Pacrosby 3 points ago +4 / -1

It’s a separate human being dependent on it’s mother to develop, yes, but then so is the newborn. If you think it’s murder to kill a days old/weeks old newborn it is murder to kill a baby in utero. It is not a baby only when it is convenient to call it a baby. We cannot cry for the mothers who lost their babies to miscarriage and yet dismiss others in the same stage of development as a clump of cells that have no value. We cannot spend millions of dollars developing procedures to save babies in utero and yet dismiss others in the same stage of development as a clump of cells with no value. We can’t. It defies logic

ETA… also, don’t forget that it is not like pregnancy can’t be prevented. It can. If you really really don’t want to get pregnant, you won’t get pregnant. Personal responsibility 101

Pacrosby 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because before this ruling you may have never gotten in a flight again if you did that

Pacrosby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you but your records don’t tell them everything

My 93 yo mom has been in the hospital and to various doctors lately and she also never been asked. Also my son who who has heart disease. Never. And these have been teaching hospitals… one a leader in the industry. I was very surprised given all the stories I’ve heard of people essentially being harassed

Pacrosby 4 points ago +4 / -0

My daughter is now 22 and a professional dancer (ballet though). That crap really got going about a decade ago and had nothing to do with Disney. It was the raunchy music and the choreographers who seemed to forget they were working with children. Look up the the viral story about the six and seven yos at a competitive studio in LA dancing to All the Single Ladies. Or Abbey Lee Miller and the Dance Moms show

Pacrosby 4 points ago +4 / -0

Doctors and nurses have worn masks for short stints only while in the OR ir in a room with a pt with a highly communicable disease. I don’t know why so many people seem to think masks have been part of doctors and nurses everyday wear.

Pacrosby 1 point ago +1 / -0

If nothing happens does that mean we believe Trump, Scavino, Pompeo and company are laughing at their supporters? And if not, what explains what they’ve been doing/implying?

Pacrosby 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t even know if it’s true but it’s certainly a possibility. No less frustrating though, yes

Pacrosby 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is it at all possible that he is publicly distancing himself so that he won’t lose those who want to distance themselves? Less so for himself than for the ability to reach more people with the truth? Just a thought

Pacrosby 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’d like it for my own future reference… moreso for discussion with like minded souls

Pacrosby 3 points ago +3 / -0

Me and my family, including my 93 yo mom and son w/heart disease) have ever been asked

Pacrosby 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t know your doctor but we have yet to even be encouraged never mind told to get the vaccine. My mom and my son have both had multiple appts and even in the hospital and 95% of staff never even asked if they were vaxxed (mom is 93 btw and my son has heart disease)

Pacrosby 1 point ago +1 / -0

And yet in many cases you could be thrown off or arrested if you didn’t comply. So they definitely had the upper hand

Pacrosby 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to you they aren’t correct. Doesn’t mean they’re not correct.

Seems pretty straightforward to me. It’s a label determined by chromosomes. No need to make it more complicated than that

Pacrosby 18 points ago +18 / -0

If you hold to this kind of pretzel twisting you literally cannot define anything, ever. What’s a chair? Something to sit on? So, if someone doesn’t actually use it for that purpose is it still a chair? Okay a chair is something that you ‘can’ sit on and has 4 legs. So, if one of those legs are broken is it still a chair? I could go on.

The chromosomes do indeed define man or woman. It doesn’t change because you decide that YOU don’t agree with those chromosomes later on down the line. I miss the days when you could just be a more feminine man/masculine woman. Life was so much simpler then

Pacrosby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course they di it for different reasons but giving In and getting it for any reason says something. And that something doesn’t necessarily jive with all those who wouldn’t get it come hell or high water. People have the right to do whatever. I don’t necessarily disrespect you just because I disagree. I’ll be polite and kind. But if you caved you aren’t my people. I wish you well but you aren’t my people

Pacrosby 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not to be argumentative but you did it because you allowed them to scare you into believing you were saving your dad in some way by getting vaxxed. But you weren’t. In fact in some ways you are more of a risk to him now because being vaxxed makes you feel safer. When you’re not. You probably would have been better off to both of you if you’d just taken care of your own health and just stayed away if you felt sick.

My mom is 93. Never a mask. Not vaxxed. Normal busy life out and about in the world. Not so much as a sniffle over the past year. The fear porn didn’t get to us.

Pacrosby 6 points ago +6 / -0

And yet plenty of families live with less than an extreme amount of money but still with one parent home. I’m not trying to be argumentative but it’s really all about choices. It’s about making the necessary sacrifices. Too many really don’t want to sacrifice. They say they wish they could stay home but they want to stay home and still have the same lifestyle. And that’s just not how it works.

Pacrosby 8 points ago +8 / -0

Exactly. I had my career first. Then quit the career to stay home to raise 4 children (still at the tail end of that with the last 2 in high school). The next phase will be mine. And then hopefully back to family centered as my kids marry and have kids of their own

Pacrosby 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not to be argumentative but I’d like to change they ‘do’ exist to they ‘can’ exist… in a smaller subset of people. And I do think most intelligent people know that. Viruses can be nasty things and can cause lingering issues Covid isn’t special. It’s just yet another thing that can get us.

Hope you find something that works to relieve your lingering symptoms

Pacrosby 3 points ago +3 / -0

One day at a time. Finding joy in each day as it comes. I find that to be a recipe for success

Pacrosby 3 points ago +3 / -0

Depends on who you’re talking to. There are boatloads of naysayers here

Pacrosby 2 points ago +3 / -1

Omg. Sounds so much like my story I related above. Some of these people have covid on the brain. Your dad very well could test positive and be aymptomatic. But they see + and that's the end

Pacrosby 3 points ago +3 / -0

. My 93 yo mom went in to the ER with shortness of breath and a high heart rate a couple weeks ago. EKG showed afib. After treating her for 6 hrs with a beta blocker and fluids she developed fluid on the lungs... because they overloaded her with fluids. Once transferred to ICU they tried to tell me it was covid not afib. What kind of idiot thinks the very first signs of covid are shortness of breath and fluid on the lungs (which of course they caused... a cardiologist later admitted it). Thank goodness she tested negative because had she tested positive those symptoms still would have not been related but they would have assumed they were. Probably would have put her on a vent and killed her. I was LIVID. I made zero friends that week.

Made me wonder how many people died because they were misdiagnosed and therefore mistreated.

My best to your dad. And to you

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