You should assume there's no plan and find a way to support your family before it gets worse. Things are not getting better any time soon man.
Dammit we gotta ban water now
So it looks like the "white hats" did not replace the jabs after all. That's unfortunate.
I hope none of you have smart meters or wifi in your homes.
Basements in Florida? Hmmm.
Surprise surprise, welcome to the new normal.
That is the Nesara/Gesara fairy tale that would be an elites wet dream
Lol they can repent and then have a quick death. They would be the type to repent just to save their own skin, not out of actual repentence or sorrow for what they have done. If Frazzledrip is real, you actually think someone like that is capable of turning back to God genuinely? I don't think so.
That's a man who isn't playing games any longer. He looks pissed.
He was right about the vaccines though
They are straight up evil. That should be illegal.
Shhh, you will anger the Mods
I don't think it is wise to trust anyone who is a "master of psychological warfare"
Not a chance
Lmao by the time anyone steps up to stop this it will be too late. We damn near have a full foreign military inside our borders at this point. Amazing.