I lived there. They have been for a long time
Fren! You are awesome!
Wow. Sorry fren!
You know, I thought i remembered that Voat was going to stay up so you could still search through posts but I tried like a year or so ago and it was all gone.
Am I outta my mind?
updoot to you for the keks!
I am about 15k updoots away. Not too bad but probably not gonna happen since I started twitter again.
I came from Voat too but it took me a bit to find this place.
Were you on Reddit as well before they banned us?
These are quality buddy. Don't sell yourself short!
You make 20k posts and I'll updoot them for you fren!
lol! Did you at least notice the Q on the book?
Wojak...for me that is
This is a criminal case so isn't there a right to a speedy trial?