New Zealand is experiencing what seems to be the Wrath of god at the moment. Floods and earthquakes, probably with famine and pestilence to follow. Probably not the safest place to slink off to for the elites at the moment
Just saw an interview with Eminem and snoop dog and when asked if they had shot a video together Eminem seems to forget that they shot a music video for still dre. He had to he reminded by snoop that they had. Maybe the body double lacking small details like that getting caught out?
Video for reference
Here's a link where you can read all 10 of the books online
Someone posted it on GAW about a month ago but I can't remember who it was, so all thanks to that person.
That's a really good movie. It's a symbolism heavy movie featuring tarot, Christianity, Satanism, astrology and other religious or mystical metaphors. It's definitely worth a watch, if for nothing more than its an absolute trip full of bizarre imagery and scenes. It was funded by John Lennon and Yoko Ono who pretty much threw money at Alejandro Jodorowsky, filled him full of acid and got him to make this film.
It's free on daily motion if anyone is interested
I saw a newspaper article on the front page while in line at the supermarket today. It was claiming a "covid baby boom". I wonder if it's a distraction. I can't post the article due to paywall on the site, but here's another news outlet with the same story
Original 2005 story
Germany at it again in 2013
There is a Snopes deboonking it so the normies will probably come back with that
It looks like a waxwork droid