Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hoping this is a sign that’s it’s going to get cold as shit up here this winter and chase off all the Californians that are trying to take over the northern U.S….would be fine with getting back to -30° for a few months…

Outsidein406 8 points ago +8 / -0

Something else interesting...that post directly quotes Post 2278, which was posted on Sep 27, 2018 and also potentially has a 3-year delta:

"Welcome aboard, Justice K."

September 27 of this year, the Supreme Court met behind closed doors to decide on what cases they were going to hear over the coming months. Sorry for the CNN link but that's one of the easiest sources I could find:


Would have been nice to be a fly on the wall at that meeting, huh?

Outsidein406 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for this. My personal example is that my temper has been getting the better of me lately in conversation and I know that isn’t the way that God is calling us to be. I think one of the reasons it’s so hard to live a Christian life is because we’re called to forgive our enemies and give them the opportunity for repentance rather than seek their destruction. Hatred doesn’t come from God and it’s too easy to forget that. God always wins.

I heard a talk a while back where it was discussed what the word “diabolical” meant. It apparently comes from the Greek word for “to divide”. Division is what the enemy seeks and we must be better than that. It’s hard, but then again who said living a Christian life in today’s world was easy?

I don’t know, just the ramblings of a tired guy after a long day.

Outsidein406 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sorry for the YT link but this has been in my playlist so much lately:


“What’s done in the dark will be brought to the light”

Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

Friend, I don’t have children. But my elderly parents both decided to get it and have been having health issues since. My friends have as well. Seems like every day there are fewer of us left and hanging on.

I can’t even imagine being in your position and I’m praying that she doesn’t have any issues with it. It seems like a lot of time it’s not necessarily the case that there are side effects and even if she does have issues then it looks like there are ways to mitigate it (ivermectin, vitamins, etc.) Hoping she doesn’t even need to get to that point, the human body is an incredible thing and I sincerely believe that the worst effects of the “vaccine” have been subdued by our side. But still praying for you and your family.

Outsidein406 9 points ago +9 / -0

Never though about it actually but it makes sense. Liberal comes from I think the Latin liber which means free or unrestricted.

Need to make liberals great again lol

Outsidein406 4 points ago +4 / -0

Couldn’t say, haven’t been monitoring threatmaps. Doesn’t fit their MO in my opinion. Usually them and China like DDoSing stuff to death. Methinks if this is an external attack it’d have to be extremely precise with a high likelihood of someone internal being involved to assist.

Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s loading for me. At least the login page, haven’t had an account in years lol. Chances are it’s propped up by only 50% tops of their infrastructure at the moment while 200% of its normal user volume are trying to get in/post. Will probably have issues for a good while.

Outsidein406 46 points ago +46 / -0

It’s the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party, but their term of liberal Democrat isn’t the same as in the west. Their LDP says they oppose same-sex marriage, promote Japanese independence and opposition to China, focuses on private enterprise instead of government ownership…think this is actually a good thing.

by jon5
Outsidein406 32 points ago +32 / -0

I was following this thread on Reddit for a long time because it was becoming the main place anyone could find anywhere to talk about what might be going on. Then tech guys started talking about what might have really caused this, how it looks really weird and things don't really add up...not even Q stuff, just normie confusion. Then Reddit mods lock the thread and go "alright, no more discussion". Now they're trying to block discussion in any other threads and people are starting to question why they're blocking discussion of it and banning people that try to talk about it. I need more popcorn.

Outsidein406 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yep. The only way that it could be "hacking" isn't by attacking BGP like some people are claiming. Someone would either have to have found a way to breach FB so badly that they have full control of the most critical part of their infrastructure and take it down from inside (not likely). Or they'd have to have control of either the BGP provider or the global root servers. Slightly more likely I suppose but way more scary.

Outsidein406 20 points ago +20 / -0

Yeah I have to admit I only know the fundamentals of BGP. But my thought is that it most likely isn't internal, or if it is then it's an inside job or some kind of inside control. We're talking about one of the largest infrastructures in the world here. You're going to have failovers, you're going to have failovers for those failovers, and then you're going to have "oh shit" levels of failover that will at least allow internal routing. But from the sounds of it their internal systems are down too...door locks not working, keycards being down, messaging systems down...

