OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Setting themselves up to literally end Lolla the same way it did the first time: In flames.

OutThereSomewhere 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lost Highway kicks ass

OutThereSomewhere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Eat a couple BK Impossible Burgers a week and the estrogen they're fried in will have you in touch with you're feminine side in no time! You may even get some man-tits for your troubles!

OutThereSomewhere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Man, we breezed right past all of the fun conspiracies. Remember when it was all "Is that GMO human bluetooth connectable?" and "Will this magnet stick to grandma?" Those were the minutes.

by Saline
OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you're dealing with essentially lawyers who want you dead, everything you do can be used against you because they're cooking up contingencies for contingencies legally for every move one makes.

OutThereSomewhere 35 points ago +35 / -0

"Subscribe so we can group you all together and cancel all of your accounts simultaneously"

OutThereSomewhere 10 points ago +10 / -0

When I used to work at 711 years ago whe. I z'ed out the register att the end of my shift the slip gave a tally of the total number of transanctions. It made me realize I saw at least 100 different people in a shift.

I'd hear statistics from time to time about what percentage of the population are sociopaths with no emotions, how many people in 100 have certain stds and you realize you saw 100 people today.

I always thought to myself that if I had the ability to know who was the sociopath or who had the diseases they would probably not be the people I guessed.

OutThereSomewhere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well isn't this just a kick in macaque

OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mancow's been consistent with his political message as long as I've listened to him. Dislikes big government, high taxes in IL, always supports the little guy and never sold out like Stern did to corporate radio.

Mancow been touting Mancow's law for over 20 years, that is the death penalty for all rapists and child molesters. Illinois could use that right now.

OutThereSomewhere 13 points ago +13 / -0


This took two minutes to find using contextual clues from the photo.

I wanted to look for it though.

OutThereSomewhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL I remember people older than myself being appalled seeing him as neat freak Danny Tanner on Full House after knowing him only based on his stand up comedy prior to that

OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll bet it's not even Fent, it's probably a Chinese made RC analogue that is exponentially more powerful if particles in the air can cause an overdose.

OutThereSomewhere 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah, supposedly the French are supposed to lay down and give up easily, right?

Remember when they mass burned all of the Monsanto crops and chased them out of France? That was awesome.

OutThereSomewhere 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. USPS Informed Delivery.

Oh, and it goes a step further with the mail, lately, too. It'll scan a company logo off a piece of mail and start sending you ads for that company now in the informed delivery email, too.

OutThereSomewhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a job where I sit and call people all day. I started doing this years ago. This year, even more than last, I have never encountered so many people who are at the doctor, going to the doctor, or are too sick to work on the documents that I send out to them. I find it disturbing how easily they let personal medical info slide to some guy on the phone, too.

OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read that Parasite Pill document here a while back.

I remember when I was a kid there was this ice cream commercial where kids read ingredients off a "leading brand" compared to Breyers. At ten seconds look what the ingredient is the girl is reading.


OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +3 / -1

"I know plenty of people who got the vaccine and are fine"

Fine is a meaningless word. Like nice.

Hey this girl on my Facebook in her thirties posted in June that she had a sudden brain aneurysm in February and basically needed to learn to walk again and has a huge scar on her head from emergency surgery. Her doctor said the cause was a "complete mystery" and she concurred. If I hadn't heard from her, I would have assumed all 2 or 300 of my "friends" were all "fine" too, but because she spoke up, now I wonder how many have side effects and don't mention them.

Got some heart swelling from the vaxx, didja? The doctors put you on heart meds for the foreseeable future. Now you're "fine" and they put a little blue dot on your VAERS report to let everyone know you've "recovered" even though "recovery" entails years of medical procedures and medication that you didn't need before you got the vaxx. But you're "fine" now so it's OK.

My inlaws sure had a lot less brain fog before the vaxx, they seem tired all of the time now, and my mother in law needs to take anxiety meds. None of this was happeneing before the vax. But, they're conscious and ambulatory, right? checks box marked "fine"

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