One failover server going out is a big inconvenience. Two is a coincidence. Three is a catastrophe. Every single one going down is planned.

That's if it's from the inside though. If it's from the provider end, then someone would have either have to have given the order to shut it down or someone would have to have control from the provider side of things. Which could be a sign of very very very bad things if that's going on and whitehats aren't in control of this.

Outsidein406 86 points ago +86 / -0

IT pede here in networking, not nearly on the level of FB though...from what I can see from sources, this isn't an issue with the BGP being hijacked or rerouted like can happen sometimes. It looks like as you said, the records have been completely withdrawn. If that's the case, there's only a couple things I can think of that caused that to happen:

  1. There is some sort of hellish attack specifically targeting FB that went on using a method that no one's aware of yet. If this is the case then shit is scary as hell as it means that someone has basically found a "kill switch" for large Internet services.

  2. Someone super high up at FB went rogue and pulled the routing tables.

  3. Someone with just-high-enough levels of access to their system pushed out an update that is literally the perfect storm of stupid that cascaded and took down their entire networks. If this is the case then FB has a gaping design hole bigger than the one in between a Vegas hooker's legs and should never be trusted for anything again.


That's all I can think of.

Outsidein406 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'm thinking more of the best part from Airplane 2...

"We've been thrown off course just a tad, about 70 million miles or so."

Everyone just nods

"The bumps you feel are asteroids crashing through the side of the ship."

Everyone starts oohing and aahing

"We've also lost all navigation and are heading straight into the sun."

Some guy asks "Is that all?"

"Well no, we're also out of coffee."

Everyone loses it and starts shooting each other

The world can be exploding around them but when Facebook goes down it's like the world is ending lol.

Outsidein406 1 point ago +1 / -0

Huh, I haven’t read articles from Sankaku Complex in years. No idea they got so based. Good for them.

Still sucks to hear Bandai Namco going this way though. They’ve published some good stuff over the years. Oh well.

Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dunno if it's related to anything or if it's just your "average" cyberattack...but I work in tech and nationwide systems have been completely FUBAR today...mainly VoIP systems (Voice over IP) that provide phone services. Almost half of the US's VoIP phone systems are estimated to be down at the moment because of what backbone providers are calling an extensive cyberattack. Started a little bit in the middle of last week with a couple smaller fish but now the big dogs are down too.

Outsidein406 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep, heard the same thing on the radio the other day that some university in California is trying to come up with a way to put mRNA in salad so you can “eat your vaccines”. They were all excited about it and saying how great it’d be to just “eat your boosters”. They’re libs and even they knew this thing is just going to get pushed forever with the nonstop boosters and whatnot.

Outsidein406 3 points ago +3 / -0

The top part is Japanese, the middle is Chinese, and the bottom is Korean. In the Japanese, there's a part that says "原産国名:アメリカ", which means "Country of Origin: America". Below that there's a part that says コストコホールセールジャパン, which says "Costco Wholesale Japan". Then in the Korean there's a part that says "KELLOGS OMAHA PLANT" in English.

Asia can't grow corn worth a shit. They import a ton of their corn products. This is just something made in the U.S. (I'm surprised too) and they slapped a couple nutrition labels on it so they can export it over to Asia and sell it there at their Costcos. Grocery Outlet probably just got them cheap because it's wholesale designed for Asia.

Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like you’re here too? I mean that’s half the reason people are so nice to each other up here. If someone’s living in a town of 1,000 people and being a dick, then wait til they have their car break down on the side of the road in a blizzard when it’s -20°. Might have a lot of people roll on by and just wave…

Instead you learn to help your neighbors whenever you can but in the end be able to handle your own problems. No one else going to be there to save you from your own stupid.

Outsidein406 5 points ago +5 / -0

They're not wrong. It does depend on where you're at but we're basically the Alaska of the Lower 48. People don't understand that and move here thinking that it just means there's less Applebees or whatever. Then they end up going for a walk in a chinook and freezing to death when the temperature drops 70 degrees in 15 minutes. Or they end up getting eaten by a grizzly because they go camping with soap in their tent. Or they just go for a hike, break a leg, and starve to death in the woods because there's no cell service and no one passing by the same area for weeks at a time.

We've got less Internet access per capita than Alaska and the highest rate of highway deaths. Huge rates of alcoholism, suicide, divorce is off the charts. Lots of drug problems. Winter lasts 7 months and from November to March you go to work in the dark and go home in the dark. You can go two or three months where it never gets above 25 degrees or so and there's only two or three sunny days. And yeah, if you go even 15 minutes outside of a "major" city then there's certain places where people live and commute daily from that you can only access by snowmobile and only have generator power.

All that said though I wouldn't ever want to live anywhere else...well, maybe Alaska. But it does take a certain type.

Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

I live here in MT (hence the username lol). The whole federal/state thing would turn into a giant pissing match between the state and the feds. Right now things are pretty in our favor and I don't see the state backing down. Gianforte (governor) is pretty based but I'd say that Knudsen (state AG) is even more so. Sen. Daines isn't a RINO but he's not really pushing anything either, more just holding status quo. Sen. Tester is a full-blown commie. We're getting another federal House seat pretty soon too and so shit is flying between how that's going to be districted and who's going to have the most say.

That being said, I'd say it also depends where you're moving in the state. Places like Bozeman and Missoula might as well be next door to San Francisco with their crazy local liberal governments. They're trying to work on all sorts of ways right now to challenge the no vax/mask mandates that got signed into law. Feel free to send me a DM if you want more info about what part of the state you're looking at moving to and want to keep it private. Lots of housing issues right now because of all the people moving here. Might be able to get you more info.

Outsidein406 44 points ago +44 / -0

Just my own observation but my (based) boss had some cancer tumors they found a while back. Local doctors wanted to immediately put him through chemo, do a million tests, set up daily visits, all that. Instead he went to this holistic doctor that gave him a prescription of ivermectin and some vitamin and diet recommendations. About a month later the tumors are all shrunk by a huge amount and a couple of them are totally gone. Big pharma is a scam.

Outsidein406 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw your comment history. I hope you find whatever’s bothering you and causing you to lash out at others in a search for what you think is joy. God bless you too.

Outsidein406 2 points ago +3 / -1

Thanks for posting this :)

You know, if there's one thing that I'm glad that I've gotten out of hanging around this site, it's that it's really renewed my faith seeing so many people openly expressing their faith and love of God.

No matter what happens tomorrow, I'm thankful that people on this board have been peaceful in sharing their ideas and thoughts. It was really bothering me when I still hung out on TD.W that so many people over there were calling for violence and rioting and stuff like that. Maybe they were paid, maybe they were plants, I don't know. But I feel that as Christians we're not called to violence or hatred. It's been great too seeing calls for people to not be angry at their fellow countrymen but instead to try and understand why they have their point of view, even though it seems so misguided at times. They're still our brothers and sisters, after all.

Also when I had spent a lot more time in my faith in the past, one of the things that I always struggled with was the idea of surrendering things to God. And I've found that through my time here that concept has gotten a lot easier for me. We'll see what God wills tomorrow. If that's a way that our country is spared from socialism and an accelerated slide into degeneracy, that's great. If that's not the road that He has in mind for us, so be it. Seeing everyone here makes me happy knowing that the ideas of self-responsibility, monogamy, personal growth, and everything like that are alive and well. They may be harder to see in today's world, but they're there all the same.

I think it's funny that so many people cry out against this board and other forums like it, thinking that it's some sort of revolutionary or other sort of insurrection-based ideology, when in reality this whole thing has been more about guessing about puzzles and screwing around. I can say that I've definitely learned more about politics too and have a better appreciation for the work that the Founding Fathers put into designing our political system. I've been able to gain more discernment with selecting news sources and have gotten better about cutting waaaay back on my social media time. Plus a new side hobby of watching planes is pretty cool too lol.

Sorry, didn't mean to go off on such a rant. Just appreciated the message and felt good to get some things off my mind. I'll throw a link below to what hymn I'm going to be listening to all night. And to steal from one of my other favorite hymns..."And whether our tomorrows be filled with good or ill, we'll triumph through our sorrows and rise to bless You still".


God bless and have a good night :)

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